Slutzky versus Thomas

David Slutzky versus Rodney Thomas – this may be the most important race in the area this year. If you’re not paying attention to the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors’ race, you really should be. These folks make decisions that can and do directly affect our property taxes, roads we drive on (and those that remain glimmers in someones’ eye, growth and no-growth policies and much, much more).

Your vote matters more locally (in my opinion) than it does at the national level. In 2005, when David Slutzky won, not even 5,000 people voted in his district.

Your money can have a much greater impact at the local level, too. Take a look at VPAP’s information for the Charlottesville and Albemarle races.

Take a few minutes, educate yourself, attend or listen to the debates, and make an informed, non-party-driven vote in November.

Update 7 October 2009: Charlottesville Tomorrow has video and podcast of the recent forum with David Slutzky and Rodney Thomas.

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