Wednesday Morning Video

Thanks for bearing with me in this experiment. It’s not good … yet.


– The Flip video camera I used this time seems to be better with sound, but worse on quality than the camera I used the first two times.
– I need to have a better script.
– I need to hold the camera a little bit more focused on my face.

(Visited 47 times, 1 visits today)

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous February 1, 2009 at 10:01

    Jim, your comfort factor in front of the camera has already improved. As a daily reader of your blog, I am looking for
    content . . . you already do a good job of this
    honesty and sincerity . . . you already do a good job of this
    professionalism . . . excellent
    Don’t particularly care about how you look on camera
    Please don’t hurt yourself or others filming in an automobile. Look at the statistics regarding cell phone usage. Wonder what they are for video recording? Best wishes for a profitable and healthful 2009.


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