Date Archives June 2008

Coming up this week on RealCentralVA – 16 June 2008

– One thing that didn’t make it in last week’s Daily Progress story – (Hopefully) more on homeowner’s insurance and vacant houses – about 33% of the houses currently on the market in Central Virginia are vacant – so this is a very pertinent issue. – A breakdown of the state of the Central Virginia (including Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Nelson – not Louisa ) real estate market by price range.

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Transportation Town Hall on Monday

If you would like more bike lanes or rail service or other transportation concerncs, take the time to tell some of the people whose voices matter (not that ours don’t – they just have bigger and better targeted microphones). Town meeting on transportation with Delegate David Toscano and Senator Creigh Deeds Monday, June 16 at 7 PM Albemarle County Office Building – Room A.

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Street View in Charlottesville

While it’s not “street view” in the traditional sense (Google) and in spite of some questions about how they’re doing the display of IDX data, but what CurbPlaces is doing is pretty cool. … We’ve started with Downtown and the City and our slowly making our way across the map (as fast as our intern can ride his bike carrying a laptop, digital camera, and GPS device…)

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