Media Appearance on Thursday 17 July

I’ll be on WINA’s Charlottesville Right-Now Thursday from five to five thirty – that’s 1070AM.

Last month, we had some great phone calls and questions, and although this time will be much shorter (thirty minutes in radio time flies by) I hope we’ll have an equally or more productive time. If you have any questions or topic suggestions, other than the current market report, please let me know.

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Update 18 July 2008: A few of the topics we discussed:

– The current state of the Charlottesville area real estate market

Foreclosure rate in Charlottesville and Virginia; some perspective gained looking at RealtyTrac – Albemarle has 1 foreclosure for every 13,356 units; Prince William has 1 foreclosure for every 111 housing units.

Starbucks are closing; what might the impact be on the housing markets around them?

– The impact that rentals are having on the market and respective market data.

Thanks to Coy and WINA for having me on; I’ll be on again next month as well.

I’m hoping the podcast gets posted before I leave town; Coy’s introduction of me was more than I could have hoped for (and I’d argue it’s all true! 🙂 )

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1 Comment

  1. Landflip July 16, 2008 at 14:25

    Thanks for the information. Maybe I will be able to tune in to your program.


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