Why do I post these “Twitter week in Review” posts? Simple. My blog is my home. I want the content – the thoughts, the links, the conversations – to be here rather than there. So … that’s why.
- Sore throat and cough, meet Wild Turkey. #
- Unfriending a few folks from Facebook; they're not friends, they're contacts, so it sounds harsh saying that. #
- Trying to upload a video from home; wondering if Comcast is throttling me; taking *much* longer than usual http://bit.ly/2d48Yl #
- 350.org in Charlottesville – Interview w/ one of the local coordinators http://post.ly/A4yh #
- While my video is uploading … @getopenspace http://post.ly/A4IX #
- Working at @getopenspace this morning uploading a video for a client overseas; upload speed is much faster here than at my office or home #
- Morning soccer canceled; I'll be showing a house earlier than expected. #
- Makes me want to vote for Creigh Deeds http://post.ly/9zex #
- RT @mjking: Sure enough…YTD bank failure 100-105 today. Yikes! [But … The recession's over. Right?] #
- @pearsonified in an environment of free, it takes a bold & condident person to charge what they and their service are worth in reply to pearsonified #
- But … Boylan Heights looks inviting ((charlottesville, uvay) http://post.ly/9ycX #
- What the hell was I thinking? Driving through the Corner on a Friday night when I need to get to the office quickly. #fail #
- I didn't intend to post so much content on RealCentralVA this week. Really. #
- Holy Sh*t – Foreclosures in Charlottesville http://post.ly/9vGN #
- Dear Verizon: knowing my location on Google maps lwithin 2700 meters" isn't helpful. Please unlock my GPS #
- An unfortunate byproduct of the Google/Bing/Twitter deals: real estate spammers have another avenue.Should be a "report spam" cross-platform #
- Today is Blue Mountain Brewery's 2nd Birthday – http://bit.ly/2xjkaw – $2 pints of Rockfish Wheat 12-10pm. #
- View across from Trailside Coffee in Old Trail http://post.ly/9tAx #
- @ProfessionalOne I've never understood "professionals" who choose to keep AOL or Hotmail. in reply to ProfessionalOne #
- Best real estate commercial (via @jburslem) http://post.ly/9suL #
- The most efficient thing government does is cash tax checks. #
- Calvin & Hobbes – why don't/didn't we listen to Bill Watterson? http://post.ly/9peB #
- My blog readers are awesome. The effort some give back is humbling. #
- @BHutchinson Thanks. Offers aren't worth the paper they're written on; it's the Contracts that count. ๐ in reply to BHutchinson #
- It's amazing/ridiculous how many emails/IMs fly after 11pm. Writing 2nd offer of the night #
- echosign versus docusign …. thoughts? #
- Might be writing an offer tonight. #
- RT @thebrandbuilder: I am hearing disturbing rumors of social media "certification" schemes being pushed on the web lately. Not good. #
- @JasonSandquist you should be able to do that via PayPal. ๐ in reply to JasonSandquist #
- Off to show more houses. Unexpected showing between appointments, too. Flexible schedule. Yay. #
- RT @CZ: Hello eggs, can y'all climb in 1 basket? "iPhones represented 74% of… devices activated by AT&T last quarter" http://bit.ly/2334iV #
- RT @blockrealestate: Be clear on audience. Think like editor. Honesty & transparency. Coherent strategy. Be your brand. #twtrcon #
- @cmaisannes @stevewhitaker is that. Pie-umverate? in reply to cmaisannes #
- Showing houses for most of the day; three sets of buyers. Charlottesville real estate market's not dead yet. #
- Now that we have the firehose, how is one supposed to stand out? http://post.ly/9hc5 #
- Had to leave #smccville earlier than I wanted; going to "engage" with my kids. #
- RT @Scobleizer: HUGE loser in today's search deals? FB. Why? Their status msgs won't get into Google. Twitter doesn't have ad deal w/ MSFT. #
- @mattdollinger Differentiation took effort. I'm trying to discover what's "next". in reply to mattdollinger #
- @mattdollinger one of the best things about the early years of blogging is that starting took a little bit of work. in reply to mattdollinger #
- RT @FrugalinVA: The Monster of More http://bit.ly/qjQDc [thoughtful, solid insight. A must read] #
- @DaniloB if things go well, the Charlottesville market may be in that place next year #
- @centofante not today. Next week. in reply to centofante #
- Would anyone be interested in a Crozet Tweetup soon? Perhaps at Fardowners at 5? #
- Odd … my blog feed now shows a monthly review … when did that start, Feedburner? http://post.ly/9awJ #
- RT @TomRoyce: @RealEstateZebra The key to being a good parent is 95% give a damn and 5% skill [you mean, skill *is* required!? Damn.] #
- RT @thecatwell: Trailside Coffee in Old Trail Village (Crozet) is amazing! [darn right!] #
- @hull_j How do these estimates compare to the ones from 3 years ago? #DIA #cville in reply to hull_j #
- RT @hull_j: DIA estimates ~5k population impact from their move to Charlottesville – #cvillechamber #
- @terilussier check this out http://bit.ly/3K0rJE #
- RT @SMCCville: Happy Hour tonite at Horse & Hound from 6-8pm. Hope to see you there! #
- Working at Cville Coffee this morning. I'd forgotten how much I missed it. The ambient noise level is a bit invigorating #
- @steinarknutsen Preferably residential, unique, interesting. #
- Looking for the most interesting home in the Charlottesville area #
- RT @DailyProgress: @JimDuncan Thanks, I think? [thanks it is; what you're doing is impressive & counter to many print trends] #
- Looking at real estate market trends in the Charlottesville market; 7 day trends & avgs are irrelevant & possibly deceptive. 90 days though. #
- Why are gas prices at summer levels? http://post.ly/9Y1b #
- Goodbye $8,000 Tax Credit? http://post.ly/9XV9 #
- @JohnLauber Avoiding that too. I need to slot out > 90 minutes for "just in case" in reply to JohnLauber #
- It's been nearly 2 hours since I woke up; and I have so far resisted the urge to upgrade to WordPress 2.8.5 #
- @RealEstateCafe Being against something is far less satisfying than being *for* something. in reply to RealEstateCafe #
- Ok, Realtor.com. You win this one. http://post.ly/9Tu9 #
- @chadratliff Absolutely. What are you looking for? in reply to chadratliff #
- RT @steinarknutsen Police ask #Metallica fans to check Charlottesville concert video, photos for missing VT student // http://bit.ly/2fqfo3 #
- Loving my empty gym. And yes, when it's empty, it's mine. ๐ #
- @hthrflynn as much as it pains me, my local paper (one person really) is trying to embrace bloggers, etc. Check put @dailyprogress. in reply to hthrflynn #
- @RETomato @hthrflynn relationship is symbiotic; checks and balances, facts and distribution channels. in reply to RETomato #
- RT @MasToMillers: The Mas to Millers segment just aired. Thanks a bunch, Jason! http://bit.ly/iR6G8 #fb #
- Apple's Mouse is Gorgeous. What would an Apple House look like? http://post.ly/9S7H #
- Listening to Coy Barefoot & Brian Wheeler talking about Charlottesville & Albemarle elections. Growth, land use, property taxes. 1070 am #
- @mizzle the more you use r.com's internets the more it cost. You're clogging their tubes! in reply to mizzle #
- If you're a real estate broker in Virginia who thinks single agent dual agency is bad, please contact me asap. #
- RT @CrozetGazette News at the Crozet Business Networking Meeting: two sisters are opening bookstore in downtown Crozet in spring. #
- RT @TomRoyce: This is not very reassuring "U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets" http://bit.ly/3vJjYB #
- RT @tcar: I just invited someone to speak at a NAR Conference via a Twitter DM. For some reason, that makes me smile [as well it should] #
- RT @realcrozetva: Walking to pick up the little one from school. A magnificient day in Crozet. #
- RT @KathEats: Charlottesville – the only place we've been considering! [It's not a bad place. ๐ ] #
- RT @Emarieg: What a spectacular day in #cville! Am so glad to be here. :-} #
- @TeriLussier Here's a video test comparison I did http://bit.ly/20qBXM & pre-vado http://bit.ly/2nA4pj in reply to TeriLussier #
- @crozette That's what I get for trusting my blackberry. in reply to crozette #
- @TeriLussier Vado – worth it. in reply to TeriLussier #
- RT @tvanderwell: Roubini – total consumption by India and china is 1/6th of what the US consumes. [Still???] #
- Want to look at some Charlottesville real estate market statistics? http://post.ly/9OHV #
- @nrvliving pumpkins don't belong in beer. It's not right. And possibly immoral. #
- Going to the Crozet business networking forum at lunch #
- @jodywagner It might be faster to drive. in reply to jodywagner #
- @TomRoyce @JasonSandquist It's all a shell game. I'm renewing my call for $100k for everyone. Why not? in reply to TomRoyce #
- Realtors – have any examples of wildly inaccurate MLS data inaccuracies? Please email me jim@realcentralva.com #
- RT @JasonSandquist: 100k home buyer tax credit claims already under scrutiny by the IRS http://bit.ly/286Dfn [nobody saw that coming,right?] #
- Working at Trailside Coffee in Crozet this morning. http://post.ly/9NAd #
- RT @BLarsonMpls: Good comments re: Biz plan for REALTORS Prop Resource? from @mwurzer @jwlconsulting @mcohenmn http://bit.ly/2vzQFt Join in! #
- Are We Ready for Net Neutrality? http://post.ly/9Mtp #
- Will anyone besides lobbyists read the Health Care Bill? Only 1502 pages http://post.ly/9K6P #
- #atthegym. Much-needed. #
- @Marijean http://www.slingmedia.com/ ๐ in reply to Marijean #
- RT @crozeteyecare: Check us out from the Crozet Health Fair yesterday! http://bit.ly/whMLy #
- RT @vpapupdates: VPAP has posted 10/15 campaign finance reports of candidates in Charlottesville Council Race http://bit.ly/2qgGiW #
- @BellaEats But a restaurant who offers this (almost exclusively) year-round. in reply to BellaEats #
- @BellaEats would it be feasible for a Cville restaurant to offer *only* foods from <100 miles of Cville? in reply to BellaEats #
- Drugs are not cool http://post.ly/9Gaz #
- Walked to get the little one at school; now hanging with her at the Crozet Mudhouse. #
- @cmaisannes I haven't been able to enter anything into Google Wave; neither replying/entering text/seeing anything. Cuz I need an invite in reply to cmaisannes #
- Talking to a GMAC short sale rep. So far, so ok. #
- Loving that http://RealCrozetVA.com has had 5 reader-submitted stories in the past month. Thanks for making it easier! #
- RT @mattdollinger: #bwe09 My session notes & New Post "Engineering Your Business – Insight from BlogWorld 2009" http://bit.ly/2a3kys #
- RT @Cyberhomes: RT @BHGRealEstate: A New Twist on REbarCamp – Virtual REbarCamp: http://ow.ly/vbWa #
- @stevewhitaker Did you get your Wave invite? #
- Anyone want to jump in and help Crozet put on Fireworks in July? Let me know. #
- Try to work everywhere … I have ๐ http://bit.ly/11vv3w. http://post.ly/91Kx #
- Where the Wild Things Are http://post.ly/9E4t #
- RT @BusinessBullpen: Lovin this weather [amen. It's hat weather!] #
- Top 7 things homebuyers should know. http://ow.ly/v80N Simple & right #
- RT @shelisrael: White House asserts Fox isn't really news but a peddlr of a viewpoint. Fox offers them airtime. http://bit.ly/3wg5C4 #
- @robhahn you make my brain hurt sometimes. in reply to robhahn #
- @EricStegemann Can there be trust metrics? Vetted? Makes me think of @jfsellsius' post http://bit.ly/3qqlkP in reply to EricStegemann #
- RT @TomRoyce: @JimDuncan I wonder if love-hate resembles trust-don't trust? [all can be built or lost; hate & don't trust much more easily] #
- @EricStegemann cardax? in reply to EricStegemann #
- @RealEstateZebra agreed that trust can change, but does that speak to emotion -v- logic? in reply to RealEstateZebra #
- @RealEstateZebra Perhaps a combination of emotion & logic – in reply to RealEstateZebra #
- @RealEstateZebra I see trust as more of a logical, evaluative conclusion than a feeling or emotion in reply to RealEstateZebra #
- @EricStegemann @RealEstateZebra When I see "trust" marketed, I immediately & instinctively think otherwise in reply to EricStegemann #
- @RealEstateZebra I've never thought of trust as an emotion. in reply to RealEstateZebra #
- @RealEstateZebra You mean I have to dig through my feed reader? ๐ Thinking more in the real estate concept in reply to RealEstateZebra #
- @RealEstateZebra I'm planning to read it asap. I'm seeing the concept marketed & discussed in ways that seem counter to the concept in reply to RealEstateZebra #
- Trust http://post.ly/99ef #
- @TomRoyce Apparently, I should just stop rooting for football teams. #jets in reply to TomRoyce #
- Checking spam folders, looking for a #googlewave invite #
- Steve Nash, Canadian Celebrity http://post.ly/99QB #
- @linsey @EricStegemann agree that marketing w/ word "trust" highlights RE profession's (perceived) deficiencies. Market by doing. in reply to linsey #
- @EricStegemann can you/should you empower & encourage customers to "market" on your behalf? How? Voices can be leveraged in reply to EricStegemann #
- RT @EricStegemann: @linsey LOL http://bit.ly/2gWrzG Finished writing 10 minutes ago…. [How do you market trustworthiness?] #
- Just turned on the radio; my decision to become a Jets fan is reaffirmed. #redskins #
- Country road in Albemarle County http://post.ly/97SX #
- Fighting off a bug. OJ + chicken noodle soup + mental opposition to illness. #
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