Charlotesville and Albemarle Elections Are Getting Interesting

Dennis Rooker is running again for Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, and Rodney Thomas is challenging incumbent David Slutzky, with John Lowry running for the seat held by longtime incumbent Sally Thomas in the Samuel Miller district.

In the City of Charlottesville, Kristin Szakos is running for the Democratic nomination to City Council, and Dave Norris announced this morning his candidacy for re-election – via his blog on NBC 29, naturally.

So far, John Lowry is the only one with a Paypal-enabled site.

I love local elections – they are the only place in politics where a relative few people can have a significant impact on how their lives are affected; by this I mean that local elections matter – property taxes, growth policies, transportation politics, schools – all of it affects the local real estate market and our daily lives.

Don’t forget about VPAP – where you (and everyone else) can see which candidates are collecting the most money, and from whom.

(Visited 62 times, 1 visits today)


  1. Matthew Rosenberg March 5, 2009 at 15:10


    I built a page over at to track our election coverage. This is for races from Gov. down to City Council. Each person has a link to their campaign website, their VPAP page, and their Richmond Sunlight page (if these pages exist).

    It can be found here.


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