A New Direction – Nest Realty Group

First in an ongoing series explaining the why, when, where and whatfor …

Introducing Nest Realty Group.

Nest Realty Group in Charlottesville, Virginia

What are we doing differently?

Everything and nothing.

This is a new direction for me. Since the start of my career as a Realtor, I have always been narrowly focused on my clients and their needs, but I have always also, by necessity been focused on myself – my career, brand, success. This move represents a monumental shift in philosophy, one of collective responsibility, goals and values. I hope I’m ready.

Firmly believing that the Agent is the brand consumers trust, this is a Realtor-Centric brand. We have shared beliefs, values and goals but recognize that the value provided to customers and clients rests firmly with the quality and value offering of the individual Realtor.

No Dual Agency. To my knowledge, we are the only real estate brokerage in the Charlottesville area stating definitively and publicly “No Dual Agency.”

The Status Quo, in the form of the established political “leaders” refuses to eliminate Single Agent Dual agency, so we are choosing to lead by example. We believe that this is something the consumers want and need.

I have lobbied against Single-Agent Dual Agency (where the only beneficiary is the Realtor) for years. And I have been consistent in my belief:

Q: Dual Agency – Who Benefits?

A: The Realtor.

Real Estate Consulting – hourly fees, fee-for-service, flat fees. Everything is negotiable. We recognize that today’s consumer is far more qualified, educated, market aware and knowledgeable than the consumer of the previous decade. The internet has changed everything; we embrace this rather than try to put the rabbit back in the hat.

Accountability to you, the consumer/client/public and to each other.

Our brand is the collective “us” – we intend to push each other, help each other and make each other and the brand the best in the market.


Brokerage-wide, we intend to do things better, or as we and consumers think, the way things should be done.

Who am I? I’m Jim Duncan and we’re the Nest Real Estate Group and I intend to change the world.

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  1. Pavel February 16, 2009 at 07:37

    Congrats on the move! So does this mean if a customer wants to write an offer on one of your listings and wants Realtor representation you’d have to refer her to an agent not affiliated with Nest Realty Group? Designated representation after all is a form of dual agency. I LOVE the new Nest website, by the way.

  2. Jim Duncan February 16, 2009 at 08:26

    Pavel –


    If a customer wants to write an offer on one of my listings, I would either recommend (not refer) her to another Realtor in the office or recommend them to another good Realtor (for example, Betty Duncan 🙂 ).

    I shifted my opinion away from no Dual Agency to no Single Agent Dual Agency in in December of 2007.

  3. Daniel February 16, 2009 at 09:22

    Exciting! Love the name. Excellent choice of imagery and emotion (though I would have gone with a more emotionally charged logo – like a box or couch or mailbox). Website looks great too.

  4. Ray Caddell February 16, 2009 at 12:11

    My company policy has been aprox. the same as your new one for many years. At my firm, I only allow designated representation in situations like this, not single dual, and with the designated agent being myself, the principal broker. I sometimes have a challenge determining who I should represent, and look carefully at the relationship my agent may have with each party. We are also very careful with the paperwork security in transactions like this. It’s worked well for many years, and as always the most important thing is not only disclosure to all parties, but making certain the client(s) understand as well.

  5. Jeremy Hart February 16, 2009 at 12:21

    Congratulations Jim, this seems like a great fit. You continue to set the bar very high for the rest of us.

  6. Daniel Rothamel, The Real Estate Zebra February 16, 2009 at 12:47

    Are you guys still going work like we do, not doing single-agent dual agency, but still representing the buyers on your properties separately, or are you going to refer them out?

  7. Jim Duncan February 16, 2009 at 14:16

    Ray –

    Thanks for explaining your policy. I wish more Brokers would adopt/publicize such a policy.

    One difference that we are doing is transparently and publicly disclosing not just our policy but our opposition to Single-Agent Dual Agency.

    We’ll see how it goes, but we firmly believe it’s the right thing to do.

  8. Julie Emery February 16, 2009 at 15:50

    Way to go! The profession needs more like you!
    I love the name and the logo and know you’ll be wildly successful!

  9. downtownenvy February 16, 2009 at 16:58

    Congratulations! Maybe if we ever stop chickening out with this market we can be some of your first clients. The Nest website looks great, and I forwarded a link to some potential buyer friends of mine. Take care and good luck!

  10. Jim Duncan February 17, 2009 at 15:18

    Thanks, downtownenvy.

    I’ll be here whenever you’re ready (you can also send them directly to me. 🙂 )

  11. Jason Crigler February 18, 2009 at 10:52

    On the leading edge as usual and obviously a great match. Your innovative and honest approach to business will continue to pay off. Congrats!

  12. Mark February 19, 2009 at 13:35

    Jim, great news. Your industry needs a shake-up and you are the right man to do it locally. I hope you’re able to include fee-based consulting as an alternative to the commission model.
    Just to clarify- does this mean you’ve left Century 21 Manley?

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  15. Pingback: Nest Realty Group On A Tear

  16. Pingback: Five Years of Real Estate Blogging | RealCentralVA.com

  17. Pingback: Nest Realty Group One Year Anniversary

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  19. Pingback: A Good Partnership - Nest + @properties - RealCentralVA.com

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