Podcast of Tuesday’s Radio appearance

Here is the podcast of my appearance on Tuesday’s Charlottesville – Right Now! show on WINA. Every time I do radio, I am amazed at how fast the time goes by.

Thanks to CPN for posting it.

* Duncan’s analysis of the current housing market in Central Virginia.
* Tips on how to price your house to sell in the current market.
* Public transportation- The impact of the lack of public transportation on potential buyers in the area.
* The desirability of urban living and its effect on housing prices

Topics mentioned in addition to the items above –

$4.00+ Gasoline – High Enough to Make you Move?
– Vacant houses and homeowners’ insurance
– The expansion and contraction (geographically) of the Central Virginia real estate market (including Waynesboro/Augusta)
– Real estate assessments, and why I think that they are irrelevant with regards to market value
– Renting homes that haven’t sold
– Lease purchases
– Fuel prices, power prices, water prices increasing – and its affect on affordability
– Sticky housing prices

Things I will write about next week due to the show –

– Breakdown of the Central Virginia market by price range
– Vacant houses and homeowners’ insurance – denial of claims, policies sold to builders, homeowners

To Craig – Thank you for your comments and for saying, “Jim is exactly right.” 🙂

Thanks Coy and WINA for the opportunity.


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  1. Pingback: Media Appearance on Thursday 17 July | Real Central VA

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