Twitter Week in Review

  • Scheduled appointments finished for the day. Stuff yet to be done, but at least appointments are through. #
  • Off to see about another house in the city. #
  • @candylynn – Maybe Tuesday afternoon. #
  • Reading: It's not about invoices, it's about risk –interesting correlations to real estate #
  • @johnchapin I think so, but it was pretty hard to tell. House has been on market for 605 days. in reply to johnchapin #
  • RT @Marijean: RT @chrisbrogan: Amazon apologizes for deleting 1984 from Kindles: claims they meant to delete Fahrenheit 451 instead. -heh. #
  • I'm thinking that the dead rabbit in this house probably doesn't help showings. Nice black snake in the backyard too #
  • @seanshanks @candylynn how much better than the curve is the tour? I see Tour has much more onboard memory & that is enticing in reply to seanshanks #
  • If anyone's taking pictures of the Old Trail Town Center opening today, please put them on flickr tagged with "crozet" #
  • I think I might want the Blackberry Tour. AT&T service just sucks in outer Cville areas – where I go frequently #
  • realcentralva Intense storm in Crozet right now. Wind & sideways driving rain. Hope the power stays on long enough to finish cooking dinner! #
  • A telling picture that represents the current state of the newspaper industry #
  • I'd like to know when it got so darn humid in Cville. All of a sudden it's a bit nasty out. #
  • Being included as one whom @ardelld trusts made my day (and is a bit humbling) #justsayin #
  • A good day. One closed (18 days late). One ratified. Going to show more houses this afternoon. #
  • @trendgraphix Much of our data analysis is purely manual analysis. CDOM/DOM are particularly not trustworthy. Realtors don't get it. Darn it in reply to trendgraphix #
  • RT @trendgraphix: @1000wattmarc When graphs are presented in context and w/ interpretation from qualified Realtor, consumers get it. #
  • RT @stevewhitaker: WOW. I have 96 Gmail invites left. Let me know if you want one – this thing is hot! #
  • I just used UnTweeps to unfollow 43 Tweeps who haven't tweeted recently. ]Less is more] #
  • @superninjarobot one would think that the local MLS & Realtors would see value of good data. Sadly too many just don't in reply to superninjarobot #
  • The more I look at cville market data, the more I tend to mistrust the data-both user input & system quirks. Anecdotal evidence may be best #
  • @hanchettjim also – Old Trail pool is offering memberships to the public- Curious about whether that's for next year too in reply to hanchettjim #
  • Off to practice old-school real estate: driving to meet another agent, pick up offer, drive to clients' house to present #fb #
  • @cvilletomorrow if the issue is the signs, not the sales, why address the signs rather than the sales? seems to be a property rights issue in reply to cvilletomorrow #
  • Charlottesville allowing only 3 yard sales a year (pay for permit for subsequent ones?!?!) via @cw29 #
  • Green House Coffee in Crozet #
  • @ARDELLd but the commission is negotiated b/t agent & client. in reply to ARDELLd #
  • RT @JovanH: RT @mschoder: Back-To-School Tax Holiday Scheduled Aug. 7-9 – #
  • It would be great if lenders and staff were given the freedom, latitude & power to think & act reasonably. #
  • RT @wharriman: From the "WTF?" files: Whut? Firefox too expensive to implement?? Goverment jerks… #
  • Board meeting, work on 2 closings, one of which is redefining incompetence. #
  • RT @TechCrunch: Chris Anderson's Free Is Now Available For Free On The Kindle by @parislemon [If only Kindle were free] #
  • RT @billlublin: @phxreguy someone just asked me if I was you #rebcvb #upgrade [#speechless. Wish I was there] #
  • @RLuna @jburslem Realtors have been giving so much away for free for so long,the only thing left to give is the actual client representation in reply to RLuna #
  • Bodo's garlicy Caesar salads could be weaponized. #
  • RT @ARDELLd: @ErionHouston We voted for lawyers so we got lawyers. ["we" the collective are idiots.] #
  • @bkmcae It seems that VAR is advocating for federal oversight over local building codes. Specifically Article X in reply to bkmcae #
  • @bkmcae But "no worries"? Regarding the bill, Realtors have a *lot* to be worried about."Less" worries is more accurate in reply to bkmcae #
  • Pulling a post on my blog – it was scheduled for over two months & I'd forgotten about it. Wrote 3 stories already, content overload #
  • Pantops on Charlottesville #
  • RT @hull_j: @marijean When/where is Social Media Club meeting today? #cvillesmc [12th Street Tap House at 5:30] #
  • @drubloomfield what are benefits to having MLS comm. Do "all tech"? in reply to drubloomfield #
  • So pleased the guy I'm meeting at 8 o'clock was on time #
  • @bkmcae Curious about yesterday's VAR email. Can the climate bill be posted on Buzz? "Climate Bill:No Worries for Realtors" is misleading #
  • @jmckeever Exactly. But, I wonder, if 1st impressions are everything, why use Restaurant Week to come off cheap? in reply to jmckeever #
  • A little disappointed with the food quality tonight. Meh. Cville Restaurant Week continues. #
  • The volume of email I get every day is daunting. #fb #
  • Heading out to dinner in a bit. Thanks to Restaurant Week – #
  • RT @RealEstateZebra: Just got another listing under contract. Now the hard work begins.[Amen. The real work is post-contract] #
  • RT @jmckeever: @cvilletomorrow who are the right people? people who agree w his pov? [I had the same ?] #
  • I wonder I'd anyone from SunTrust is on Twitter & whether they could help close a loan that is 16 days past closing. #
  • RT @morganb: ?? When did real estate + Twitter = social media expert happen ?? [you mean, that's not true?] #
  • @DRPnet I'm opposed to profiting from my intellectual property & that of my fellow Realtors. in reply to DRPnet #
  • salesperson cold calling me essentially hung up when I politely answered her question as to why I don't want "showcase" listings #
  • Charlottesville Social Media Club happy hour tomorrow – RSVP – #
  • Home inspection over. On to other things and clients. #
  • At another home inspection. #
  • @ErionHouston Does Zipforms have a new mac version? in reply to ErionHouston #
  • Just what the sleek remote control needed … #
  • Going on hour #4 of this home inspection. #
  • @superninjarobot brand new. First meeting is this Wednesday. in reply to superninjarobot #
  • RT @SMCCville: Come help plan the future of Social Media Club Cville this Weds at 12th Street Taphouse – 5:30-7pm. RSVP: #
  • RT @genuinechris: <–Agent friends, am I full of crap? [Not at all. Excellent advice] #
  • RT @DeanOuellette: After playing with the bing vs google site Im completely convinced Google crushes Bing [agreed] #
  • RT @NRVLiving: @LaniAR send a dm to @spam and report them [how does one get @spam as a follower? I've tried!] #
  • At a home inspection in Ivy. I learn something every time. #
  • I'd like to be able to crowdsource some of my buyers' needs with local Realtors whom I trust. Will some in the do that for me please? #
  • RSS Bankruptcy declared. Week starts tabula rasa #
  • @ardelld have a link to the bill that may extend the $8k tax credit? #
  • @CaptainCowPie Crozet versus Charlottesville shopping – – 50-50 I'd say. in reply to CaptainCowPie #
  • Looking at some market stats for the Charlottesville region – very little has changed since January of this year. Really. #
  • RT @DitiSays: I said charlottesville and now the city is following me. Twitter is ridiculous [advice for Realtors- ] #
  • RT @BHutchinson: #CharlottesvilleRestaurantWeek starts tomorrow! Who has reservations? [I do!] #
  • @superninjarobot I guess not negotiating is one tactic, but in today's context, it is not a very effective one in reply to superninjarobot #
  • Hay bales at Bundoran Farm in Albemarle County #
  • Unrepresented seller "doesn't have to sell". Really should have disclosed that in the MLS (listed w/ limited service realtor) #
  • One would think an unrepresented seller whose house has been on the market for more than a year would return my calls. One would be wrong #
  • Walked to the Crozet Mudhouse with my wife. A good Sunday morning. #

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