More on the $8,000 Tax Credit

The tax credit has been useful and a decent stimulus; but … “eventually you run out of other peoples’ money”

I’d love to see a map or data from the IRS showing where the tax credit was used – broken down by zip code so that someone could generate a heat map showing the parts of the country that used the $8,000 tax credit the most (and least).

I expect the National, State and Local real estate associations to lobby for this tax credit. They are real estate trade groups; this is their job. You don’t see auto unions advocating shutting down auto plants, health care industry seeking more regulation …

At what point do we say “enough is enough”?

All this being said, it seems that we may be seeing glimmers of hope in the Charlottesville area real estate market.

Thanks to the Real Estate Bloggers for pointing this out.

Will the $8,000 tax credit be extended? Expired, Enhanced?

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