- Really looking forward to being on WNRN radio tomorrow morning at 11 http://post.ly/3N9m #
- Really looking forward to being on WNRN radio tomorrow morning at 11 ((jim duncan, radio, nature, play, bundoran farm, http://post.ly/3N9m #
- Never thought I'd be writing/blogging nearly 5 years in http://post.ly/3N9S #
- Going to the gym with National Association of Realtors' On Common Ground mag in hand. Good stuff this issue #
- Charlottesville folks – best place to buy a pre-made picnic basket for dinner? #
- Amazon tells me that Snow Leopard shipped today. I'm hoping for hard drive space recovery akin to @respres' #
- Now that's ominous sky http://post.ly/3Liy #
- Verizon wireless, you've been sucking in Charlottesville this week. Dropped calls, new dead spots, slow internet. WTH? #vzw #
- @ErionHouston Arshavin's goal was stunning. I'm missing the 2nd half. But … I'll take a home inspection now & watch the match later in reply to ErionHouston #
- RT @REBlogGirl: Bill would give president emergency control of Internet | Politics and Law – CNET News http://ff.im/-7lNoW #
- @DRPnet You could join the no-handshake mission/movement http://bit.ly/c4EOB led by @techcrunch in reply to DRPnet #
- Getting ready to go to a home inspection in C'ville. Lamentably, kids' first soccer game is at the same time. I need a doppleganger #
- Sounds of Cicadas in Charlottesville http://post.ly/3Ew6 #
- Amtrak's Central Virginia tourism line about to launch – http://bit.ly/JC8da I really do want to see their market studies #
- Second Street becomes waste transfer station – Is this an April Fool's joke? http://post.ly/3CcY #
- RT @DaniloB: Congrats @gingerw and @mikesimonsen – great piece on Forbes http://bit.ly/3tm6Pa #
- I wonder how many people refused to watch the Eagles tonight (but really did, b/c they were curious) #
- RT @erickelley: Keith urban you are not my friend right now! You and your concert in #cville causing traffic problems! #
- @shailesh the threshold for playing travel soccer is so much higher than for other more substantive things. It's ridiculous in reply to shailesh #
- Kid needs *original* birth certificate to play soccer. Why? #
- @TBoard I'm tempted to buy Ubertwitter to get rid of the ads in reply to TBoard #
- Twitter used to be a great, useful back channel of sorts.Now, it's a popular channel; I want/need a back channel #
- FYI – Ubertor rocks. Great product and service #
- Not a bad view http://post.ly/37MS #
- RT @hanchettjim: Acres of forest falling in Crozet. Foothill Crossing soon to rise. [incredible that they're starting in this economy] #
- "The only time Congress stops spending money is when you take away their power" … But he still won't support FairTax @tomperriello #
- @TomPerriello giving opening remarks at CAAR http://post.ly/35c0 #
- First statement to Tom Perriello from the crowd (of 20) – "End HVCC". Amen. #
- Heading to coffee w/ @ TomPerriello. I disagree w/ him on most issues, but he's doing a commendable job of seeking out & listening to folks #
- Google versus … Zillow Mortgage? The world, really? http://post.ly/32oU #
- Banjo player on the Downtown Mall http://post.ly/31o0 #
- RT @1Password: Used 1Password 2 to log into PayPal to pay the upgrade to 1Password 3. (via @cparnot) – Whoa, so meta. 😀 [as did I :)] #
- I've driven 300 miles showing houses in the past 3 days, but I rode my bike 6 miles to & from a meeting today. Baby steps #
- @respres I can't comprehend the complacency of what seems to be a majority of consumers in reply to respres #
- Looking at a house on the market for $900k, the photos are *awful* – The seller is irresponsible for allowing this #fb #
- RT @DailyProgress: AT&T rolls out 3G service in area:
Service for Crozet in the works http://bit.ly/O5yG4 # - Getting ready to show a bunch of houses. #
- @jmckeever laziness, inattention to detail or not taking the time to properly geocode the listing in reply to jmckeever #
- @SarahStelmok I disagree. That is very funny. in reply to SarahStelmok #
- I agree w/ @Wcnrthecorner – it's going to be 90 today in C'ville. Let's not talk about Christmas music. #
- I'm looking for speed tests on Verizon EV-DO -vs- AT&T 3G right now http://post.ly/2ytc #
- For some reason the posterouse bookmarklet doesn't work in FF 3.5.2 for me. Copying and pasting to Safari or email … #
- Texting While Driving PSA – thanks @wkdavis – graphic but impactful http://post.ly/2ynk #
- Ignorance may be blissful, but it's mighty dangerous to those around you #
- Looking forward to being #atthegym in a bit #
- @stevewhitaker All the complaints I hear about AT&T in Charlottesville reaffirms my sticking w/ Verizon & my BlackBerry in reply to stevewhitaker #
- Heading over to Pantops from Crozet in a few for kid's soccer practice. What I wouldn't give for a carpool. #fb #
- Crozet Music Festival – October 2, 3 & 4 2009 http://post.ly/2uug #
- Ummm … @DailyProgress – Where *can* we drive in and around Charlottesville right now? http://post.ly/2ui6 #
- "Crowdsourcing road congestion data" – Am I the only one a little bit freaked out by this? http://post.ly/2u1i #
- @tyr I'm glad there are folks who remember the origins of such things in reply to tyr #
- Showing notes from today: hollow-core doors are such an utter disappointment in $750 houses #
- @TomRoyce and if you're not ticking off at least person, you're probably painting within the lines, too in reply to TomRoyce #
- RT @TomRoyce: RT @cc_chapman: A friend just reminded me "if you are not a little scared then you are not pushing hard enough" #
- If I'd been able to ride my bike from the office to this meeting, I would have been there 5 minutes ago #
- RT @stevewhitaker: Bookstore (n): coffeeshop where you can take pictures of things to buy on Amazon. #
- The bus stops are full this morning. #fb #
- First day of school, long day of showing homes ahead. First day of school saddens me. #
- RT @OldTrail: News Scoop: Thai Food coming to Crozet! http://bit.ly/TsgFD [nifty. One less reason to go to C'ville!] #
- RT @AltosResearch: What to expect in tomorrow's Case-Shiller Home Price index announcement: http://budurl.com/vasy #altos #
- For any service, but especially a free one, @posterous and their support are outstanding #
- @yellowfish_md That's such a true statement. http://bit.ly/3I4UGO in reply to yellowfish_md #
- RT @MortgageDr: @JimDuncan what is the ETA on grand opening of Open Space? [october? @openspacecowork?] #
- I spoke too soon http://post.ly/2oPs #
- Richmond to Crozet for Back to School night. #
- RT @superninjarobot: Really loving the new @OpenSpaceCowork pics, particularly this one: http://is.gd/2wJcJ Feeling more productive already #
- Determined that Realtors' "self policing" measures are a farce. That we profess a Code of Ethics as a selling point is laughable #
- The sad thing is, 90 minutes into this meeting, no one has actually *defined* "professionalism" – w/o that we're just BS-ing #
- In a VA Assoc of Realtors meeting discussing Realtor Professionalism. Does TX have more competent Realtors b/c of their education reqs? #
- Why in the world does Best Buy not sell cell phone batteries? #
- Morning showing over. Off to Richmond for a VAR meeting. One day I'll explain how this participation benefits my clients #
- Further Proof that (local) Government should either be run like a business or stop providing services http://post.ly/2llm #
- I hate when I do that. Had to pull & reschedule a post for later today. #
- 200k? 400k? What is the Optimal or Maximum Population for Albemarle County? http://post.ly/2jc8 #
- I'm thinking I may experiment with registration on my IDX search page http://post.ly/2jMO #
- @JohnLauber I'm keeping Thesis, but I can't get the Zillow plugin to work on it, so I'm trying something new in reply to JohnLauber #
- Looking for a simple, clean, professional wordpress theme. Darn it. #
- A day at South Fork Soccer Park http://post.ly/2i3q #
- Finally getting a haircut. This is the third time in as many days that I've stopped by Chung's; finally less than 3 people in line #
- You Find Some of the Dumbest things when you poke around OpenCongress.org http://post.ly/2gEC #
- Homebuyer tax credit bills http://post.ly/2g1a #
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