Comments and harsh constructive criticism welcomed. I haven’t listened to this with headphones yet, but will later today.
Date Archives January 2009
Interesting New Virginia Environmental Blog
To the end that the people have clean air, pure water, and the use and enjoyment for recreation of adequate public lands, waters, and other natural resources, it shall be the policy of the Commonwealth to conserve, develop, and utilize its natural resources, its public lands, and its historical sites and buildings. Further, it shall be the Commonwealth’s policy to protect its atmosphere, lands, and waters from pollution, impairment, or destruction, for the benefit, enjoyment, and general welfare of the people of the Commonwealth.
Waldo got Subpoenaed
Waldo Jaquith of Cvillenews has been subpoenaed for names, email addresses, IP addresses, etc . … I debated putting this on the sideblog , but feel that this sort of thing deserves front page coverage, if only to express empathetic irritation on Waldo’s behalf as well as the fact that he has to spend valuable time and money on this.
From the Desk of “No Kidding”
“The business climate is such that it’s not in the investor’s best interest to proceed with development at this stage,†Blaine said. … … At the very least, this removes some uncertainty from the Charlottesville real estate market – and that is a very, very good thing.
Buyers’ Recourse if Builder goes Bankrupt
Now, Brant Meyer at CvilleDevelopment has further insight into this matter (read the whole thing) : You mentioned previously, that the developer’s lender would have a specific agreement in terms of completion of infrastructure. … It seems typical for developments to involve a intentional layer of liability protection where one LLC might be the land owner, and another will be the development company doing the work on a fee basis.
Why Aren’t You Buying RIGHT NOW? Part 1
Just be prepared to stay in the hosue (sic) for awhile, maybe even a long while Simple top-level mortgage math, excluding Taxes and Insurance and including Principal and Interest – (and assuming 100% financing for simplicity’s sake – not something I advise) – If the house you want today is $300,000, assuming you get a 5% interest rate* – Now, if rates go up later in the year –
And think about this subsequent comment – Yes, let’s encourage everyone to wait for the bottom. … This way the companies who maintain nice neighborhoods are out of business, HOA are crap, sidewalks and streets in those neighborhoods fall apart with only banks to maintain them (HA-HA – yeah right…..) and the quality of life in Charlottesville will have gone way, way down for all.
UVA’s South Lawn Project
The Daly Dose has a great photo essay/blog post of UVA’s South Lawn Project .