Twitter Week in Review – 28 June through 5 July

Why do I post these summaries of my weekly Tweets? Simple – I want the content here on, and not just on Twitter. I consider these tweets to be my (occasionally intellectual) property, and I would much rather have them here – a place I own and control – than solely on Twitter.

  • Wondering if @tomperriello would support this transparency bill – #
  • @CandyLynn my wife's in Suffolk (again) for work, so we came down to visit her for the weekend. Dueling fireworks here. 2 simultaneous shows in reply to CandyLynn #
  • Fireworks in Norfolk #
  • Waiting. Waiting for the fireworks to start. #
  • RT @chrisbrogan: Check out what @jasonstoddard did: the entire Declaration of Independence on his stream. 🙂 [we should all read this >once] #
  • In Norfolk and going to Harborfest in a bit. #fb #
  • RT @rprav8r: The rumors are true – crozet acac not opening till the fall (or later). #
  • In Suffolk visiting my wife. Going to Norfolk's Harborfest in a bit. Any suggestions welcome #fb #
  • Re: virginia's new no-texting law, is being at a dead stop on the interstate "awfully stopped"? #
  • Showed a house to one buyer, wrote an unexpected offer for another, now trying to hit the road. #
  • @BennRosales do Americans care enough to do more than make it trendy? Are congress/Obama even listening? in reply to BennRosales #
  • RT @aflusche: Who's working today? We don't need no stinking vacation. [Self-employed people have different schedules; we hustle] #
  • Will the Crozet Mudhouse increase property values by giving people something to walk or bike *to*? #
  • Mudhouse in Crozet!!! #
  • At the new Mudhouse in Crozet #
  • RT @TomRoyce: Now I am getting pissed. Trying to get the Energy bill to read, it has locked up Firefox completely. US Gov't sucks. #
  • @spaz correct. The delay doesn't so much bug me. I just really want to know how best to use it. I'm very intrigued in reply to spaz #
  • Some of the housing implications of the Climate Change bill #
  • Hmmm … my pic from posterous was delayed coming Twitter by an hour or so.I really want to like Posterous; what's the best way to interact? #
  • @TomRoyce New coffee shop in the town in which I live – – & community hub, if all goes well in reply to TomRoyce #
  • @TessOrtega Soon. 🙂 #
  • Wraps are off the Crozet Mudhouse! #
  • – Wraps are off the Crozet Mudhouse! #
  • Meeting buyer clients at Fardownders; parking lot is FULL. Anticipation of @mudhousecoffee? #
  • RT @jimgaffigan: I remember when "Breaking News" meant breaking news. Now it means please don't change the channel. #
  • Great coffee meeting this morning , great meeting with the folks at Bundoran Farm/Celebration … let's see if the goodness can continue. #
  • @SarahStelmok got a link? in reply to SarahStelmok #
  • @TomRoyce For local politics, check out this invaluable local site in Charlottesville privately funded, rich & deep in reply to TomRoyce #
  • @TomRoyce News/media info collection is something about which I am very concerned. Bloggers aren't going to local meetings consistently in reply to TomRoyce #
  • @TomRoyce Collection of MLS-type data is getting easier. Distributing in a good format is getting more challenging – more diverse/disparate in reply to TomRoyce #
  • @TomRoyce I've been thinking about the Free/Cuban argument WRT MLS systems. Trying to make parallels. Distribution is costly, info is easy in reply to TomRoyce #
  • I'd probably pay for some of Google's products if my data didn't go to Google. #
  • RT @SarahWV: RT @HawaiiRealty: Just curious~how does one prepare for a nuclear missle? Any thing I need besides Tequila?[I think you're set] #
  • RT @steinarknutsen: RT @cloudbrain: REMINDER #FirstWednesdays TONIGHT. 7pm at Zinc. [Now at Zinc!] #
  • @superninjarobot agreed. but "1st time" is simpler than "not in the past three years" … in reply to superninjarobot #
  • If a couple is buying a house & one is a 1st time homebuyer, can he claim $4k of the tax credit? #
  • Waiting for a video to process for clients overseas. Videos for buyers are so much different than videos for sellers. #
  • Showing another house in Cville. "Price keeps coming down with each square foot" #
  • RT @petermcarey1: where's the free wifi in Crozet? [Fardowners, Old Trail clubhouse, soon Mudhouse in the Square & Trailside Coffee in OTV] #
  • RT @jessicachapin: needs recommendations for good design/web design blogs. [Are you looking in Cville or in general?] #
  • At Shenandoah Joe's on Preston waiting for buyer clients. #
  • @cvillenewscom I'm passively working on a Belvedere story. It's a shame that it's suffering & that developers don't manage the conversation in reply to cvillenewscom #
  • Crap. It's July?! #
  • It's going to be a long, long day. #
  • RT @traderjoes: by @laurelgeis: So happy to hear Trader Joes is coming to Charlottesville! [now … when? 🙂 ] #
  • RT @ekday: Gen Y "Not that into Twitter." Interesting. [neither are the millennials] #
  • How does one report spam to @twitter if @spam isn't following you? #
  • RT @cvillenewscom PSA 4 the understandably-confused:This here's the feed for,not @cvillenews.I have no idea who that dude is. #
  • @ianwatt I tend to call when I am going to be 2 minutes late. Time is valuable, as is punctuality. #
  • Meeting this morning @mudhousecoffee #
  • @mattwilkins I need to find a copy of that law. in reply to mattwilkins #
  • Trying out UberTwitter this morning versus Twitterberry #
  • My MacbookPro now dies without troubling itself with sleeping. Good. I didn't need that stuff I was working on. #
  • RT @hthrflynn: RT @NRVLiving: – New signs are starting to get placed [NICE!!!!] #
  • RT @frugalinva Wow, this feels like an incredibly long day. [And it's just getting started!] #
  • Another great haircut at Chung's. I appreciate how he humors me by using scissors 🙂 #
  • @tomperriello – since your office didn't track how many calls were for/against HR2998/ACES, how do you know what constituents think? #
  • Give a few bucks to @CvilleTomorrow – this is why – #
  • The Onion is timeless "As Real-Estate Agent, Area Man's Appearance Crucial" #
  • @Cyberhomes I'd feel better about Madoff going to jail if taxpayers weren't paying his way in reply to Cyberhomes #
  • RT @BennRosales: We're fans of everyone, can we just get an accept all button? #fb #
  • RT @chrispirillo What is Google Wave? [THE killer CRM app?] #
  • Save newspapers … by not talking about them? #
  • Reading: Obama Choosing to Be Weak – Financial Times #
  • RT @SallyGolf: Cap and Trade protest-Tom Perriello's Charlottesville office 313 2nd St. SE Ste. 12 Thursday 7/2 4 pm Bring some attitude! #
  • Disappointed that USA lost #
  • RT @Akula The US is already up 2-0 on Brazil? This can't be happening, can it?? [Really need to find a pub!] #
  • RT @fredwilson Out and about but keeping up on US/Brazil in the confederation cup on twitter. For those who care. US is up 2-0 right now. #
  • @sashafarmer curious to see if the "no texting while driving" law will result in fewer tweets #
  • @RyanSAdams curious to see twitter traffic levels in Virginia – now versus July 2. I'll bet there will be a decrease of some sort #
  • @superninjarobot … & it wasn't for public review for > 48 hours. Transparency loses to politicians' gains/goals. (note my passion? 🙂 ) in reply to superninjarobot #
  • @superninjarobot Additionally, I don't trust anyone who voted for it – none of them could have read it … in reply to superninjarobot #
  • @superninjarobot Specifically Section 204. G & I for example in reply to superninjarobot #
  • @superninjarobot Correct. Labeling all new homes w/ Energy Ratings (that haven't been developed) brings uncertainty, is broad & undefined in reply to superninjarobot #
  • Strictly from a housing point of view, Title II -Building Efficiency of Clean Energy & Security bill -is bad. Very bad. #

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