Twitter Week in Review

  • @tcar Happy Birthday! #
  • Ending our vacation #
  • @steverubel Here's the question I keep coming back to with Posterous (and other 3rd party platforms) … who owns the … #
  • ‘Take Back the Beep’ Campaign – Pogue’s Posts Blog – #
  • RT @mortgagereports: @JimDuncan – Wow. The new #MDIA laws didn't take long to make a real-world impact. [no kidding- #
  • Had my first closing delayed thanks to the new lender Disclosure laws. Sweet. #
  • RT @cvilletomorrow: RT @DailyProgress: Crozet leaders ask county to advance historic district #
  • Moral Motivations: A Test Soon to Come to a Supermarket Near You | Notorious R.O.B. – Conversations on Marketing, Techn #
  • RT @robhahn: This may be the most important least read post in the this quarter:[understanding history is crucial] #
  • Charlottesville Tweetup – 11 August? Lunch on the Mall somewhere? #FB What say you? Maybe @eatateppies? #
  • WTF-Neighbor's car stolen from their driveway last night/this am in Crozet – Blue Honda Civic – JSY-1778 #
  • Morning thought #
  • RT @Marijean: RT @SMCCville: Are you a fan of SMCCVille on Facebook? Help us get to 100 fans and that vanity URL? #smccville #
  • @DRPnet Maybe CAAR could have a conversation about pulling the feed? Or suggesting pay for the feed? in reply to DRPnet #
  • RT @DRPnet:'s pricing structure coming under fire at the Broker Forum. For the record I did not bring this up (but YAAY). #
  • Albemarle Fair Doubles in Awesomeness at #
  • @stevewhitaker Same realtor "represents" both sides Grassroots is ineffective when "leadership" is against change in reply to stevewhitaker #
  • I'm bored with the dual agency debate. All I can do is not do it & educate people about why it's bad #
  • RT @Stevewhitaker "Horizon Realty thinks it's okay" is my new Nuclear Option when I screw something up at work. #
  • @TomRoyce The inability for some organizations to understand this landscape is remarkable. Lawsuits are rarely a good opening salvo in reply to TomRoyce #
  • "We're a sue first, ask questions later kind of an organization,"Horizon Realty -makes me want to do business with them. #
  • About to retweet @TomRoyce in reply to TomRoyce #
  • Prepping to leave town tomorrow. #
  • The things I do for my clients #
  • Tried to get a pic of the 9 or 10 guys digging a hole. #
  • Off to meet an appraiser. Closing this morning went smoothly; really needed a smooth one for a change #
  • Google sparks real estate listings brawl #
  • Fortuitous meeting this morning at Shenandoah Joe's. #
  • @DRPnet I was deliberately a bit over-the-top this morning, but how many other trade groups also advocate for the consumer as well? in reply to DRPnet #
  • The NAR has an Identity Crisis #
  • Working on a post for @agentgenius. Discussing Realtor ethics. #
  • Albemarle County Fair this week #
  • Require sprinklers in residential properties? #
  • @DRPnet there's a major shift at CAAR? What is it? in reply to DRPnet #
  • RT @BiggerPockets: BiggerPockets Blog: What The Yellow Pages Can Tell You About The Economy [insight everywhere] #
  • Off to a home inspection in Southern Albemarle. #fb #
  • RT @hanchettjim: Making coverage plans for broadband summitt at PVCC w/Warner etc. Home computer slow. [there's a broadband summit?] #
  • @mattrathbun Oliver North. He shut down summer cartoons. in reply to mattrathbun #
  • Prepping to show houses this afternoon. Agents who strip the MLS of all data when the lose a listing are … #

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