Undersestimating the Demand For Recycling?

That’s my observation after getting turned away at 3:15 from Crutchfield’s Electronics Free Recycling Day. Better World Betty has a full review.

I don’t know the numbers yet, but two tractor-trailers hauling over 400 tons each were not going to be adequate is what I overheard from the crew.

Recycling old electronics for reuse, repair, refurbishing and proper disposal is the absolute right thing to do, so thanks to everyone who came out! Pat yourself on the back because you ensured that hazardous waste and materials used in electronics (the list is long and varied: cadmium, lead, mercury, flame retardants, PCB, PVC, glues) will go to its proper burial place or find new life.

Crutchfield and their recycling provider will drive the e-tons (Can’t wait to get the numbers on this one) to New Jersey to be refurbished, repaired, or dismantled for reuse, and the rest; well, this Betty doesn’t want to think about that one. It was amazing to see all that waste in one place. “Incredible,” said one. “Look at all these humans doing the right thing!” said another.

Humans consume, that’s a fact. We like our electronics, that’s a fact. For me it keeps me connected to you. But I believe we also feel good when we clean up a mess and do that right thing. That’s what today was about.

All I know is that there was a sea of old electronics in the Rio Hill Parking lot yesterday.

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