Thank You Bluehost

This morning I deleted my blog. In attempting to clean up the back end, I deleted an FTP account (and all the files) of someone who did some back-end work for me. Apparently, all of my blog’s files were in that directory. I lost a few comments and emails are coming back through from Monday, but that’s ok. Three years and nine months of blogging – deleted in one click. I. Am. A Moron.


Thankfully, Bluehost had a backup (more recent than mine, but at least I had one, thanks to this plugin).

Lessons learned –

1) Work with a host who backs up frequently

2) Work with a host who knows how to restore a backu

3) Backup youself.

4) When deleting FTP accounts, don’t. (at least I won’t) – Just change the password.

5) Backup.

Thank you Bluehost

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  1. Jay Thompson September 11, 2008 at 12:15

    I bet that was a moment of shear panic followed by much cursing. Kudos to Bluehost. Glad you are back!

  2. Bob Carney September 11, 2008 at 12:18

    Whew…Glad to know Customer service pulled through!!! I have two more years on my account. I do back up weekly using the WP DB backup plug in. And have it emailed to a ghost email every week so I can go back if revive it and only loose a week at most.

    Let your blood pressure return to normal.

  3. Pingback: Server Maintenance Tomorrow Night | Real Central VA

  4. Pingback: Server Maintenance Tomorrow Evening | RealWaynesboroVA

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