Recap of Yesterday’s Radio on Charlottesville-Right Now!

Radio goes by so fast. Nearly four hours of prep for about forty five minutes of radio, and I left so much on the table. 🙂 Frankly, I think it’s valuable listening.

Yesterday on Charlottesville-Right Now! we covered an awful lot of ground – more than I realized until I listened to the podcast last night.

In no particular order:

A Family Affair and Looney Toons (a great segueway, by the way)

Lawrence Yun and David Lereah and their roles as National Association of Realtors’ economists. More on David Lereah.

– A sincere thanks to Mimi for her call. She challenged the Realtors’ prognostications, days on market (here’s my post on Gaming the MLS) Realtors need to listen to consumers more. (Continuous Days on Market) – Listen starting around 10 minutes in.

– Consumers’ expectations of Realtors

Lowball offers

RealCentralVA’s four year blog-iversary

Charlottesville regional market update and the culture of fear

– Buyers’ and Sellers’ respective psychologies

– Macro and micro-economics

– Foreclosures, short sales and projections for next year

– A return to traditional values – recognizing the intrinsic value of homes, rather than looking at houses solely as investment vehicles.

– Building new construction – what happens to the builders’ warranty if the builder goes under?

– Zillow – One in Seven is Underwater.


I am truly grateful for the opportunity provided by Coy Barefoot and WINA as well as the people who help me prep; a sincere and humble “thank you”.

Huge thanks to Charlottesville Podcast for the podcast.

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