Family Guy Homage to Pie

How appropriate in light of this weekends’ Charlottesville Pie Fest at the Crozet Mudhouse to benefit PACEM.


People and Congregations Engaged in Ministry (PACEM) is an interfaith collaboration of congregations and community partners in Charlottesville. Our passion is to help the homeless find shelter at night, especially during the cold winter months.

PACEM opened its doors November 15, 2004, and immediately began serving some of our neediest neighbors. Our program is modeled on the long running and highly successful CARITAS program in Richmond, Virginia, and NEST program in Norfolk, Virginia.

PACEM operates as a shelter of last resort; through PACEM, local congregations take turns hosting men and women who have nowhere else to sleep at night. Meals are included, and some sites provide access to showers and laundry.

PACEM also provides an emergency lodging program and individual support for families.

If you or someone you know needs our assistance, come to our PACEM Intake Site, and we’ll do what we can to help.

PACEM’s Vision: “A Pillow for Every Head”

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