- #atthegym – trying to work off the estimated 1.5 pies I ate today at #cvillepiefest. I enjoyed every single one. #
- The Weekend Interview with John Mackey: The Conscience of a Capitalist – WSJ.com http://post.ly/7Czf #
- RT @BusinessBullpen: @stevewhitaker great work! [amen] #
- Grateful that Crozet has the Mudhouse – a place large, welcoming & helpful enough to host the #cvillepiefest – 150+ people today? #
- @smccville maybe we should invite Charlottesville pizza folks to our next meetup; seems they need to engage a bit #
- RT @Bluevenus8: I googled "best pizza in charlottesville" today, and the top three included papa johns and dominos. [what a shame] #
- If anyone is uploading pie fest pics to flickr, please tag them w/ #cvillepiefest #
- That Charlottesville is hosting a pole dancing competition amazes me. #
- Pie fest over for me. Off to show houses, with sugar/pie buzz in full effect. Tremendous response today. Proud of Charlottesville/Crozet #
- Pie buzz. #
- Why, of *course* there's a band at the #cvillepiefest – the Honey Dewdrops http://post.ly/7Agd #
- Only a fraction of the pies #cvillepiefest http://post.ly/7ARb #
- @jessicachapin And the best part is that I get to ride my bike to the #cvillepiefest! in reply to jessicachapin #
- @jessicachapin I'm a little bit excited. 🙂 Thank you and @johnchapin for coming by last night. It really meant a lot that you did. in reply to jessicachapin #
- RT @realestatechick: OH on NJ transit "its my new phone. I can text with it!" Hey we have indoor plumbing now too ya know. #
- Off to "coach" soccer, then prep for clients, the PIE. #cvillepiefest #
- Pie. Pie. Pie. #cvillepiefest #
- RT @cvillepiefest: Five hours to go! #
- Grand opening @nestrealty tonight was a huge success. Good friends,clients, times.Thank you everyone #fb especially my wife (& partners ) #
- Feel free to stop by Nest from 5-8 today for our Grand Opening. http://bit.ly/dGUSj #
- RT @bawheeler Just made my little #cvillepiefest donation. Hope everyone else supports the cause. #
- Inspired that the @nestrealty crew are working together preparing for this evening's grand opening. Stop by tonight! http://bit.ly/QzOQa #fb #
- RT @PhxREguy: RT @JackLeblond: Beer Drinking Gives The Same Benefits As Yoga http://bit.ly/4m1JGh [My first read of the morning] #
- RT @cshirky: I just did a news biopsy on my old hometown paper, and wrote about what I found. http://bit.ly/3aGAcH #
- @Noras_Mom I've been working with a fair amount of international buyers this year. I'm seeking to expand my reach in reply to Noras_Mom #
- Are We Ready for the DIA?: Part 1 – NBC29 http://post.ly/72fV #
- شارلوتسÙيل العقارات بلوق تتبع شارلوتسÙيل ووسط ولاية Ùرجينيا ÙÙŠ س http://post.ly/72dX #
- @jaemery story of our market "may" be closing today. in reply to jaemery #
- RT @zenaweist: RT @chimoose: "in the future, all ads will be local and/or personal." – Google panel. Whoa. #ypo #
- Honestly, if U2 can't turn a profit on their tour w/ $40 t-shirts … #
- Getting ready to head out to U2 from Crozet. #
- @BLarsonMpls If agent & broker are feeding to Google, whose listing wins? in reply to BLarsonMpls #
- RT @DailyProgress Heading out around town? Look here. http://tinyurl.com/ye8yutd [Charlottesville traffic cameras-who knew?] #
- Checking out Charlottesville U2 tweets w/ Twitter advanced search: http://tinyurl.com/y8qbfjg #
- RT @DailyProgress: Traffic is heavy on 29S starting at Airport Road heading towards the city. [thanks, U2] #
- I'm nearly committed to getting a new macbook pro. Thoughts on where/how to get a deal? #
- RT @cheryljns: RT @ hopeandfaith06 Anyone want a Google Wave invite? I have loads and nothing to do with them. RT this and follow me! #G … #
- An Odd Definition of "Sacrifice" http://post.ly/6xBN #
- @HomePartner @robhahn the key words here IMHO are "trust" and "share" – both are 2-way & indicative of some relationship in reply to HomePartner #
- Charlottesville Tweetup today. http://ow.ly/s6HW Order your sandwich by 11. #cvilletweetup #
- @MikeMueller hook me up. Pleeeease? in reply to MikeMueller #
- Will retweet & keyword slam for Google Wave invite. #google #googlewave #
- RT @aimeefausser: RT @dominicgabello: RT @goowaveinvites we got some google wave invites… you need one? RT this !! #googlewave #wave #
- Real estate/re.net folks – what are the best non-real estate blogs you read regularly? http://post.ly/6v6L #
- I was planning to go to the Charlottesville Realtor meeting this morning, but clients take precedence. #
- RT @spiffxp: You weren't planning on actually _going_ anywhere tomorrow, were you #cville? http://bit.ly/yI3Y8 #u2 #
- Checking my spam folders for Google Wave invite. Still disappointed. #
- @shanejimison @rvabusiness Have a link for the RVA Pie Fest? in reply to rvabusiness #
- @rvabusiness @nickdawson @cameronparker Not necessarily a Pie Festival, but a Pie Fest 🙂 http://bit.ly/14r5xs in reply to rvabusiness #
- Finally home after an extremely long, but mostly productive day. #
- It's getting harder and harder to buy a house http://post.ly/6nIR #
- Getting ready to head to a home inspection. Think I'll do a video on the way. #
- Sweet. Ron Paul on the Daily Show. #
- Emailed an offer to clients, setting up a new search for new potential clients. #
- @mastomillers I want from a restaurant review what I want from a weatherman. Do I need a sweater? ie. Is the food good? #
- @sashafarmer Certainly those were all harvested in the Central Virginia region, right? in reply to sashafarmer #
- Dreading going to the gym tonight but with #cvillepiefest this weekend, I need to get prepped. Donate online http://bit.ly/d46Hi #
- Had a closing today with wonderful clients; really happy to have worked with so many great people this year #
- RT @sumidiot: wondering if i'll be one of the lucky 100000ish tomorrow. come on wave, come on wave… #
- Charlottesville Tweetup – Here's a menu http://post.ly/6hFf #
- @aimeefausser @jmckeever I'm thinking a happy hour tweetup will be called for in a few weeks in reply to aimeefausser #
- Why do sellers always assume that buyers want their old paint? http://post.ly/6gIX #
- Charlottesville people – Tweetup this Thursday at OpenSpace http://ow.ly/ruXB – noon-2 – BYOB #
- RT @juphoff: Guess it was only a matter of time. Awaiting TSA response: http://bit.ly/2dg8ge [hopefully after I returnfrom San Diego in Nov] #
- What @tboard said http://bit.ly/8poCq & what @1000wattmarc said http://bit.ly/2kh6Ar 'nuf said #
- Return to the Giant Pool of Money http://post.ly/6cxp #
- RT @Marijean: Fair warning: many of my tweets between now and Sunday will be pie-related. Prepare to drool. [pie. http://bit.ly/lkw4o ] #
- Almost time to go to the gym. #
- @mattdollinger I bifurcated. Buzzwords in and of themselves drive traffic. Inclusion of a relative few drives convo by both ex- and included in reply to mattdollinger #
- @ericbryn @mattdollinger Said another way, if everyone is included, what's the value of inclusion? in reply to ericbryn #
- @mattdollinger @ericbryn People follow buzzwords, often w/o understanding them. If everyone were included, no one would care. in reply to mattdollinger #
- @mattdollinger buzz words drive traffic 🙂 and exclusion drives conversation in reply to mattdollinger #
- Pie. #cvillepiefest http://bit.ly/lkw4o #
- @1000wattmarc I think many of those who are following are seeking productive Realtors to learn from, rather than the nat'l real estate convo #
- @hthrflynn But there are so many who blindly follow who are seeking to be influenced that influence itself may be diluted in reply to hthrflynn #
- RT @CrozetGazette: Crozetians! Are you ready for this weekend? Crozet Music Fest AND the long-awaited @cvillepiefest! fb #
- "Social media" bores me. It's all just communicating & listening. #
- @TomRoyce klout told me you might be one who influenced me. I don't need no algorithm to tell me that. 🙂 in reply to TomRoyce #
- @1000wattmarc is it safe to say that less than 25% of the "influencers" on the 100 list are active, producing Realtors? #
- Charlottesville Tweetup. Thursday, 1 October. OpenSpace. noon to 2. Bring your own lunch. #
- Off to show a few houses, then back to @nestrealty to write an offer on a tremendous home in Albemarle #
- RT @hodgesmyers: @JimDuncan at least 2000# 😉 Really about 20 with FBI flak jaks. In convoy on Rio w/ Alb police. [wow] #
- @gregslateragent I have voice mails in to 3 of your agents; I'm assuming they're all in your sales meeting. in reply to gregslateragent #
- Charlottesville folks – stay tuned for the next tweetup. This week. Time/Date coming later today. #
- @carolineemerson Curve. in reply to carolineemerson #
- RT @hodgesmyers: Has seen a ton of FBI agents in cville this morning. Anyone know what's going on? [odd – what's "a ton?"] #
- @catri you need to expand your horizons 🙂 Greenberry's, Mudhouse, Milano, Trailside, Shenandoah Joe's – there's so much more than Starbucks in reply to catri #
- 54 degrees this morning. i Love this time of year. #
- This is going to be a busy week. #
- @sashafarmer 24 hour fitness in Crozet. I can never make it to the gym during "normal" hours in reply to sashafarmer #
- @robhahn Lots of vacancies. in reply to robhahn #
- Talked to another Realtor tonight who thinks Realtors in Charlottesville who say our market has bottomed are delusional. Glad I'm not alone #
- Back from the gym; I love going to the empty gym in Crozet on Sunday night. Time to work #
- @gregcooper do you have a link for the Sen. version of the Cap & Trade bill? #
- Dr. Ho's pizza in North Garden http://post.ly/6V9f #
- Dinner at Dr. Ho's pizza. Can't be beat. #
- RT @LaniAR: REALTORS, what do you want to debate on AG Politics? bit.ly/ihaS8 tell us! #
- H.Res.554: Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to require that legislation and conference reports http://post.ly/6Tir #
- @mattrathbun You're making some bold assumptions that the Redskins will *have* highlights. Or were you talking about the Lions? in reply to mattrathbun #
- @JoshFerris Each is custom-made http://bit.ly/eocKt @nestrealty really needs to do better job taking pictures of each sign, though 🙂 in reply to JoshFerris #
- RT @Noras_Mom: @jimduncan nice sign! http://twitpic.com/jd4rl [thanks!] #
- Sunday morning is apparently a busy time for real estate; one call about a showing & one from a potential buyer – both before 9:15 #
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