- @ARDELLd @mizzle Virginia has statutes for both buyers and sellers. #
- RT @tcar @BawldGuy upper leadership (on the staff side) worked very hard to get this before the board. — members betrayed by members #
- Running out to take the older one to soccer tryouts. Have a lot to respond to – @ardelld #
- @ARDELLd But *can* a buyer get full rep from someone representing the seller? in reply to ARDELLd #
- @mdimella my participation has led to the same thing as the IDX/MIBOR thing – committee ok, Board/Leadership no in reply to mdimella #
- @ARDELLd a public study would be beneficial though. Many buyers and sellers really want full representation as well in reply to ARDELLd #
- @mdimella @ARDELLd No traction locally or at state – big broker control + leadership fear = Realtor Leadership FAIL. All I want is to study in reply to mdimella #
- @mdimella @ARDELLd The powers that be count on complaceny, boredom & short attention. To effect change, we must fight those too in reply to mdimella #
- @ARDELLd @mdimella agreed in part – the NAR can issue direction that locals can choose to adopt or not. Many state laws mimic NAR guidance in reply to ARDELLd #
- @ARDELLd It’s bad for the profession from a perception POV for consumer, and Realtor. (here’s VA Code BTW http://bit.ly/Z34wI ) in reply to ARDELLd #
- @billlublin @phxreguy – in this case however,NAR disregarded a “movement.”It was a lost opportunity.Now-if they invite Jay onto committee… in reply to billlublin #
- @ARDELLd We do have designated agency; my firm does not do single agency dual agency; we’re all independent contractors in reply to ARDELLd #
- @ARDELLd I don’t want them to control agency, but give guidance that local/state assoc could adopt. Much like IDX/MLS Rules in reply to ARDELLd #
- @ARDELLd Alternative is no single agent dual agency. Each client has own representation (and pays own way, but that’s another fight) in reply to ARDELLd #
- @ARDELLd if NAR really believes that they are representing members then they will look at Dual Agency. Doing nothing sacrifices integrity #
- @ARDELLd so is IDX but NAR gives “guidance” on that matter, too. π big brokers schmig brokers. #
- Thinking about drafting an open letter to NAR proposing they study Agency. #
- @robhahn Everytime I hear a rumor of my state association looking into Dual Agency, the next thing I hear is that it was squashed in reply to robhahn #
- @robhahn Until the DOJ/FTC/FBI – some acronym goes after Realtors on Dual Agency, status quo will rule. #midyear in reply to robhahn #
- @robhahn On Dual Agency subject, integrity is lacking & fear of change is driving factor. I’d gladly serve on ANY Agency committee #midyear in reply to robhahn #
- JimDuncan @robhahn NO REALTOR assoc will touch a Dual Agency study. They know it’s wrong & are fearful of inevitability. #midyear #
- @robhahn NO REALTOR assoc will touch a Dual Agency study. They know it’s wrong & are fearful of inevitability. in reply to robhahn #
- Time to start lobbying to get on the committee studying the NAR/MLS/IDX policy #midyear #
- I am tremendously disappointed that the MLS/IDX issue was referred to the committee. We should have stayed thru the weekend. #midyear #
- RT @tcar: @indyagent @phxreguy the MLS/IDX “scraping” amendment was referred back to committee. MIBOR proposed the amendment to refer. #
- RT @pcdr MLS Committee recommendatiom for IDX indexing is referred back to committee #midyear #
- RT @John_Corey If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room. (via @johanbruyneel) #
- @acemaker don’t necessarily want to *be* there but wouldn’t mind watching for a few of the agenda items. I’d rather she be there than me π #
- @marcdiaz Agreed. If you needs 9 pages to prove/demonstrate one’s ethics, you’re probably not so ethical. π in reply to marcdiaz #
- I’m a dork, I kinda wish I could watch a stream of #midyear Board meeting #
- RT @DRPnet Nat’l dues comparrison autoworkers $377, Plumbers $499, CPAs $200 and Realtors $80. #midyear #
- @marcdiaz having to “legislate” honesty and truthfuless is a real shame – for any organization #
- Rt @DRPnet NAR: approving minor Bylaws amendments to require local, state and MLSs to be honest and truthful in statements about others. Duh #
- @BennRosales @franklyrealty I retract “irresponsible” and submit “real”. #
- @BennRosales @franklyrealty absolutely. There is no stigma w/ coupons or saving. If you *don’t* use it, would they think you irresponsible? in reply to BennRosales #
- @tcar – how long do you think the Board meeting will last? #midyear #
- @shawndecker re: kids & “friends” – many have 500+ FB friends but only interact w/ fewer than 20 on a regular basis. in reply to shawndecker #
- Love when buyer clients send detailed lists of homes. Makes my job much more efficient #
- Had to turn off CSPAN. I’d rather watch a 12 second clip of Al Sharpton on the news than a 30 minute discussion #
- @pcdr Just listened to the show. Good info. @retomato in reply to pcdr #
- RT @acemaker: RT @SarahStelmok: There is a man working out in the sports aisle at Walmart. Guess it is cheaper than a gym membership. #
- Finished showing houses in Belvedere. Time to catch up on a few things. #
- @JackLeblond here’s a question – can I/should I remove all in one seo plugin if I’m running thesis theme? #thesiswp #
- @shawndecker Curious if youre results are the same as mine – how many “friends” do they have? W/ how many do they regularly interact? #
- On my way to check out @robertredd’s shirts #
- Trying out a new blogging client – http://blog.qumana.com/ – today. Thanks to @bkmcae for the rec. #
- @CRTweet thank you. #
- RT @TBoard @CRTweet maybe but he said the NAR — in that case, someone from NAR should crack down on them asap. Right? #
- Rt @CRTweet @TBoard are you sure that wasnt a sales person from move.com ? – exactly. If only @realtordotcom would explain relationship! #
- RT @TBoard the NAR’s telemarketer just called.telling me how my listings won’t get much attention on realtor.com b/c they are not enhanced #
- Going to be showing Belvedere this afternoon. It’d be nice if they were telling their story/giving updates online. Silence is dangerous #
- @justincbeck Using my theory for @openspacecowork, 4 people in Shen Joe on Ivy are candidates for the Open Space. Headphones=need workspace in reply to justincbeck #
- @justincbeck Going to see a concert right now. May stop by later. in reply to justincbeck #
- @G2Architecture Where is the house located? in reply to G2Architecture #
- @BHutchinson Correct. Tweetup Monday at Noon at Rapture on Downtown Mall. Curious how many will be there #cvilletweet in reply to BHutchinson #
- Far too few outlets here at Shenandoah Joe’s. The people on them all have earbuds in – they’re not moving anytime soon. #
- Wreck in front of Westleigh on Ivy Road. #
- Next time I complain about Charlottesville traffic please remind me about DC traffic. #
- Getting ready to leave for home #midyear #
- @1000wattmarc agreed. But I couldn’t resist myself #
- “If this amendment has any more friends, we’re going to need a party” – @billlublin #
- @billlublin getting a round of applause now. Too bad he’s not here right now π #
- @1000wattmarc next write a story about open data. Then watch it disappear behind the pay wall:) #
- Watching sausage being made in the NAR Professional Standards Committee Meeting. #midyear #
- RT @OpenSpaceCowork RT @CBS19 Check this story out before it airs on TV– CBS19’s Story on Charlottesville Tweet-ups http://bit.ly/RGCfC #
- More tweaking is likely needed. Wonder if BoD will rubberstamp it #midyear #
- Paricipants must protect IDX information from unauthorized use. This requirement does not prohibit indexing of IDX sites by search engines. #
- Listening to the after-“success” chatter directed at staff #midyear – some confusion & consternation remains #
- RT @rerockstar RT @PhxREguy wOOt! MLS committe says IDX indexing is OK. needs board approval next #midyear [Nice one my friends!] #
- @scotthack proposed amended policy that should address the issue. I’ll put the text up asap. #midyear in reply to scotthack #
- Wish I’d been able to grab the text of the suggested/amended policy for IDX/MLS issue. Will work on it. #midyear #
- Gotta find coffee in the Omni. #midyear #
- @phxreguy killed it. #midyear. No discussion; it’s likely already been debated and decided #
- http://twitpic.com/55gqi – @indyagent is up #midyear #
- @phxreguy killed it. #midyear. No discussion; it’s likely already been debated and decided #
- Data coming from Move right now. First American has 94% data coverage. RPR aiming for 100% coverage. #midyear #
- If they pull off RPR, I think it alone would be worth NAR dues. #midyear #
- non-realtor members won’t have access #midyear no intent to set walls b/t MLS #
- RPR info – http://bit.ly/SL8jS
– now in Q&A part #midyear # - No public access. Member-side only. No boundaries to information. Think blurring county/MSA lines #midyear #
- @rvabusiness @craig42k one database for all property data. Not an MLS, the former Gateway. #
- Is it designed to be an MLS? No – no offer of cooperation or compensation. (Psyched about those 2) #midyear #
- Goal is to demonstate RPR by November NAR meeting #midyear #
- RPR – day 1 won’t have MLS data. #midyear #
- Single source access to property data incl Commercial – this could be big. Alpha & beta already out there. #midyear #
- Realtor.com & Move working in partnership w/ NAR on the RPR. Move is on work for hire contract. #midyear #
- @phxreguy @indyagent up #4 on MLS agenda. Early buzz is that result will be positive. #midyear #
- Very poor cell service in the MLS meeting. #midyear have to go across the hall to get service. talking about Realtor prop info service #
- RT @mizzle Price cures condition and location issues. #justsayin — so simple yet so difficult for some #
- @phxreguy – it’s always like this. Always. #
- @mattwilkins I’m getting to the Omni around 3:30. How am I supposed to find the cool kids w/o twitter? π #midyear #
- Leaving Culpeper for #narmidyear #
- RT @NRVLiving hey @rapattoni look, another company’s listening to it’s customers http://bit.ly/13lrau – don’t give up, Jeremy! #
- @G2Architecture Give Twitter time. Nearly every day it adds value to my life – personal & professional. Engage, listen, contribute in reply to G2Architecture #
- Jusr got pulled over for my inspection being expired.In January. Not bad. Thanks for the suggestion to see how long I’d make it @nrvliving #
- Rules are comforting for some, limiting for others. Some rules should be merely a guide.Knowing when to bend/break/abide is key. #
- There is a big difference b/t how owners operate and how employees do. Owners bend rules, while employees often blindly abide. #
- RT @DailyProgress @gibsondm @JimDuncan @thefoodgeek Let me know when you have solved this issue. — we should be done by noon. π #
- @SarahWV if you’re writing for “points” you’re writing for wrong reasons. If pts weren’t publicly displayed that’d be different #
- @gibsondm if it’s original, good, quality content the micro payment is ok. I pay for WSJ online already. As for others, quality is dubious #
- @PhxREguy for the record. the phoenix airport bar is not open at 6:52am — at least you tried. #
- Battery just died after getting gas. Sweet. #
- RT @pjackson: The realtors official legis. agenda calls on Congress to “fortify Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.” Awesomely funny. Fortify? WTF? #
- #narmidyear folks. I wasn’t planning on coming until tomorrow, but the MLS/IDX issue caused me to come today. So … Anyone have floorspace? #
- Rt @missycaulk FHA Lenders to Allow $8000.00 to be used for Down Payment http://ff.im/2QICv – might as well. It’s a free $ shell game #
- Christ, what do I have to do to get a bailout? http://bit.ly/gq8MW Realtors are in a “troubled industry” too #
- @varealtor It might be unreasonable, but sellers are having to do a lot of unresaonable things in this market in reply to varealtor #
- @varealtor @hthrflynn That’s the thing. 1 is fun (VB) 1 is political (VA) 1 is seeing friends who already agree w/ MLS/IDX position in reply to varealtor #
- Really want Altos to work here, but I’m finding that Charlottesville may not have the volume that we need to produce accurate trends/data #
- Seeing more properties going under contract in Charlottesville/Albmearle that are well priced & in great condition. The rest – languishing #
- @varealtor There are three funtions that I want to make it to tonight. It’s going to be tough. in reply to varealtor #
- @KrisBerg @jfsellsius principle only goes so far. If one could select to not syndicate to realtor.com, then I’d believe #
- Fun with the family. #
- RT @mattcase @ktgeek I know, it’s not a party without a Case, right? — if I ever stooped to LOL-ing, I would LOL at that #
- Downloading OSX 10.5.7 now. Hopefully this will fix my blogging client problem. #
- RT @tcar: Bloodhound asking caption this: http://bit.ly/wg3Nc please comment on BHB and tweet here #BHBCT Let’s see what gets moderated. #
- RT @seesmic: new version of Seesmic Desktop 0.2 pushed details http://bit.ly/1DQCu — I like it. I really like it. #
- @donnapatton Going tomorrow, coming back Thursday. MLS meeting Thurs. AM, Professional Standards Thursday PM in reply to donnapatton #
- RT @ktgeek: Its been fun watching my staff help the rest of NAR in the staff offices. Go ITS! #midyear –well done. #
- @ResPres @mwurzer @ktgeek ditto. Flight time is some of the only uninterrupted quiet time I ever get. #
- @donnapatton nothing yet. I’ll be there tomorrow. #
- RT @DRPnet Metzger on fannie and freddy “you have a system that is corrupt and dysfunctional, why would you want to expand it?” – AMEN #
- RT @blockrealestate Realtor conferences can drive agents to drink… #midyear #
- http://twitpic.com/51rcf – View from the blood bus at Blue Ridge Builder Supply in Crozet #
- Giving blood in Crozet. They are here until 5. Build karma. Apply peer pressure to your friends. #
- @marijean @justincbeck @bspinosa @openspacecowork – Charlottesville Tweetup. 5/18 at noon at Rapture. http://bit.ly/OC0aC #
- Next Charlottesville Tweetup coming next week … lunch. #
- RT @recr: RT @tcar: @pcdr #midyear [Per @Tcar, this is the hashtag were using for #narmidyear is #midyear] –a decree from on high. Sweet.:) #
- RT @pcdr: Ask your buyer regardless of age “how do u want me 2 communicate w/ u?” #midyear – yep. answers may surprise you #
- For pete’s sake. A plugin just disappeard from my WordPress blog, and I can’t find it. Reuploading does no good. Need to hire someone stat. #
- @bkmcae @recr @pcdr I think #midyear is a better tag – more room for @ and RT π in reply to bkmcae #
- @bkmcae that would be nice π #
- RT @RealEstateZebra @bkmcae you might want to consider tagging your tweets #narmidyear #
- @bkmcae that’s an important point. Realtors *don’t* have clocks, and we don’t punch out. in reply to bkmcae #
- @bkmcae to how many people is he speaking? Are they listening? Asking questions? Taking notes? Nodding? sleeping? in reply to bkmcae #
- @DRPnet 25% in MLS are Vacant. Charlottesville/Albemarle = 33% vacancy rate in reply to DRPnet #
- @DailyProgress Maybe an overlay with Zillow’s neighborhoods? http://bit.ly/ZOS80 in reply to DailyProgress #
- RT @blockrealestate: monetization of tax credit… bridge loans coming soon #narmidyear — sweet. Bridge loans. What a good idea π #
- Will @realtordotcom step in and clarify? http://bit.ly/J43tI #
- @DRPnet how does that 2.5% track with Charlottesville’s? About 30% of our active inventory is vacant. #
- @DailyProgress the challenge is that charlottesville are neighborhoods have such fluid, undefined boundaries. #
- @DailyProgress how are ‘hoods defined? Zips don’t work here. π #
- RT @justincbeck Congratulations to @watermarkdesign on the EMMA award! http://bit.ly/14BQuj #
- Going to the new office space to meet Comcast’s “escalation team” to try to get the internets working. #
- @DailyProgress haven’t seen it yet. Is it similar to Outside.in’s stuff? #
- @blockrealestate: Real estate costs typically 1/3 of household expense. Problem is that median incomes not rising. Prices need 2 adjust #
- @bkmcae I hear there is a VAR suite tomorrow night. Where can I scalp an invite? #
- Everyone talks about price of gas, yet no one wants a federal investigation into obscene movie popcorn prices. $6 for a small popcorn! #
- Reading: Real estate’s white rabbit http://bit.ly/NIt8q #
- @BradCoy it’s kinda like http://realdiggity.com/ in reply to BradCoy #
- @BradCoy laughing? in reply to BradCoy #
- Poking around the Clozing. http://www.theclozing.com/ – aggregating real estate news. More social than http://real-estate.alltop.com/ ? #
- Going to the gym. Need to get some blood pumping. #
- RT @RyanSAdams Intalgent wins EMMA Award! http://twitpic.com/509m0 — congrats! @jeffgunther, @justincbeck #
- Congrats, Intalgent and @jeffgunther! (recount!!) #
- @RyanSAdams I hear Nest’s signs lost. Is it too late to demand a recount? π #
- @tonylongo you kill me. π in reply to tonylongo #
- Is it me, or is the blackberry browser on Alltel *much* faster in Charlottesville today? Part of the switch to Verizon? #
- RT @AndyKaufman RT @robhahn: Announcement – Introducing 7DS Associates. http://is.gd/yWvM. [Please RT] Congrats! #
- @tonylongo constructive criticism – when lauching, know difference b/t your and you’re. #
- @RealtorJimLee a plan? a plan? Try this – http://bit.ly/45j1sq π in reply to RealtorJimLee #
- @RealtorJimLee lifetime contracts are short-sighted. We need to wrest back control to the members in reply to RealtorJimLee #
- @robhahn Great question. 1 of the biggest issues I have are the ads surrounding properties & “enhancements” that are standard/free elsewhere in reply to robhahn #
- @RealtorJimLee http://bit.ly/PYlh1 in reply to RealtorJimLee #
- @RealtorJimLee Then why don’t we take back control & make RDC a benefit to all members, not just those who pay them $$? in reply to RealtorJimLee #
- Looking at agendas for this year’s #NARmidyear – I *wish* Zillow, Trulia AND ESPECIALLY REALTOR.COM had to live by the rules Realtors do. #
- I love opening word docs online with Google Docs. So much better than downloading & opening a bloated app … #
- @WCHVNEWS please … not caps! IT’S LOUD. π #
- RT @kidbrax @MoveTrends Shouldn’t Realtor.com have an “alliance” with EVERY agent/broker? (via @PhxREguy) #
- RT @BennRosales Does NAR’s social media attempt get a passing grade? http://agentgenius.com/smm #
- @hchorey Not sure. Working on it. in reply to hchorey #
- Lots of properties just got withdrawn from the market in Old Trail …. #
- @nar_midyear No agendas for professional standards or MLS policy committee. Just location and time. in reply to nar_midyear #
- RT @PhxREguy: RT @pkitano: Happy Birthday @KevinBoer! [wOOt!!] #
- Just saw one of the dumbest remarks I’ve ever seen on a listing’s public remarks. I’ll DM you the remark if you’re interested. #
- Just told another seller not to sell this year. Hard to make a living as a Realtor being honest like this. π #
- Yep. The worst wireless in Charlottesville is at Greenberry’s. Stopped in a pinch, FAIL. My decison though. Darn it. #
- RT @mayaREguru Gas light just went on! Feeding the SUV next at $2.19 a gallon. What’s up with gas prices?? — summer’s close. Prices rise. #
- @mattwilkins I’m a huge fan of the Curve. Only wish it had more memory. #
- RT @mattrathbun Dear God… I love ya, but I am not amused at the three weeks of rain — Amen. #
- Hoping I can beat the rain to Lake Monticello. Need to take pictures of a new listing. #
- @sajego so would I. So long as someone else took care of the kids. And the cleaning. #
- @ArmenKeteyian Enjoy your time in Cville. What’s the focus of the interview? in reply to ArmenKeteyian #
- Finding the beneifits of WordPress’ editor. My client died, & I’m finally finding my writing groove again. #
- @Mary_R_Roberts To find the agendas? Tyring to find specific meeting agendas to no avail. in reply to Mary_R_Roberts #
- Trying to find agendas for this week’s meeting in DC is seemingly impossible (at least for me) – #narmidyear2009 #
- http://twitpic.com/4y7ui – Two baby bunnies we found outside the house tonight. They jumped right in my daughter’s shoes! #
- Just scheduled a post for tomorrow morning on AgentGenius. Whew. #
- If you’ve got some time to kill, come to Crozet for the Arts and Crafts festival! #
- RT @youragentsteph ‘The identity of community is beginning to take root again’ – one of the upsides of the recession, no? #
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