No Inman Connect for Me this year

And I can’t remember a time when I’ve been more utterly disappointed about something.

Quick rundown – 5 pm flight out of Richmond, Virginia only to be diverted to Charlotte, North Carolina because Atlanta was shut down due to weather. We left Charlotte (but never the plane) around 11:30 pm to arrive here in Atlanta at 12:30 – my flight to San Francisco left before I arrived. 7.5 hours on a plane, and nowhere near where I wanted or needed to be.

I was so looking forward to this conference – to meeting people for the first time and others for the second or third – and sitting on the panel on Thursday, but I couldn’t guarantee that I would make it to the West Coast before 4pm on Thursday – only to return home on a 1pm flight on Friday.

Back to real estate (and home later this morning).

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  1. Jay Thompson July 23, 2008 at 02:33

    Jim, this just utterly and completely sucks. You will be missed greatly.

  2. Dustin July 23, 2008 at 02:36

    Totally sucks! So sorry to hear!

  3. Derek Burress July 23, 2008 at 04:55

    You are lucky to be have made it to Charlotte as most of Eastern North Carolina was under the clouds fighting off tornadoes.

  4. Julie Emery July 23, 2008 at 06:17

    So sorry about your lousy day! Seems like you had the worst of both, no Inman, no VLA and, on top of it got to spend a day traveling with the airlines (ugh) to get to a place you never wanted to be.
    Hope today is much, much better!

  5. Sean Tubbs July 23, 2008 at 14:47

    What happens with the tickets in a situation like this? Do you get a refund, or are you just out of cash? I can’t believe they’d keep you on a plane for seven hours. Makes yesterday’s 10 hour planning commission meeting seem like a cakewalk!

  6. michael guthrie July 23, 2008 at 17:20

    I have been there and done that. Never fun and totally frustrating. Your insights and expertise will be missed by those who attend that panel discussion.


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