A New Theme

It’s been a while since I broke redesigned my site.

I purchased the Thesis theme months ago because it offered the look, flexibility and support community that I was looking for. Finally, I’ve gotten the help needed to implement it. Hopefully you see it as cleaner and more efficient (that is the intent).

If you read only via RSS, I thank you and I’m much the same. (please take a moment to visit and let me know your thoughts)

A few changes –

– Added widgets to some of my various profiles.
– Make the header thinner to allow for more actual content on the top of the “fold”
– Added a Google Talk widget – the Meebo widget is great, but now that I have a Blackberry (shhh! Don’t tell anyone!), I am usually “on” and available
– Added a box on the main page “psst … I’m a Realtor!” — I was at a charity function a few weeks ago and I met someone who reads this blog; she asked, “What do you do besides write the blog?” Thus, the blue box.

Challenges/Still working –

– Known issue: Whenever I mess with the sidebars, the Get Recent Comments plugin throws up code.
– I intend to display the Comments Feed (which can subscribe to by clicking here).
– Eventually I’ll display an updating graph charting the region’s median prices
– I’m working on the color scheme, but really want to have a simple, clean look with the focus being on the content and the contact.

Please, please, please – let me know if you find something that’s not working or you think could be implemented better. I’m not afraid or ashamed to admit that I need help.

(Visited 26 times, 1 visits today)


  1. Jennifer Mills September 29, 2008 at 11:17

    Its pretty clean and i like that. I think we could do some optimizing 🙂

  2. Patrick K. O'Brien September 29, 2008 at 13:04

    I think this is a very nice use of Thesis. You might pick up a tip or two from my blog. But otherwise your site looks great. Based on the folks I’ve seen on the Thesis Forum, it would seem that a number of Realtors are adopting Thesis. I’m sure you’ll find other examples if you look around there.

  3. Jim Duncan September 29, 2008 at 14:51

    Thanks, Daniel. I ended up choosing this one because it can be as complicated or as simple as I want … And these days I am more focused on the KISS principle than ever.

  4. Jay Thompson September 29, 2008 at 19:13

    I like it Jim. Granted, I’m a Thesis fan, but still…

  5. Mark September 29, 2008 at 19:45

    It’s too…white.

  6. JF.sellsius September 30, 2008 at 08:43

    Like the theme, Jim. Almost went with it myself.

    My 2 cents: Make the “Search the C-Ville MLS” more visible (button? colored tab? belly dancer 🙂

    ~Joe Butinski

  7. Tony Sena September 30, 2008 at 22:37

    I really like the thesis theme and thinking about switching over to it myself!


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