Twitter Week in Review

  • Maybe it's time for UVa to renew its rivalry w/ VMI; it's liable to be competitive. #fb #
  • Just got back and am watching the UVA tweets – – apparently, UVA's football team isn't so great. #
  • RT @morganb: RT @Jesse: Want an Unpaid Internship So You Can Get Valuable Experience ? – Screw You ! (by @mcuban) #
  • RT @pauljacobson: Self-hosted WordPress is under attack. Upgrade to 2.8.4 now. Attack details at @Mashable: #
  • On the road to Richmond for a soccer tournament. #whatwedoforourkids #
  • RT @rduplain: At home, letting newspapers pile up while I admire how my loaded gun looks under the moonlight. #whattotweetonvacation #
  • @mwurzer I wish we had recorded the conf call the other day. Think it would have made a good podcast for those interested in MLS future #
  • @bnix being a true expert means openly acknowledging that you don't know everything & that you can learn from almost everyone in reply to bnix #
  • @mattlavallee I'm seeing similar trends. I think stagnation by Spring/Summer is in the cards.Wondering what impact Google's projections have in reply to mattlavallee #
  • Take Two – Google real estate trends #
  • More insight from Google Trends – Now with projections #
  • Amazing Augmented Reality – I can't wait for the next 5 years of tech #
  • RT @calculatedrisk Bank Failure #88: Community Bank, Rolling Meadows,Illinois [but I keep hearing the recession's over] #
  • Anyone using Wildblue in the Charlottesville area? Need highspeed internet in area not served by embarq or Comcast #
  • RT @kevinokeefe: Oregon suspends RB LeGarrette Blount for season (@APOregonSports) That's integrity on UofO's part #
  • If I can put BlackBerry #3 together in time, I'll got to Fridays after 5. #
  • RT @ancym: Signing up for yoga at Old Crozet School Arts w/Ursula Goadhouse.1st class next Wed.. or #
  • What happens on the web stays on the web "is that a ferret?" #
  • RT @JimBain1: How the Charlottesville Local Food Hub gets fresh, local fruit to public schools. [sweet] #
  • Just looked at Daily Progress w/o an adblocker; the # of ads is actually offensive. Hard to focus on content #
  • Listening to WINA discussion about the UVa band; sounds like the marching band may be more of a draw than the football team #
  • @tomroyce The charts are measuring "The Google Real Estate Index tracks queries related to "real estate, mortgage, … #
  • Agreed. Are you being more selective in whom you follow here versus elsewhere? (I am due to fatigue) #
  • Google Finance for real estate #
  • Mind is still working after yesterday's call re: MLS panel at NAR in San Diego. Having only an hour could be challenging. 🙂 #
  • Good morning, Comcast. Thanks for day 3 of wonky internet. #
  • @petermcarey That said, I think the Harris Teeter effect will be seen. ACAC will likely be immediately populated. in reply to petermcarey #
  • @petermcarey I think they're looking at 2 different markets. ACAC's hours alone are limiting.Being able to go to the gym at 11pm is valuable in reply to petermcarey #
  • #atthegym #
  • Turned on the Redskins game at halftime. I forgot they were playing tonight; apparently they did too. #
  • @drewlawrence some people call that "moonshine" for short in reply to drewlawrence #
  • An evening on Cville's Downtown Mall: guy on harmonica w/ an amp, woman on a violin & a guy on a guitar. A nice walk up and down. #
  • Odd. Unable to upload to youtube from Safari or Firefox after Snow Leopard and Flash upgrade #
  • Rode 2 miles to meet a radon guy I love riding around Charlottesville for appointments #
  • @EatAtEppies touché. and great jerk chicken today. in reply to EatAtEppies #
  • Almost made it to Babgy's but was lured into @eatateppies #
  • One day, I'll remember to tag in posterous properly. I swear, I screw them up 1/3 of the time #
  • A MUST read story about smoke detectors, courtesy of Courteney Stuart w/ the Hook ((charlottesville, fire, smoke detect #
  • Thinking about lunch on the Downtown Mall. Anyone want to grab a sandwich? #
  • RT @Roost: No Uniform Recovery for Housing (The Wall Street Journal) <DO> [those who think otherwise are misinformed] #
  • RT @Marijean: One month till #cvillepiefest I predict 15 test pies between now and the big event. [I can't wait!] #
  • RT @rcooper: Contributing to Charlottesville's budget,one parking ticket at a time [cville parking cops- efficient, determined & persistent] #
  • Off to a Realtor membership meeting. Woo. Hoo. #
  • Dear Snow Leopard: Thank you for the 12 gigs back. #
  • Debating the Snow Leopard upgrade. Anything to look out for? 🙂 #
  • @RETomato Wow. Y'all rock. in reply to RETomato #
  • @rerockstar Never. (Unless I had my client's permission – in writing) in reply to rerockstar #
  • @RETomato is that to you or typepad? in reply to RETomato #
  • #firstwednesdays was great, as were the $2 beers at escafe. Wish I could have stayed, but kids call 🙂 #
  • Brilliant post from @robhahn – realtors, fiduciary, lawyers – oh, yeah! #
  • RT @garrytan: Forbes blog article on PicPosterous and Posterous: (via @ojchiang) #
  • Wrapping up a conference call planning for NAR in San Diego. Lunch meeting at noon. #
  • @wbaustin doesn't it seem as if every one of his speeches is "major"? in reply to wbaustin #
  • @wharriman counter-intuitively, w/ print ad spending down, is now the time to advertise in order to stand out? (& negotiate deals) in reply to wharriman #
  • I have such little patience for those who don't respect time – esp mine. #
  • RT @NeilSWilliamson: Albemarle "Lawn Ranger" Public hearing today [can someone say "priorities?"] #
  • RT @cloudbrain: CVILLE People: First Wednesdays TONIGHT. 7pm. Escafe. Pls RT #
  • Listening to a story on NPR about Crozet's intentional community, Blue Ridge Co-Housing #
  • Has anyone noticed how Posterous is starting to catch fire? #
  • @sjagger Not yet, but I'll play w/ Ubertor now. Y'all rock, btw. I just need to make time to use everything you offer. in reply to sjagger #
  • Waiting for videos to process … I'm comparing a couple services – processing, quality, player. #
  • @bkmcae I didn't know that Twitter was a verb. in reply to bkmcae #
  • Back from showing houses. Saw a lot of nice homes today #
  • c'mon, Bluehost. This is 2 days now of slow performance #
  • RT @InmanNews: News Story: ZipRealty tool reveals commission rates [pretty awesome] #
  • @10k_Jeff also a full picture of what the re twitterverse is needed in reply to 10k_Jeff #
  • @10k_Jeff there is demand for accurate data aggregation, trend analysis, data understanding (& a fair amount of ego for good measure) in reply to 10k_Jeff #
  • Weather in Charlottesville is perfect today. #
  • @superninjarobot Pg 51 of the PDF linked here for the "1 in 5 Americans will be over age 65 by 2025" in reply to superninjarobot #
  • Replacement blackberry curve in the mail. This will be Curve #3 in 10 months. Next I'd like a Tour instead, please. #vzw #
  • RT @haminga: Great weather here in Crozet this morning! Kinda chilly even! [starting to be my favorite time of the year!] #
  • @superninjarobot cited multiple times in an NAR publication. I'll post link later in reply to superninjarobot #
  • By 2025, nearly 1 in 5 Americans will be over the age of 65. The political, sociological & real estate implications are immense. #
  • Procrastination over. #atthegym #
  • @Corcoran_Group The consequences of newspapers' demise are huge and far-reaching – in reply to Corcoran_Group #
  • Finished my CE tonight. Now, if the school where I took my brokerage classes hadn't lost my transcripts … #FB #
  • RT @DeanOuellette: To the realtor who overpriced that short sale I just looked at by a good 30k, thanks I was looking for a good post topic #
  • Podcast of yesterday's radio show discussing nature, play & Cville neighborhoods #
  • Until this unemployment graph turns, I'm hesitant WRT the Cville real estate market #
  • Uploading a few videos, one reflecting on the past few days of showing houses in Charlottesville area #
  • Off to show more homes … #
  • @TomRoyce Nope. Akismet is (should be) still running. I didn't change anything. in reply to TomRoyce #
  • @hull_j Yep. That's the thing, nothing's changed on my end. Woke up this morning with emails flowing in telling me to approve/spam comments in reply to hull_j #
  • If you're in Charlottesville & are or know a good WordPress person, I need help asap. Please call or DM 434-242-7140 #
  • It's more than that this morning. It's killing my entire blog. #
  • @GraphicsGeek I did a while ago, but haven't given the look needed to the new version in reply to GraphicsGeek #
  • Helpless to defend my blog today #
  • @lisaheindel Obvious spam, the processing of which is taking down my blog in reply to lisaheindel #
  • My blog is getting *hammered* right now with trackback & comment spam. #
  • Filling up two growlers at Blue Mountain Brewery #
  • I love Greenwood Country Store in Crozet #
  • @coreyleong @sashafarmer Why do they believe that? in reply to coreyleong #
  • RT @mark_madsen: Love in the time of Obama: Life after the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 | [is anyone paying attn?] #
  • @PhxREguy Just booked by flight for Chicago for 13/14 September. Hoping for good weather. in reply to PhxREguy #
  • Radio went well today. Looking forward to listening to the show & posting the podcast. #
  • @CRTweet @phxreguy gets to pick when he goes to Chicago? He's mighty influential! in reply to CRTweet #
  • Getting ready to go live on WNRN #
  • @Scobleizer one thing Twitter offers vs FB is easier interaction & (hopefully soon) permanence of information via search in reply to Scobleizer #
  • Recommended reading for those interested in rail #

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