An Outstanding Conversation on the Unraveling of the Fringes

At Bacon’s Rebellion, with comments such as this:

So, what are the attributes of countries where gas has been expensive for a long time?

1. A few, densely populated cities harbor a relatively large percentage of the population.

2. People live in much smaller housing than the US on much smaller lots.

3. Taxes are high.

4. Mass transit is ubiquitous. It is multi modal.

5. Relatively wealthy people have a “flat” in the city and a vacation home somewhere else.

6. Local governments have substantial power and decision making authority.

7. The supply of affordable housing is created by taxing the relatively wealthy and subsidizing the less well to do – especially government employees such as teachers, policemen, etc.

8. Secondary cities often suffer from economic decay while primary cities prosper (example: Liverpool and London).

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1 Comment

  1. Candy Lynn June 28, 2008 at 09:50

    My first thought as I read the full post was:

    Brick & Mortar offices are already decreasing in the Real Estate Industry, I see this as a trend for other industries.

    Smaller rural communities need to increase their broadband access to attract & keep residents. Over the last 4 years I have sold homes to quite a few telecommuters that want the lifestyle our rural community offers.

    High-speed internet access for the rural counties of VA should be a focus point in this discussion.


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