I always get a kick out of what search terms bring folks to my blog. Here’s a sampling from one day last week – demise of the realtor cia training charlottesille va crooked things real estate agents do (this person spent 28 minutes here) who benefits from dual representation in real estate purchase
Date Archives June 2008
Albemarle County might minimize transparent government
In what’s being billed as an efficiency move, the six member governing body will consider changing the record of board meetings from “near-verbatim†to “summary†style minutes at its Wednesday night meeting. … “Podcasting is where you would go for detail,†Catlin said, adding that the number of podcast listeners has significantly increased since the county began posting the podcasts in December 2006.
Charlottesville Area Market Update – June 2008
——————————- The Agent Update In 2007: From January through the end of May, 158 Realtors had more than 5 sides 45 had more than 10, and about 700 had not had one transaction In 2008: From January through the end of May, 74 have had more than 5 sides 24 have had more than 10, about 900 have not had one transaction Any Realtor who is not at least a little bit concerned about survival either isn’t paying attention or isn’t a full-time Realtor. … I didn’t know how long we’ve been in this cycle until I referred to this story – Sold Comps now matter less – from February 2007; and was a bit shocked that it had been so long since I had written it. 2005 2006
——————————- Median Prices of sold properties* – May 2008 – $274,000 May 2007 – $287,000 May 2006 – $264,000 May 2005 – $255,000 May 2004 – $227,998 ——————————- Outlook/projections : I have been saying that the recovery is nine to eighteen months away for nine to eighteen months.
Charlottesville has its own Bubble Blog!
I don’t know how I missed Real C’Ville for so long (they’ve been up since May 2008), but here they are – offering candid commentary on the market and most interestingly, different houses on the market : This house is on pretty Oxford Place, the one-way horseshoe street that jogs off and back to lovely Oxford Road, in the Rugby area. … As you drive down Oxford Place, almost immediately to your left it’s like you’re in Belmont or Woolen Mills, back in the day: there’s overgrown foliage obscuring an abandoned house and dead cars w/tags expired in 2003.
One line market observation
When telling buyer clients how long a property has been on the market, saying “February” is not sufficient; I have to specify which February. 312 properties in the Charlottesville market have been on the market for more than one year (that’s about 13% of the inventory).
I don’t have one – but I’d have to say Brian Wheeler, Sean Tubbs and the folks at Charlottesville Tomorrow – they keep me informed about Charlottesville political, growth, development and other issues so that I’m better at what I do, and my clients benefit. … I’ve not yet fully grown up, but I still want to be someone who makes a difference in peoples’ lives, be they my family, my friends, a few people around me or the world.
Charlottesville market report coming Monday
While I had planned to release the market report for the Charlottesville market today, I have noticed that even properties that closed ten days ago have not yet been closed in the MLS. In an attempt to provide the most accurate data, I’m going to wait until Sunday afternoon to write the report. (and I still need to find the best report to present the median price) Thanks for your patience.