New Search Tool not Working

I know it, but don’t seem to have access to after-hours support, so this will have to wait until Monday. In the meantime, if you want to check it out and search for homes in the Charlottesville area, click on this direct link which does appear to be functioning rather than the framed-in version found elsewhere.

New tools are great, but sometimes a hair frustrating. If anyone out there using Diverse Solutions has any suggestions, please let me know.

Update –

Huge thanks to @FredAnderson for helping me this morning.

It appears (to me) it may be something that’s changed on DS’ end – maybe something with the Doc Type(?) – the framed version appears to be working in Flock on my mac, but not in Firefox, Safari or Opera. Apparently it’s still on ok on Windows machines … Monday cannot come soon enough.

But it’s not just me – I’ve checked two other DS sites and they appear to be having the same issues I am.

Update 17 November 2008

I said on Twitter:

“Hooray! Diverse Solutions fixed the problem today that I was having over the weekend. Love ’em. The list of things to fix is whittled away”

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  1. Michael Wurzer November 15, 2008 at 11:44

    Jim, for what it’s worth, it works fine for me in FF on my MacBook.

  2. Jim Duncan November 15, 2008 at 11:54

    That’s so odd. I’m baffled.

  3. James November 15, 2008 at 12:51

    Jim – what version of FFx are you using? and what is broken for you?

  4. Jim Duncan November 15, 2008 at 15:20

    There’s a comment from DS waiting to be approved, but I don’t have my blog password with me.

    They’re on the problem, have identified it and sent it on to be fixed. As I said on Twitter – I can deal with problems; it’s how they are addressed (quickly and efficiently!) that make customers happy.

    So far, I’ve got no real complaints …

  5. Jim Duncan November 15, 2008 at 15:28

    I just tested it here from a Windows box;

    Firefox, Opera and Safari don’t work (yet). IE 7 is good.

    I’m glad I’m not a programmer, but I’m glad there’s good ones out there. 🙂

    Seriously, I’ve got nothing but good things to say about Diverse Solutions.


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