C-Ville Gets it on Real Estate Blogs

From this month’s Abode section of the C-Ville Weekly, Erika Howsare dives into real estate blogs –

Locally and nationally, real estate blogs, forums and websites of all descriptions have proliferated and changed the industry, as buyers and sellers (and agents and brokers) have more fluid, flexible ways of getting information. In Charlottesville, someone getting ready to make a deal can bone up on buyer-broker agreements at Jim Duncan’s blog, watch a video entitled “How to sell your home (in black & white)” at Daniel Rothamel’s blog, or peruse an aggregation of gloomy national news mixed with skeptical takes on local listings by the anonymous authors of Real C-ville —The Bubble Blog.

Similarly, an agent’s blog—and more of those come along every month—is only one source about that agent; another, essential one is your own impression of her in person.

A real estate blog is a step in the vetting and interviewing process … soon I hope to post an RFP I received from a prospective client that highlights a level of diligence that should be taken by more consumers. Consumers and Realtors need to treat the client-professional relationship as such – a professional relationship. I expect the same diligence from a close personal friend as I do from someone I meet through my blog or one who is referred to me by another Realtor.

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