RE Blog World – September 19 – Las Vegas

A confession – I procrastinate for things that aren’t related to my clients.

In 27 days in Las Vegas, the first RE Blog World convenes as part of the larger Blog World, and it’s not just about real estate blogging. The title of the session I’m giving is Getting Traditional Media Exposure with New Media Tactics, something that Real Cville noted in this interview (the comments speak volumes about the value of candor, transparency and engagement).

You seem to be the media go-to guy in C’ville. How did this happen?

Luck, timing and I’d like to think that the media and readers find value in my expertise and candid analysis of the market. I answer calls from the media and give honest answers, and thank them when they call me. I respect the work that they do and in turn like to think that they respect what I have to offer. All media are seeking content and expertise; I try to offer both. I’m actually talking about this next month at RE Blog World in Las Vegas [BB: Are Bubble Bloggers invited?]. I think that my candor is part of what they (and my clients) seek.

If you’re a Realtor in this challenging market, now is the time to invest in yourself and your business; learning tactics, strategies and tips – real, applicable knowledge such as that found at this event – is a huge step in that direction. Ginger Wilcox asks – Are you hearing the buzz? Do you want to see the biggest, baddest bloggers in the country?

Get your tickets here, and look at the speakers for the Blog World Expo – if you can’t learn from those folks, you’re just not paying attention.

How does this help my readers who aren’t Realtors or real estate professionals? Hopefully it demonstrates that I am a Realtor focused on improving how I serve, represent and communicate with my clients and potential clients. As I’ve never placed much value in the alphabet soup of Realtor designations, but on the actual knowledge gained, I recognize tremendous value in learning from some of the most successful real estate bloggers, leaders and visionaries in the country – this event is representative of those values.
Be impulsive – today’s the last day to register for $350!

Register for Real Estate BlogWorld. | RE Blog World.jpg


Look at the lineup –

Dan Green

Daniel Rothamel

David Smith

Rich Jacobson

Dustin Luther

Jason Berman

Jeff Turner

Kelley Koehler

Mariana Wagner

Matt Faglioli

Michael Price

Mike Mueller

Morgan Brown

Teresa Boardman

Todd Carpenter

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