Bloggers deserve protected free speech too, and it looks like Waldo Jaquith, with the help of the VA ACLU, Thomas Jefferson Center for Protection of Free Expression, and Public Citizen, is set to prove that fact (again).
The time will come I suspect when a real estate blogger is going to be placed in a similar situation, whether it’s a freedom of speech issue or a journalism -vs- advertising suit.
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Unfortunately, it will take more cases for us to know where bloggers will fall with regards to “protection” – right now we’re in the middle and left to the jaws of non-precedence.
Jim, Great topic. Also checked your post, journalism -vs- advertising, at I feel all the bloggers should check that one out.
Bill –
Thanks so much. We’re in uncertain times for sure, and I hope that we as Realtors/bloggers/journalists recognize the stakes.
Here is another bizarre twist to think about. Lawyers in DC are suing to prevent their names and addresses (which come from public documents) from being listed on a website which allows clients to find them as well as rate them!