Free Enterprise Forum’s Reality Check Report

The Free Enterprise Forum’s “Reality Check” Report

Charlottesville, VA – Albemarle County’s Places29 Master Plan for the North US 29 corridor under counts cost by over $175,000,000 (40.5%) according to the ‘Reality Check Report‘ released today by the Free Enterprise Forum.

Using cost data buried on the back pages of Places29’s Technical Memorandum 11 and Federal Highway Transportation Administration (FHTA) historic cost data, the Free Enterprise Forum’s Reality Check Report generated a road inflation escalating trend line analysis. The land costs were increased by a similar historic trend line analysis of the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

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  1. Jim May 28, 2009 at 19:23

    …and FEF’s answer for 29N is a bypass, which has been proven an even bigger waste of money. I’m not sure this lobbying group’s opinion has anyone in mind except the builders and developers that support it.

  2. Jim Duncan May 29, 2009 at 05:58

    Jim –

    Thanks for the comment. I do not disagree with you entirely, but think that this report, as with any report, needs to be taken with the context in which it is presented. Any advocacy group has its biases.

    That said, do you agree or disagree with their findings?


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