Charlottesville Tweetups go Mainstream

(Click through for the video)

Mainstream Media, that is. WCAV has a nice story on First Wednesdays and the Charlottesville Tweetups:

How in the world do these relate to my life as a Realtor? Tangentially in one regard and directly in another. Friends are clients, new people may become clients or friends, and further, we’re all better for knowing one another. Charlottesville is still a small town, and events like this serve to tighten the concentric circles a bit.

The best part about these events? They are not artificial or contrived events where people slap business cards in each others’ hands or where I or other Realtors do nothing but talk about Charlottesville real estate 🙂 – there are shared interests that have brought us together.

Take 25 minutes or so and watch this episode of My Boys. Believe it or not, the insight offered in this show is valuable. While they’re talking about Facebook specifically, the conclusion is that human interaction and *real* relationships are more valuable than online ones. Simple and profound, no?

If you’re on Twitter (or interested or curious, come to the next Tweetup – this Monday at noon.

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  1. Pingback: Social Media Club - Charlottesville - First Meeting 15 June - 12th Street Tap House | Real Central VA

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