- Listening to a pretty good 2-man band at my sister's wedding reception in Arlington watching planes approach landing to National Airport #fb #
- My blackberry needs to be rebuilt, methinks. Might just go for the Tour. Not getting any emails. #
- Awesome: Verizon support says, "I only have instructions for Windows." Luckily I use a Mac. #
- Why is parking $1 all night in Arlington but $2/hour in Charlottesville? #
- @EricStegemann you oughta come to Charlottesville. Local pork served at our Chipotle. in reply to EricStegemann #
- @gregslateragent back in front of my mac fighting through email. Verizon told me that my phone being hosed was their fault. in reply to gregslateragent #
- Please, Verizon. get my email working again. #
- RT @bkmcae: RT @VARbuzz: VAR's membership currently stands at 31,151 [what's the delta b/t now & last year? 2006?] #
- RT @mizzle: This business is completely insane. [Everyday brings a new example of said insanity] #
- Verizon says my phone is hosed b/c they are trying to merge Alltel & Verizon. I see that I have 50+ emails but can't read them. Aargh #
- @TheRealClint is the Tour worth it? in reply to TheRealClint #
- Good News, Bad News http://post.ly/1WyR #
- RT @TomRoyce: RT @chrisbrogan: Perhaps we could become the trending topic to get their attention. #twitterspam #
- Deleting ~20 voice mails – it'd be nice if I could port to Google Voice now & have them transcribed. #
- Just posted on my local blog about car break-ins. http://bit.ly/2Sg2y It's a shame & a reminder that there are bad people out there #
- On CNBC: "a president who took 6 months to name his dog needs to get health care done in a weekend." #
- If you're in Crozet and your car was broken into, please let me know. Maybe @dailyprogress or @robdavis or @hanchettjim can help #
- RT @seantubbs: Does anybody in Charlottesville deliver beer? How expensive would this be? #
- Shutting down for a while. #
- We don't care when other celebrities hang around Charlottesville. Why the fuss over Michelle Obama? #
- @JBern @InvestorLoft just can't make it work this year. in reply to JBern #
- @BennRosales the people & the conversations & the drinks. in reply to BennRosales #
- @bluestbutterfly real estate conference in San Francisco. in reply to bluestbutterfly #
- The more I think about it the more I think I'm really going to miss being at Inman this year. Darn it. #
- @hilarymarsh also by being human & transparent you set the expectation for readers & commenters to do the same in reply to hilarymarsh #
- Online Newspapers Score Poorly Among Real Estate Advertisers – ClickZ http://post.ly/1VAI #
- Seriously, riding my bike around Charlottesville is so much better than driving sometimes. This morning to a termite inspection #
- I'd like to be able to prevent people from following me who have < 10 updates and >500 people they follow #
- You're not alone. http://post.ly/1UmQ #
- realcrozetva Just so you know – curbside recycling that doesn't have to be separated by me is awesome. #
- Thanks, karma. #
- Going on WINA radio in about 15 minutes to talk about the Cville real estate market. @ me questions #
- Rode nearly 5 miles around Charlottesville today. Faster & greener than driving. http://bit.ly/bN54o #
- Off to lunch with an old friend from high school. Riding my bike there b/c it's a nice day – and easier than driving and parking #
- But, We’re ALL Ethical! | Real Estate Opinion MAG – AgentGenius http://post.ly/1SyS #
- @stevewhitaker nope. @comcastcares is the reason I'm still with Comcast in reply to stevewhitaker #
- RT @billlublin: Did I mention that verizon customer service needs to talk to @comcastcares about how not to stink? [Amen.] #
- RT @AlexChangSF: Retweeting @jonathanmiller: New blog post: [Interview] Michael Simonsen,Co-Founder, CEO, Altos Research http://bit.ly/6LklH #
- Are *all* Realtors "trained professionals?" http://bit.ly/wLdZE #
- @InmanNews ah – are all the comments on FB, too? in reply to InmanNews #
- @InmanNews In lieu of data, I like anecdotes 🙂 in reply to InmanNews #
- @InmanNews More comments essentially. Curious how many of the comment contributors are 'premium' in reply to InmanNews #
- @InmanNews Maybe a disclaimer/disclosure to visitors that their contributions/conversation will be inaccessible after 24 hrs? in reply to InmanNews #
- @InmanNews Yeah, I made the mistake of contributing to the premium side. Sorry about that.Admittedly, the premium is a better conversation in reply to InmanNews #
- @InmanNews For comments though? Seems a bit anti-community to charge for for comment participation. in reply to InmanNews #
- RT @billlublin: Reading: "But, We’re ALL Ethical!" (http://twitthis.com/eekyhm) [figures you'd the the first to comment!] #
- RT @kidbrax: first question on ABOR survey: why did you join ABOR? "to access the MLS" isn't even on the list, have to write it in other #
- Interesting conversation about Old Trail's Grand Opening – http://bit.ly/EbJAI #
- @BennRosales thanks Benn. Sometimes inspiration comes unexpectedly. But it sets up next week's post beautifully. in reply to BennRosales #
- @TBoard huh. Great article, but I didn't know I'd have to pay $150 to read my own comments. I understand paying to read the article … in reply to TBoard #
- Waiting for an unrepresented seller to respond to an offer.I'm the Buyer's Agent; really wish there was a good agent on the other side #
- @ryancordell now – define "from". "From" for some means "born here" & for others means "been here for > 3 generations" in reply to ryancordell #
- RT @ryancordell: @jimduncan what is the best term for a person from Crozet? I'm hoping for Crozetian… [I've always heard Crozetian] #
- A really good friend is looking for a job in Atlanta in the fundraising/nonprofit space.Help/introductions would appreciated #fb #
- Darn it. Made a comment on @tboard's post on @inmannews but now can't see comments http://bit.ly/dk3dS Do I have to upgrade to see comments? #
- Thank goodness for coffee. #
- @1000wattmarc $250/month for IDX access seems ludicrous. in reply to 1000wattmarc #
- RT @1000wattmarc @davidcharris @knowitalleric Seems insanely high considering the dues the broker already pays to the MLS. #
- @BHutchinson Sadly, no. I'm about one mile from Mudhouse – an easy bike ride or walk. Having 2 (& soon 3!) coffee shops in under 2 sq. miles in reply to BHutchinson #
- Trailside Coffee in Crozet http://post.ly/1QYp #
- RT @InmanNews: News Story: Broker: Ban dual agency http://bit.ly/5QohH [it may never happen. Realtors (leadership) are too self-serving] #
- Bundoran Farm + Audubon International = Gold Audubon Sanctuary in Albemarle County http://bit.ly/bvHpP #
- Grateful for the tuna salad my wife stashed in my car. Wouldn't have made it this far in the day without it. #fb #
- RT @1000wattmarc: Great marketing versus stupendously bad marketing. All it took was one Realtor postcard in my mailbox http://bit.ly/188lry #
- I *really* wish NetNewsWire could sync/share/interact/share functionality with Google Reader. #
- At a home inspection for an out-of-country client. #
- Working on a post for @agentgenius, working title "Is it Ethical?" – sorta like "Will it Blend?" #
- @tcar is the rembex still updated? http://rembex.mariah.com/ #
- RT @tweetmeme Transparency is the New Objectivity — Sunlight Foundation Blog http://tinyurl.com/lmak97 [AND "we" have to educate ourselves] #
- @drewlawrence I've been practicing "Serenity Prayer" real estate for the past four years. #
- @MudhouseCrozet what time do you close today? in reply to MudhouseCrozet #
- So much to do, such a beautiful day distracting me from doing it. #familytime #
- RT @robhahn: @tcar drama? what drama? [How can there possibly be drama about a contact page?] #
- Charlottesville MLS is down this morning. If Solid Earth were listening to soc. media, they'd know this. #
- I get paid more because I can spell "identical" http://bit.ly/AshI6 #
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