10 Mistakes Sellers Make

There’s nothing here that’s necessarily ground-breaking, but a clever refresher is always welcomed (and who doesn’t love a little viral video?)

1 – De-Clutter
2 – De-pet
3 – Leave during showings
4 – Strongly consider the first offer
5 – Lowball offers aren’t insults – they’re a starting point
6 – Update, clean and paint
7 – Curb appeal matters
8 – De-personalize
9 – Lighten the house
10 – Fix broken stuff

Not included – #11 – Price to the market; what you owe does not matter to the buyers or the market.

Thanks to Lani at AgentGenius for sharing.

Update: Stephanie has a very good and related post – 10 Ways To Maintain Or Improve Your Home Value

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