Charlottesville Social Media Club – Meeting This Wednesday

You’ve seen the Charlottesville Tweetups (folks like Happy Hours), the First Wednesdays, (WCAV did a nice story a while ago) … now let’s try out the Charlottesville Social Media Club.

This is how I think about the Club- sort of a formalized (but not too formalized) Tweetup/First Wednesdays – I suspect there will be many of the same faces, but, as we’ve seen with the Tweetups, new faces appear every week – and that is a very good thing.

So – join us tomorrow night at the 12th Street Tap House.

Why so much offline social media activity?

People want to be connected and to be a part of something. This authentic connectivity is something that social media facilitates.

People have asked – why so involved? The answers are simple:

1) I believe that a more connected, more involved, more invested community is apt to positively impact and affect the community.

2) Selfishly, I love meeting smart people.

3) Knowing more people – in this economy or any other – is a good thing. 

More to come in the coming days and weeks about the group’s vision, goals and structure, but for now, please join us for Happy Hour at the 12th Street Tap House tomorrow afternoon (it’s sure be nice to be able to link to an updated "what’s on draft now" at the Tap House!).

Follow us on Twitter.

See what’s happening on Facebook.

Check out the wiki.

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  1. Daniel, The Real Estate Zebra July 14, 2009 at 21:34

    I was REALLY looking forward to this, but alas, I shall be traveling to RE Barcamp VA Beach at the speed of light in hopes of beating tunnel traffic. 🙂

    I hope the event is awesome, and I look forward to being able to attend future get-togethers.

  2. Jim Duncan July 15, 2009 at 05:28

    It’ll be interesting to see how many people show up and what the interest is. What with it having a name and organizers makes it less organic than tweetups/First Wednesdays, but it’s liable to be a great group of people.


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