Trader Joe’s Coming to Charlottesville

So says C-Ville.

According to a public notice in today’s Daily Progress, the store is applying for a liquor license with the Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. The ABC has confirmed that the application was received on May 21 and is currently undergoing due process.

The store will be located on the stretch of land between Hydraulic Road and Greenbrier Drive.

For those unfamiliar with Trader Joe’s, I describe them as “Whole Foods for the rest of us.”

And here I was hoping that they would have one in either the new Martha Jefferson redevelopment or Belvedere … 🙂

More at cVillain.

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  1. Matt - Colorado Luxury Real Estate June 16, 2009 at 02:11

    Trader Joe’s is great. I lived in California for a few years and grew to love it like no other commercial entity. Now we just need one to come to Denver!!

  2. Emily June 21, 2009 at 01:03

    Yay! I LOVE Trader Joe’s and until now have had to stock up on TJ’s goods when I visit my parents in MD. I can’t wait until I can get their products locally.

  3. cabell smith August 25, 2010 at 18:03

    SOOOOOO where’s TJ??? What is the follow up re TJ in Cville?


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