Twitter Week in Review

  • @familytreegirl ;). Anytime fitness in Crozet. #
  • Saturday night and I’m the only one #atthegym. Woot. I get to turn on the US soccer match on all the TVs! #
  • After showing houses for nearly 6 hours, I’m starving. Been so focused on showing I hadn’t realized how beautiful it is today #
  • RT @wkdavis @BawldGuy “The hotest places in hell are reserved for those,who in time of great moral crisis,maintain their neutrality.”
    – … #
  • – Bears in a Charlottesville neighborhood. It’s really an “event” #
  • Putting in a new listing, marking one as under contract, getting ready to show houses all day. (gotta clean my car)Whew. #
  • RT @Ines: @JimDuncan I can’ believe you would ask just “anyone” 🙂 here it is — killer mojitos. My wife (and I) than … #
  • Prepping for a full day of showing houses tomorrow. #
  • @rvabusiness mefi #
  • I need a simple, good mojito recipe. Anyone? @ines? #
  • RT @justincbeck My wife and my TWO children are sleeping.A chance to breath. What an amazing week it’s been[I’m on my way to ring doorbell] #
  • @stevewhitaker unsure as to the impetus other than a tiny majority of realtors givimg out their logins. #
  • @DailyProgress same browser w/ multiple tabs is ok (usually), but two browsers is a no-go in reply to DailyProgress #
  • @NRVLiving Lot of rules for us Realtors who subscribe to a code of ethics. in reply to NRVLiving #
  • Lenders – how common are one-time floats? #
  • @drewlawrence They told me no one else has complained. Please do so. in reply to drewlawrence #
  • RT @drewlawrence: @JimDuncan i’m having the same issue right now – which is REALLY obnoxious when I’m trying to work on multiple things! #
  • Does anyone else’s MLS kick them off if they have two browsers open at the same time? New “security” measures are killing me. #
  • @robhahn absolutely. in reply to robhahn #
  • @robhahn You can send your listing data anywhere, but apparently you cannot prevent its going to Choice only goes so far in reply to robhahn #
  • Just found the ankle brace that “cost” $500 through insurance for $80. Health “care” is such a racket #
  • How much will the “pay czar” be paid? #
  • @rustyspeidel a lot late, but I really needed a workout tonight. Been a bit too sedentary this week – #
  • off to the gym. I’ve been procrastinating too long. #
  • Just in case you were wondering whether the berries in Cap’n Crunch were real or not – #
  • RT @cloudbrain: Testing our new super secret twitter app. [I’ll beta test!] #
  • Why is it that I can take pictures of a vacant house w/o electricity but the listing agent can’t? #
  • Still showing houses in Crozet. Difficult to find consistencies in prices #
  • – Thanks! #
  • @jmckeever We’ll have to agree to disagree on the “inherited” part.I’m still looking for change I can believe in. starting in couch cushions in reply to jmckeever #
  • – Even w/o the post, I think Nest’s signs are awesome #
  • RT @hchorey @JimDuncan the Nest Realty site looks really, really cool. I like what y’all are doing there. [Thank you!] #
  • – Even w/o the post, I think Nest’s signs are awesome #
  • RT @ArtJonak 1 of every 6 dollars of Americans’ income is from Government check or voucher. Big Govt control grows. #
  • – Even w/o the post, I think Nest’s signs are awesome #
  • RT @NRVLiving The trouble with FHA loans [funny] #
  • @robhahn it is, but our dues are $80/year. I think that report alone may justify our dues. #
  • @robhahn define a regulation. 1a, 1.a.I … #
  • @robhahn I’m missing your show (again). Curious – is the NAR member profile worth $80? If so, that’s a member’s dues right there #
  • @robhahn it would take the cumulative content of Twitter to date to explain Twitter to gov’t sufficiently for them 2 filibuster b/c of fear #
  • I I *love* calling 1st time homebuyers at 9:30 at night telling them we’re under contract (now the *real* work begins) #
  • @steinarknutsen Do you have a venue suggestion? #
  • RT @steinarknutsen: I think the next Charlottesville Tweetup & First Wednesday’s tech gathering should coincide.I see a group of > 60 st … #
  • On my way to Nest for a bit of wine. #
  • Standing water -deep- at 240/Tabor in Crozet. Be careful! #
  • Read @KrisBerg’s *brilliant* piece re: appraisal/appraiser/regulation problems caused by the HVCC. before it goes away #
  • @DRPnet I can’t wait for Waynesboro/Augusta to be accessible. in reply to DRPnet #
  • So pleased to be riding my bike around Charlottesville again. #
  • RT @ARDELLd Tip for new Twitter users: DO NOT follow anyone until you upload your avatar and type in your bio.[Good advice] #
  • Guy just pulled up next to me at a stoplight & said “I just want to wish you a great day!”. If I was jack bauer I’d be looking 4 bomb on car #
  • @chrisbrogan I trust local news (mostly) b/c I know some of the people- nat’l & int’l I need multiple sources before I trust a story #
  • Local service provider tried to take advantage of one of my clients; he’ll never know how badly his reputation is now damaged #
  • RT @RyanSAdams @justincbeck Congrats! Daddy X’s two. Well done! — glad to hear the now bigger family is doing well! #
  • I just posted a new 3 Bedroom Starr Hill Attached for – #
  • Early morning. Been up for a few hours. Mac working against me today. #
  • I just posted a new 2 Bedroom River Run Attached for $179,900 – #
  • I just posted a new 2 Bedroom River Run Attached for $179,900 – #
  • Wth is going on with Charlottesville traffic today? Seems every artery is congested #
  • off to show a few houses in Crozet … #
  • RT @wkdavis: Cheap Richmond Homes.Like…FREE… … At least someone has a good sense of humor about the times. #
  • Listing agents who put only 1 photo in the MLS are doing a Tremendous disservice to themselves, the client & potential buyers #
  • I absolutely love biking from my new office to show houses. #
  • Emails are delayed getting to my blackberry. Pick it up, Verizon. the transfer is *not* yet seamless. #
  • Worst fears seemingly coming true. #
  • Getting a few search referrals from #bing to my blog #
  • RT @tcar: RT @mortgagereports: @pchaney – I use Twitter Favorites to archive @tcar ‘s collection of epic DM fails. << favorited. #
  • Waiting on potential clients at cville coffee. #
  • Wrote two offers yesterday, BOTH have multiple offers. It’s about PRICE. Waiting to hear from sellers. #
  • @jcunwired I have loved Alltel for a few years; they have best coverage in Charlottesville. This is Day 1 w/ Verizon. in reply to jcunwired #
  • First experience w/ Verizon Wireless – notsogood. Been on hold for 20 minutes. Really wish there were an @verizon #
  • Soccer game over. Off to see some clients. Then home. #
  • RT @justincbeck Okay… Leaving work… When I return I’ll have another mouth to feed. [Congratulations, almost :)] #
  • RT @lesliecarbone Beck: Ea. job saved at GM costs taxpayers $427k [and how exactly is this a good idea?] #
  • RT @CandyLynn hey virgina tweets- Verizon FIOS coming to lots of new areas … [Anywhere is Charlottesville area?] #
  • @frugalinva have you ever looked up the nutritional content of the Thickburger? Reading it will clog the arteries #
  • @drewlawrence @sajego someone needs to lead by example. It’s a shame that none of our elected officials (*not* “leaders”) do so. #
  • Waiting for clients. #
  • @ohmybrain Yep. My new office in Downtown C’ville – check out the last 45 seconds of this – in reply to ohmybrain #
  • – Galvanized steel frame at Nest #
  • RT @armisteadbooker: Spudnuts from Charlottesville, VA are perhaps one of the most remarkable tastes in all of Christendom. (thanks m&am … #
  • – 4 police officers at Mcintire & West Main #
  • No risk in buying a GM car? What about taxpayers’ risk in buying *GM*? #
  • Today’s sign USA is doomed: heard on NPR that “American Gladiators” will soon be a movie. #
  • Traffic looks to be at a standstill on 64 east from exit 108 in Crozet. I might have just backed down the entrance ramp to get back on 250 #
  • Is it bankruptcy if the gov’t is buying the company? #
  • It’s June. How in the world did June come so fast? #
  • RT @emccullough: RT @J_MRL: Crozet Lib Mon Book Club 7pm: STONE DIARIES by Carol Shields #
  • @ktgeek I wish I knew how to run hulu on my appletv. #
  • Why the heck doesn’t – or my local MLS – have a kick ass mobile open house app? Why are Trulia/zillow/everyone else innovating? #
  • RT @trulia @trulia The open house feature does rock on Trulia. (via @RosevilleRockLn) *On the Trulia iPhone app too 🙂 [1 of 2 tweets] #
  • Off to #theNest to put together furniture. #
  • CSPAN and Coffee. Hooray. #

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