Twitter Week in Review

  • Thanks for the wi-fi, Google #
  • Heading to the airport. Grateful for my friends in this (real estate) world. #nar09 #
  • Off to dinner with a friend. Then red-eye back to Charlottesville. #nar09 #
  • In which @robhahn pronounces the death of #RPR #nar09 #
  • @CRTweet if a Realtor uses a free email account that scans to serve ads, conceptually, could one relinquishing expectation of privacy? in reply to CRTweet #
  • Common sense is cool. #
  • @CRTweet are there blackberry chargers there that one can borrow? 🙂 in reply to CRTweet #
  • @billlublin how is allowing unauthorized access to a house unethical? #
  • Vert, very few people under 35 in the Professional Standards committee meeting. #nar09 #
  • Heading into Prof Standards meeting. Q: is allowing unauthorized access to a listing "unethical" or "stupid"? #nar09 #
  • @PhxREguy the alternative is that consumers have more data than, or the same as, Realtors. #rpr #nar09 in reply to PhxREguy #
  • RT @CRTweet: #nar09 #rets #idx on deck now [standards are good] #
  • On MLS survival: Failure *is* an option. #nar09 #
  • RT @DRPnet: #nar09 The MLS folks can not see the benefit of NAR because they fear the loss of their cheese. Sad display of turf protection. #
  • RT @CRTweet: RT @anazaroff: #rpr project will not be successful without mls' data #nar09 [some mls will not survive, & that's OK] #
  • @ReggieRPR what room? in reply to ReggieRPR #
  • Re: measurement/ROI of social media – what agents want to know is *how* to close transactions. I haven't heard that yet #nar09 #
  • RT @mattcase: RT @PhxREguy Personally, I think #RPR is freakin cool, #nar09 [can I get a beta invite?] #
  • RT @MontanaMonica: @respres Not seeing a lot of Strategy in the use of Social Media tools #NAR #SPINNIO #
  • RT @mrg7175: The state of the real estate industry- commercial market is headed for tsunami [how will this affect residential?] #
  • @bob_wilson Trying to hit the MLS committee, Tech (both at 9) & I'm on Prof Standards from 1-5:30 in reply to bob_wilson #
  • Breakfast with @doverby & @FresYes at Richard Walker's Pancake House was outstanding. #
  • @doverbey I'm +1 🙂 in reply to doverbey #
  • RT @blakespot: Google Wave – theory vs. reality: #
  • Thinking about breakfast. #nardiego #
  • @randomclapper and vice-versa 🙂 in reply to randomclapper #
  • RT @spencerrascoff: Cant find a cyberhomes or RPR booth. Anyone? #nar09 [] #
  • RT @mattcase: @JimDuncan YPN post party at #stingaree starts at 9.All may come, no RSVP = you pay cover."Luxe" dress code in effect #nar09 #
  • @mattcase does "luxe" dress code mean no sneakers? in reply to mattcase #
  • @mattcase I'm hoping to make it to ypn, but lack an invite. Think I'll pretend I'm not a Realtor and crash. in reply to mattcase #
  • RT @ARDELLd: RT @DerekMassey RT BREAKING NEWS: HUD Announces 120-Day Delay in Enforcement of new RESPA rule @jillayne #
  • I could do without the Lowe's pitch in this "distressed property" forum. #nardiego #
  • RT @JonathanK: @nestrealty just announced as an HP Real Estate Technology award winner. #nar09 #
  • RT @PARhank: Future of MLS; Bob Bemis; what if MLS were based on agent productivity instead of agent proliferation? [Amen] #
  • @robhahn thanks. in reply to robhahn #
  • @dakno I ended early so we could get to Q & A. Had a few more slides in reply to dakno #
  • RT @rewebcoach: RT @dakno: trying to stream the MLS session at Let me know if it's coming through ( yup #nar09) #
  • RT @Swanepoel: The Future of MLS talk at #NAR09 is standingroom only. #Realestate is concerned. Also lots of buzz about #RPR. #Retrends #
  • RT @stevewhitaker: @SuzySaidCville Good lord. Glad you're okay. BR has the most dangerous parking lot in town. [Find the bike cop!] #
  • Getting ready for the presentation. Seriously big room. #nardiego #
  • Future of MLS #
  • Once again, I'm one of the few tie-less ones #nardiego #
  • @paulmobley where is it? in reply to paulmobley #
  • "In order for MLS to survive, they will have to give more access to the data. MLS is a war-zone" #nardiego #
  • RT @CompuTaught: FM NAR: John Tuccillo – need to deal with new consumer behavior [I'd rather say "adapt and lead" – "deal" is negative] #
  • RT @mrg7175: is listening to Eric Bryn speak on social networking [he's crazy smart] #
  • The consumer is also a Realtor's competitor – for information. But are the "new" methods of communication really "new" anymore? #nardiego #
  • "The agents are the brand now" #nardiego No kidding #
  • RT @BawldGuy: Best conversation ever at San Diego's REbarcamp. [good stuff] #
  • Setting up the Future of MLS panel #nardiego #
  • Does local food mean online groceries? #
  • Off to the Convention Center. Seeking coffee enroute #NARDiego #
  • I can't wait to shave off my moustache; until I do though, consider donating a few bucks to fight Prostate Cancer – #
  • Meat and Greet in Crozet – Bring some food tomorrow for the Blue Ridge Food Bank #
  • An evening talking about MLS, cooperation, rules, data, Realtor standards. Exhausted. #
  • In search of a blackberry charger. Anyone? Bueller? #rebcsd #
  • @phxreguy and @realestatezebra (and bloggers all over) are taking over scary #nardiego #
  • Is there an expectation of privacy for client confidential communications if you use free gmail/yahoo/etc? #rebcsd #
  • RT @MudhouseCrozet: Storytelling Series tonight, 7 pm. The theme is Awkward Moments. Come tell your story! [Wish I could make it!] #
  • Don't trust United with your luggage? Choose FedEx instead #
  • Landed early in San Diego. Hotel then barcamp. #nardiego just realizing how full these three days are going to be. #
  • Taking off in a few. See you in San Diego. #NARDiego #
  • RT @mcohenmn: Initial Feedback on HouseLogic and Realtor Property Resource: #
  • Apparently the ground crew didn't know we needed stairs. #fail #
  • @troyrech I'm flying through IAD today & CLT on Saturday. in reply to troyrech #
  • @TomRoyce thanks. I'm aiming learn 3 things to help my business & my clients. I always set low expectations. 🙂 in reply to TomRoyce #
  • Debate over moving plane to keep passengers dry. Customer service is "the human thing to do". Wet/dry – as long as we leave on time #
  • @juphoff Silly, no? My daughter has a soccer tournament in Richmond this wkend; red-eye Sat night hoping to catch a little bit of last game in reply to juphoff #
  • If all goes well & I make my 40 minute connection in IAD, I'll be on my way to #NARDiego. In RIC now #
  • Bed soon. Up at 0315 for 0615 flight from RIC > IAD > SAN. #NARDiego. @REBarCampSD Save the good stuff for after 12, please #
  • Cville peeps: Check out @bspinosa story at 6pm – WCAV – Apparently I'm wired 🙂 #
  • Commenting on @mwurzer post #nardiego #RPR #
  • Morning: showed house in rain. Lunchtime: meeting at Bundoran Farm. Now: show houses in rain. #ratherbebusythanbored #
  • RT @JeffX: #NoMoreLists #justsayinandallthatstuff #
  • Making A List: Wired-In Local Business People (in Charlottesville) #
  • RT @cvilleentremom: Pleae RSVP if you plan to attend next week's event w/@marijean and @smccville at @getopenspace. #
  • @jmckeever I am. My wave add is Haven't had time to dig in. Learning curve seems steep. Crit mass not there in reply to jmckeever #
  • Showing property in the rain. Woot #
  • RT @jmckeever: RT @tomperriello: In Bedford today, honoring those who have served our country so that we may be free. Thank you, vets. #
  • Whoever is manning the intersection at WAHS needs to wake up #
  • Quality time with the little one at Mudhouse; when she wakes up tomorrow morning I'll be airborne. #
  • Just checking in for tomorrow morning's flight to San Diego. $49 to get out of a middle seat? Priceless. #nar09 @nardiego #
  • # the database and its data cannot be shared through consumer websites or listing presentations. (no listing presentat… #
  • Agreed. It's disheartening on several levels when I hear folks saying that everything's going to be ok or better… #
  • "Buckle your seatbelts for Spring of (2010)" #
  • *BIG* Property for sale in Downtown Crozet. $8 million. (perm link coming soon) #
  • @DailyProgress Nothing; they tend to be inaccurate in Charlottesville & don't have full data in reply to DailyProgress #
  • RT @JamesRHagerty Realtors vs. Zillow [Kinda missing the point, though. It's not necessarily targeting Zillow] #
  • leaves in plastic bags « Chronicles from the Urban Evolution in Charlottesville, VA #
  • @BHGRealEstate If only he'd spelled Teresa's name right : ) in reply to BHGRealEstate #
  • @jmckeever Better than your office smelling like smoke. Hairdressers from place down the street smoke right outside our office in reply to jmckeever #
  • RT @PARhank: San Diego Beer Week and #nar09. A match made in heaven? [Perfect timing] #
  • RT @StarrHill: Jefferson Theatre schedule announced! Good day for Charlottesville! #
  • Elementary School kids need to drop off cough drops with the nurse. Tempted to make my kid a delinquent & teach the hiding skills. #
  • RT @yellowfish_md: Hey Charlottesville Foodies!A new 'Deer Hunting for Locavores and Foodies' class starts Sunday. #
  • RT @petermcarey: RT @BSpinosa Working on my "Making A List: Top 3 Most Wired In People in Charlottesville". #cville #crozet #
  • Listen to the First Five Minutes #healthcare #
  • Listening to This American Life. The health care debate is focused on the *wrong* things. Start w/ billing & coding. Link coming soon #
  • @tcar count me in. & Although, I *am* using an #Ubertor static site 😉 in reply to tcar #
  • #atthegym #
  • @bkmcae @realestatezebra @tinainvirginia @jimduncan yep. In charlottesville with my family 🙂 I leave RIC at 0630 on TH #
  • Banjo on Charlottesville's Downtown Mall #
  • RT @RyanSAdams: Intalgent founder @jeffgunther will be speaking about our use of #ROWE at #SXSW this year [congrats!] #
  • Read this in the Context of the NAR's #RPR #
  • Bringing my daughter to the coffeeshop is a lot more expensive than my coming alone. #
  • @mortgagereports Accidental deletes are usually more brief & worse. Intentionally delayed & rewritten ones are better. in reply to mortgagereports #
  • My assumption was wrong – there's no trust gap b/t NAR & Consumers. #
  • RT @hanchettjim: Crozet Elem. kids will get swine flu shots tomorrow; 3 other schools Friday if new shipment comes in #
  • @MasToMillers Sweet. Pork Hot Bun (2$) + Dumplings (3$) = yummy Marco & Lucas in reply to MasToMillers #
  • @mastomillers Best place to grab a quick bite downtown for under $6? #
  • Who is Moving In Next Door? The DIA Relocating Employee Profile #
  • Car's in the shop; riding my bike to show a house in Charlottesville. #
  • I love setting appointments with buyer clients. 5 months out. #
  • Looks like my Charlottesville real estate blog is nearing 3k posts. I probably won't write anything special. It's about good info, not #'s #
  • Talking to a client in Slovenia. #theworldisflat #
  • RT @TBoard: RT @JenKaneCo: Want to make the world a better place? Try not to be a total prick today. #tiredofaffirmationtweets [Love it!] #
  • @bob_wilson I'm using this in my part of the Future of MLS discussion at #NARDiego #
  • RT @brian_cvl: Forecast: beautiful, sunny 72-degree day in downtown Charlottesville, VA. [this is November?] #
  • @superninjarobot Agreed, but the focus has been on "buying" rather than "spending time" for so long. in reply to superninjarobot #
  • Morning at the Crozet Mudhouse #
  • Christmas gift-giving is economically inefficient #
  • So much to do before Wednesday night. Going to San Diego *early* Thursday morning. #
  • RT @tcar: @TBoard I love this post. #
  • Thinking of wearing shorts to show houses today. It's ridiculously nice outside. #
  • @cvillenewscom Reform insurance, not health care. in reply to cvillenewscom #
  • @mwurzer @bobbemis @Swanepoel @mcohenmn @jaxrons 10:30 on Friday, right? #
  • @cvillenewscom There is far too much micromanagement in the bill. I'm not saying reform's not needed, but to specify treatment is absurd in reply to cvillenewscom #
  • @superninjarobot Correct. Only a few teaser lines in the feed and the full information on site. in reply to superninjarobot #
  • @PhxREguy @jrdorkin But, for the high quality/value sites, I still click through. Darn it. #
  • Revising my "Future of the MLS" presentation for NARDiego this week. #RPR has changed everything #
  • @jrdorkin No idea. Maybe pushing to their sites more? in reply to jrdorkin #
  • I'm noticing that more of the feeds I read are moving to partial feeds. Bother. #
  • RT @robhahn: Congratulations, America! You're well on your way to becoming Norway:! #

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