Twitter Week in Review

  • Taking the kids to see the wife in Suffolk for the night. Leaving Cville in a bit #
  • RT @Rob_Aubrey: If U wouldn't hire a Realtor build a house, Y would U hire a builder to sell your house #slc #ut #justsaying#
  • Uploading a video for a client … candid property videos are immensely valuable #
  • For the life of me I can't find the 300 page amendment for HR2998 online #energytax #
  • Listening to John Boehner – need to fact check what he's saying, but if true, HR2998 may be *devastating* for American housing #
  • @Acscholl It makes no sense. – How can they vote on something they haven't read? in reply to Acscholl #
  • @ARDELLd Here is the Nest "wall art" – in reply to ARDELLd #
  • RT @ARDELLd: @JimDuncan LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new Avatar, Jim!!! [Thanks, Ardell!] #
  • The National Association of Realtors SUPPORTS this hr2998 energy bill? Thanks, NAR. But did they READ it? #
  • @tomperriello's site is down/slow – "The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request" #
  • Rep. from Texas asking for a copy of the bill they are going to vote on. There is apparently not a copy of the bill available. #noconfidence #
  • @deliawl Unfortunately, on the one day I was in an extreme rush, as I get to the register the credit card machines vomited. I'm hungry. in reply to deliawl #
  • @Noras_Mom Nope – Bodo's take Visa and Mastercard. (thank goodness) in reply to Noras_Mom #
  • One appraisal came in ok. Waiting on another, home inspection in a bit … Bodo's first though #
  • By the way, I love me some @eatatEppies #
  • I love that Shenandoah Joe's on Ivy is playing a bunch of Rush right now. Easy to work to, not so easy to talk on the phone. 🙂 #
  • @justincbeck You're correct – i believe they were asking about the Claudius Crozet tunnel. in reply to justincbeck #
  • RT @tweetmeme Cap and Trade Underpants Gnomes — Sunlight Foundation Blog [If reps don't read it, how can they vote?] #
  • "We all knew he was bringing hope & change …" Jon Stewart *rips* Obama for his "transparency" -Anyone paying attn? #
  • Question from a visitor: "does anyone know how to get to the western entrance of the crozet tunnel by Waynesboro?" #
  • Damn good job, NPR. #
  • For some reason I cannot report spam through seesmic. #
  • @stuntspeaker @abellahomes I know this about Google Wave – it's going to force me to get a bigger monitor in reply to stuntspeaker #
  • Going to lunch @eatateppies in a few minutes #
  • Reading: Google Wave Goodbye Real Estate Brokerage As We Know It? #
  • RT @cvilletomorrow: We just posted our 1,000 entry on our News Center. Now we look forward to the next 1,000. [THANK YOU and Congrats!] #
  • If you think negotiating w/ buyers,s sellers, builders, etc is challenging, try negotiating with a 5 year old #
  • @cloudberryman Is Cloudberry Mac compatible? in reply to cloudberryman #
  • @TomRoyce I'm starting to play w/ S3 for company cloud, but I like Vidlisting for my real estate vids & Viddler for video interviews. in reply to TomRoyce #
  • @TomRoyce They did it to me a couple years ago. Professional stuff can't go there. in reply to TomRoyce #
  • @superninjarobot Viddler, Vidlisting, maybe Youtube b/c they're big, but their quality stinks #
  • Heard that Vimeo yanked videos again in the last few days. Why do people still use them for professional purposes? #
  • I just posted a new Studio Turtle Creek Attached for $117,000 – #
  • Back on Seesmic for now. Tweetdeck is great, too, and the differences are subtle. #
  • RT @ArinSime Dempsey, Altidore and Howard all ROCK! USA soccer in the finals of the Confederations Cup! Who would have believed it? #
  • "Stop the presses" is meaningless on those under 25. #
  • RT @aaronstewart Cool!!! We are going to have government sponsored TV too, just like China and Iran, AWESOME. Thanks ABC!!! #
  • @stevewhitaker #cvillepiefest seems to grow every day. And it all started on Twitter. #
  • #cvillepiefest getting plugs on WINA right now #
  • (shameless self promotion) A really good conversation re: Charlottesville/Albemarle real estate market: #
  • RT @cvillepiefest: 100 days until the Pie Fest!Interested in baking?Or judging?
    Otherwise lending a hand? #
  • Charlottesville tweeps – Cheapest sandwich on the Downtown Mall? #
  • RT @dcagle: First sign of summer – gas price hikes ($3 a gallon around me… ouch!) [funny how that happens] #
  • RT @NRVLiving: @JimDuncan by all appearances, staff driven. I know, so where's the accountability? Digging into that now [fire staff] #
  • RT @mrg7175: ethics is about following the "golden rule" [agreed. Then why is the Realtor Code of Ethics 9 pages long?] #
  • @NRVLiving question I still have re: your MLS debacle – was it staff or member driven? #
  • A very cool time at CHO. Huge thanks to @BHutchinson for setting things up. I'd definitely try to fly out of there if possible #
  • I hate when I misspell things on Twitter. #
  • Trting to figure out why Charlottesville police need 2 traffic cops in the Jeep to write parking tickets #
  • RT @TheRealClint If I killed a guy driving drunk, Id bet the sentence would be longer than 30 days. #justsayin [not if you had $$$] #
  • @1000wattmarc I follow those who I think will add value to me and to whom i think I may add value. The # is ever smaller. in reply to 1000wattmarc #
  • RT @outskirts New blog post: C-Ville Commuters Eat Dirt – Lose All Parking! [I care more now that my office is here] #
  • RT @franklyrealty: My shorts have no pockets. I wish man purses and fanny packs were more acceptable.[start a trend!] #
  • @drewlawrence When I lost too much hair, it was time to use a current picture. in reply to drewlawrence #
  • @drewlawrence Thanks. I stopped using my glamour shot after six years. 🙂 in reply to drewlawrence #
  • @drewlawrence That's a fancy new glamour shot you have there. in reply to drewlawrence #
  • Bald eagle population *increased* w/ the development of Bundoran Farm – – awesome. #
  • @jbinfrisco I'd seriously consider switching to iPhone if they weren't on AT&T; service is iPhone's achilles heel #
  • @amywebb It's difficult to see need for revolution/innovation/reinvention from the inside. 🙂 in reply to amywebb #
  • @amywebb It's frequently insiders who 1) have the most to lose and 2) are the strongest opponents of improvement/evolution in reply to amywebb #
  • RT @DRPnet CAAR Strat Plan: It is hard to think outside your paradigm. Does CAAR need a paradigm shift? [They need to consider a shift] #
  • @DRPnet what about the ones that say it *should* not be done? #
  • @SteveGaines62 Jon & Kate's popularity is a clear indication that Americans' priorities are astoundingly out of order #
  • Wondering how the NAR's radio show is doing. Has anybody listened? What's their website? #
  • RT @gibsondm: Think twice before setting up an auto-DM. Then slap yourself for even thinking about it. [auto-DMs are spam-a-rific] #
  • @sashafarmer When planning for the association, please ask "are we doing what we should be doing, & what should we *not* be doing"? in reply to sashafarmer #
  • @justincbeck 0830. (I'm a single parent this week/month, you know!) in reply to justincbeck #
  • @justincbeck Lamentably no – I'll be at Java Java on the Downtown Mall at 8. Tomorrow morning? in reply to justincbeck #
  • @BeeRealty I've blocked about 25 "people" in the past 36 hours. Frustrating. #dang in reply to BeeRealty #
  • Crozet Volunteer Fire Dept. Car Show sign – – I like how this marketing is useful in our small town #
  • Putting in a new listing, blocking lots of Twitter spammers this morning. #
  • Uploading a video of the kids to my wife, who's out of town. #
  • @AgentSolutions nope. Not yet … #
  • @AgentSolutions OSX 🙂 #
  • RT @genuinechris RT @copyblogger: Think "writing" instead of "blogging" or "tweeting." – @clarkster [amen] #
  • RT @jeffgunther Today was important day for me personally!The World,please meet Intalgent's dream team- @RyanSAdams, @justincbeck, @maeread #
  • Finished showing houses for the day. Off to get my kids and do some more real estate stuff. Poor kids. #
  • RT @mlbroadcast I remember when you would only see API or UPI as the source of images in the news, today its TwitPic and YouTube #
  • Dear Obama: if I want to see a doctor and pay cash, I'd like to be able to do so. Sadly I cannot. Fix that, please. #
  • RT @cvillepodcast Jim Duncan of Nest Realty @jimduncan joined Rick Moore to talk a/b real estate on Wake-Up Call: #
  • @1000wattmarc agreed. Once the sale is closed, they have no remaining rights; I still believe that the MLS is 4 Realtors, not public. in reply to 1000wattmarc #
  • RT @Vidlisting: Real estate blogging won't be the same- FTC to monitor blog claims & disclosures of relationships #
  • 1st question appraiser asked: "how long was it on the market?" If you think days on mkt don't matter, you're probably wrong #
  • @tinainvirginia if they don't want the price in the mls, tell 'em not to *list* it in the mls. It's the Realtors' system, not theirs #
  • @tinainvirginia @bnix @charlottesville @monicamcnamara @1000wattmarc sales price in the mls is as pertinent as number of BR & BA. #
  • Off to meet an appraiser. #
  • I'd appreciate six more hours between now and four o'clock, please. #
  • @jmckeever that and the monorail. #
  • I'm going to give posterous a try this week. I've had the account for a while, but haven't used it. #
  • Wife's gone for work for a few weeks. Single-parenthood, here I come. #
  • RT @rerockstar Offer finally signed after great negotiations. Awaiting countersign and away we go. Hooray for days like today. [Congrats!] #
  • @ErionHouston meh that I was showing houses rather than watching the games. 🙂 in reply to ErionHouston #
  • US -v- Egypt or Brazil -v- Italy. Meh. Neither off to show a couple houses #
  • @steinarknutsen It's not hard to fill an hour of radio – each time I learn more. in reply to steinarknutsen #
  • @steinarknutsen It'll be up on cvillepodcast tomorrow or Tuesday hopefully. I think it was pretty good (but I'm not sure) in reply to steinarknutsen #
  • @TweetDeck I'd like to be audibly notified only for my @ mentions please #
  • Radio over. Going to see my family before my afternoon appointments. #
  • RT @deliawl: @JimDuncan listening online! So cool. [thanks so much!] #
  • RT @jessicachapin: is listening to @JimDuncan discuss the current state of real estate on WNRN. [thanks!] #
  • Getting ready to go live on WNRN to talk about cville real estate market, hvcc, process of buying a home, foreclosures & more. #
  • RT @stevewhitaker It's easy to become a father. It's hard to be a Dad, if you're doing it right. Happy Father's Day #
  • Prepping for radio at 11 on WNRN. Listen live – -or the podcast – -talking about real estate #fb #

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