It’s All Confidential

confidential correspondence  

(photo courtesy)


Every email, instant message, phone call, text … basically any conversation that comes about because of this blog is considered by me – the owner and operator – to be confidential. The range of questions that I receive is broad and varied, ranging from home inspection process questions to questions about specific neighborhoods to “how much should I offer …” to questions about agency – and dual agency.

Frequently, I will ask permission to post about the questions – if one person is curious about something, it’s likely others are curious as well.

Anytime – use the Contact page or the “Contact Me” widget in the sidebar.

Please – ask away; I love helping to educate people and I’m always looking for story ideas. 🙂

As such, I’ve updated the footer of the blog with a privacy policy and terms of use.

However, I am very careful to not infringe on any existing agency relationships.

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  1. Pete January 20, 2009 at 17:30

    Following from Waldo’s post and related comments on “exurbs,” I wonder which subdivisions or areas might be in greatest danger of quick depreciation (or have already seen such). I’m thinking that there are some Fluvanna communities around The Lake (for example Sycamore Square) that fit the bill and to its north, probably Spring Creek (where many buyers bought in long ago with pre-construction pricing and might now be “underwater”). Old Trail strikes me as different, given the relative proximity to Charlottesville’s job and social opportunities — but maybe new sites further west (Windward Pointe) might be in peril for anyone needed to sell soon.

  2. Pingback: A Charlottesville Accidental Landlord Story |

  3. Pingback: Homebuyers – Caution on Radon, Builders’ Reps and No Representation |

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