Twitter Week in Review

  • Settling in for a few hours of work. #
  • Listening to 130 on XM discussing the enormous dangers of the White House having its own “news” production channels #
  • – Here we go again #gasprices #
  • RT @Cyberhomes Should you do a podcast or video…LOL use are you hot or not. Are you under a 6…use audio #WordCamp #Mattcutts #
  • RT @stevewhitaker Perfect Saturday afternoon for a get-together. [I’m jealous] #
  • Is there anywhere in Cville where you can get a meal as satisfying as Bodo’s for $3? #
  • @G2Architecture what types of change specifically would help move sustainability more mainstream? #
  • RT @KimWood @cyberhomes Keep your wordcamp tweets coming….. good stuff ! Thx ๐Ÿ™‚ [I love the green bkgrnd – easy to find you!] #
  • Potential new client is punctual. A good sign. #
  • Off to meet a potential new buyer client, show a house, see about a new listing, take a video or three …preview a house … #
  • @acummings Saw it on a “US Dept of HUD” form in closing yesterday. Conventional, vanilla loan. Will post form tonight in reply to acummings #
  • Great. Email not coming into my blackberry this morning. Maybe a reboot will help. #
  • FA Cup in an hour. Wish I could watch it live. Nobody talk about it on Twitter until tomorrow, please. #
  • Did you know that buyers can finance “up to $200 of the cost to perform a home inspection”? I do now #
  • How do kids know it’s the weekend? Fight them to get up for school, but they are early risers on the weekend. #
  • A surprisingly long day tomorrow. And that’s a good thing. #
  • @steinarknutsen I couldn’t help myself ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • @steinarknutsen that’s the great thing about Charlottesville & “celebrities” – we don’t care. ๐Ÿ™‚ and I think they like it that way #
  • Friday night and I’m #atthegym. Working out to earn my #beer #
  • RT @G2Architecture — sustainability of sustainable design. Recession’s the time to innovate #
  • Realtors & photographers – who owns listing photos? #
  • The fact that “obama goes to 5 guys” is *news* is a testament to Americans’ priorities. The man had lunch. Who cares? #
  • – The Nest is coming along #
  • RT @LaniAR really? you wouldn’t care if Obama said you weren’t privy to ANY info on ANY legislation unless you ran for office? — amen #
  • @ryancordell cville coffee, hotcakes, shenandoah joe’s, mudhouse, & @openspacecowork when they are open #
  • – Mmmmm. Spudnuts #
  • Walkthrough over. Next. #
  • RT @cvillepiefest Thanks to @marijean and @thefoodgeek,all four pie recipes are now online
  • The gov’t owning 70% of GM is not “Change I can Believe In” #
  • @seanshanks I’m wondering the same thing. Wife needs a new phone today, but debating whether I wait until Monday. in reply to seanshanks #
  • RT @drewmeyers: @robhahn haha hope I’m still on the list ๐Ÿ™‚ — me too, even though I missed your show again. #
  • RT @adamhealey I’m very excited that just got its page rank from Google for the first time…. 6! — wow! #
  • Shenandoah Joe’s on Ivy is surprisingly quiet this morning. #
  • RT @OnAirWeather: Theme of the day: Even Hokies can agree Charlottesville is a nice town. — amen. ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • @MattFagioli Save your money on Terminator. Consider seeing Star Trek twice (at a matinee) in reply to MattFagioli #
  • @TheChadHuck No kidding? Ok. Correcting my previous tweet: I wish @seesmic autocompleted addresses, like my email client in reply to TheChadHuck #
  • I’d like a twitter app to autocomplete @ & DM addresses, like my email does. Thank you. #
  • @bjt Agreed. my thoughts on Man U’s performance today summed up in one word. Meh. in reply to bjt #
  • @SuzySaidCville if clients can’t appreciate the value of tie dyeing with kids, I wouldn’t want ’em. ๐Ÿ™‚ life’s too short. #
  • @nicoleradziwill I’m in crozet. ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • @DaniloB you know you’re going to choose the friend. #
  • A fine, foggy night to be #atthegym #
  • @familytreegirl what spot? #
  • Watching today’s UEFA cup match. #
  • RT @Locallectual Buying #beer in #Charlottesville? Go to Beer Run for #localfoods and #microbrews. Review here: #buy #
  • Finished showing. Note to sellers: cats are generally bad for resale value. #
  • Why do MLS customer printouts have no listing broker info on them, but IDX requires listing broker info online? #
  • I really want to read @krisberg’s new post on inman before it goes behind the paywall. Don’t think I’ll be able to though. #
  • Working on a few market analyses, sitting at Cville Coffee #
  • @acemaker What do you want to know? I can tell you what I know or put you in touch w/ Charlottesville folks doing openspace; smart folks in reply to acemaker #
  • – I can’t wait for @openspacecowork to open #
  • Listening to Colin Cowherd compare baseball and newspaper industries. Both took consumer for granted. #
  • RT @DavidGurteen LOL A short video parody of the Mac vs PC ad series. on Citizen vs Traditional Journalism #
  • @BradOwens I am dvr-ing the UEFA match. Won’t be able to watch until late tonight. Darn it #
  • Scheduled 2 stories on RealCrozetVA – if you’re interested in the coming Crozet coffee scene, read tmrw & Tues. If you want a preview, DM me #
  • @Vidlisting @1000wattmarc b/c vendors’ & brokers’ & Realtors’ goals have not been aligned. They are competing w/ each other in reply to Vidlisting #
  • RT @trailsidecoffee: About to time my bike commute to the coffee shop.I will try to ride everyday.that begins when I have storage on site:) #
  • @1000wattmarc For too long, co-branding has meant losing identity & subjugating one’s brand. That’s changing, from bottom up. in reply to 1000wattmarc #
  • Now transcribing my videos.Someone once told me she wished the web were closed-captioned.This is a start #
  • I don’t need a list to tell me that Charlottesville is a great place to live. #stopwiththelists #
  • RT @Moxie_Julie: Just arrived in Charlottesville, VA — now what to do for dinner? — Where are you? What kind of food do you like? #
  • Makes me not want to fly ever again. #
  • RT @chrisbrogan: The velocity at which you can triage, synthesize, & dispense information strategically & tactically is a competitive point #
  • RT @tinainvirginia: RT @frankmerritt: @rapattoni 3rd time trying 2 log in 2 your crappy system is NOT a charm! (via @NRVLiving) #
  • @ARDELLd how are citizens supposed to keep pols accountable/honest when they choose not to clue us in? They -all pols- depend on complacency in reply to ARDELLd #
  • @ARDELLd I have very low expectations of all pols, albeit slightly higher w/ this one. I believed the transparency promise. My fault. in reply to ARDELLd #
  • @ARDELLd It’s funny. So many promises get revised or forgotten once experience rears its head in reply to ARDELLd #
  • RT @kararowland Check out: Obama ducks bill signing vow — sadly, Obama is just another politician #
  • @JaredMadison saw an ad 4 AT&T this am saying,”most smartphone users choose AT&T b/c of the svc” I think they choose iphone in spite of svc #
  • Uploaded my logo to Real Estate Shows …. now I wait. ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • @RealEstateZebra Chung’s in Albemarle Square. Apparently the secret is out. Darn it. in reply to RealEstateZebra #
  • I’ve tried to get a haircut twice today – each time the wait was intolerable. Might just shave my head at home #
  • @NeilSWilliamson #
  • @globedope if I’d known about the wireless fail, I would have taken the shuttle. Bother. The inability to work frustrates me #
  • The pc’s for customers at Brown Auto have 3.5 in floppy drives. And block Wish their wireless worked. #
  • @NRVLiving I think they may slide into your default category. #
  • @NRVLiving categories were one of my early flails. I started blogging just before tagging gained prominence. Darn it #
  • I’m at Brown Honda getting my car inspected. Wouldn’t it be cool if the free wireless worked? Calling @brownautogal#
  • @wkdavis @marijean “being there” is not enough & counter to the goal. It’s imperative to listen & respond #
  • Working on a story – in search of the best neighborhood/area videos done by/for Realtors. Help? #
  • @marijean – If companies are not engaging via channels where *I* am, given a choice, I won’t deal with them #
  • RT @craignewmark: RT @CoryBooker: “Sleep: a poor substitute for caffeine.” #
  • Tuesday morning. Time to start getting stuff done. #
  • Not a bad weekend. Needed time spent with family. Productivity begins now. #
  • RT @franklyrealty: Any bad experienced with Cartus Relocation company? Upcoming blog post on how they are a CROC — they all are. #
  • I just posted a new 4 Bedroom Lake Monticello Single Family for $259,900 – #
  • Finishing editing a few movies; just about ready to export … #
  • Seriously? He’s candid *now*? #
  • Bought the Daily Progress today for the 1st time in years; only to see if my daughter’s picture was in it. Go local, newspapers #
  • I’m partial to picture #20 from the Charlottesville Pie Down Thanks @dailyprogress! #cvillepiedown #
  • Saw a very deceptive ad in the paper today. Made to appear like a faux-news story;said it was a paid ad but nowhere said it was a Realtor’s #
  • Traffic stopped westbound Garth rd. Wreck or something #
  • RT @Marijean Congratulations to @thefoodgeek The C’ville Pie Master. Look for my triumphant return in Crozet this fall #cvillepiedown #
  • #cvillepiedown “it all started on Twitter.” #
  • @Marijean Darn multiple accounts. I’m feeling quite conflicted in reply to Marijean #
  • @tonyarko meh. He’ll just print more money. It’s free, you know? in reply to tonyarko #
  • RT @tonyarko: In a holiday interview with C-SPAN, President Obama boldly told Americans: “We are out of money.” #

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