- Rethink the Season of Giving http://post.ly/D9qJ #
- @RealtorToby 34 days until the Day After Christmas. in reply to RealtorToby #
- RT @calculatedrisk: More on Strategic Defaults http://bit.ly/5r5L8h [we're just getting started, I think] #
- Watched a video of myself tonight. I can't take myself seriously w/ a mustache. http://bit.ly/2oosGj But you can still donate $ #
- RT @MaryBethBowen: I think I'm working in the middle of a talent show at Mud House Crozet. First jugglers, now musicians. #
- A good day; kids' final soccer games + meeting two clients = I've earned the gym & a beer. #
- @mattrathbun how's Coldwell Banker's Second Life experiment working out? 🙂 in reply to mattrathbun #
- @robhahn conceptually, I think so. Practically, not yet. They still don't have the most or best data. Yet. @bob_wilson in reply to robhahn #
- @bob_wilson I think Google has rendered IDX scraping irrelevant; listings online are commodities. Unique content matters more than ever in reply to bob_wilson #
- The goals keep coming in this Liverpool-Man City match. #
- Lots of soccer today. Both kids' last games & parties today. Then work #
- RT @garyvee: RT @ludwikc: RT @chrisbrogan: I like @garyvee 's video about small town rules- http://bit.ly/65AvzT Watched it 4 times so far #
- I'm #atthegym. The #emptygym. Woo-hoo! #
- Volunteer for the Charlottesville Toy Lift – http://bit.ly/toy-lift It's one of the most fulfilling things you'll do all year #
- I get a kick out of non-Realtors looking forward to the "weekend" #fb #
- Geography of the US recession. Have a drink ready. Or sit down. http://bit.ly/4jELOZ #
- Switched electronic signature companies today. Thanks @docusign – you listened to me (here) & earned my business #
- RT @RealEstateZebra: The C-ville shows some love for @JimDuncan, @janetdmiller and me in a column. 🙂 http://ow.ly/E5Gr [how 'bout that?] #
- RT @robhahn: Danger Will Robinson, Danger! http://bit.ly/6ERhtz Google Builds RE Portal (h/t: @dukelong) #
- @EitanSaban Eitan – I need to cancel my account but nobody from Echosign returns calls, emails, livechats.Do I need to get AMEX to stop pay? in reply to EitanSaban #
- @TommyClapp how many people ran from the floor? in reply to TommyClapp #
- RT @BeeRealty: When an Association becomes more about who's in control, than what's best for it's members, that is a sad day. A sad, sad day #
- In the Charlottesville area Realtor Political action group meeting. Politics, as awful as they are, matter. #
- RT @calculatedrisk: Few House Price Forecasts http://bit.ly/3YMubt [anyone saying next year will be better is lying, ignorant or delusional] #
- I wonder if the US government would consider doing some "nation building" in the United States. #
- RT @ryancordell: The boys all bundled for walk-to-school day in Crozet http://twitpic.com/q7zzr [walked right by you!] #
- RT @ryancordell: The boys all bundled for walk-to-school day in Crozet http://twitpic.com/q7zzr [waled right by you!] #
- It's Walk to School Day in Crozet. Next stop – Mudhouse. #
- RT @ARDELLd: A"trusted advisor"to a home buyer has to be able to say no you should not buy this home,or no you should not buy any home today #
- @fromechosign Please contact me; I have a question. #
- Fighting ignorance. #
- Underwriter won't approve loan b/c of electronic signatures? WTH? Need help in Virginia, please. @docusign, maybe? #
- @drewlawrence How does that happen? in reply to drewlawrence #
- Postal workers say facility closure would slow mail service | Charlottesville Daily Progress http://post.ly/CzDv #
- RE: @roost I looked at transparency in Realtors' fees a little while ago –
http://www.realcentralva.com/2007/01/16… http://disq.us/427sp #
- Crozet Master Plan Forum tonight @ Field School http://bit.ly/2O9HPe 7pm Wish @cvilletomorrow would record it 🙂 #
- Didn't get to see @jdemarchi vut I got my hotelicopter t-shirt anyway. 🙂 thanks! in reply to jdemarchi #
- @TomRoyce Here you go – house price breakdowns in Charlottesville & Albemarle http://bit.ly/2BXCX4 in reply to TomRoyce #
- RT @doverbey: Where Does That Large Agent Commission Go?: As I’ve mentioned, my house is for sale, listed on the MLS vi. http://bit.ly/3WFbM #
- @tvanderwell both in reply to tvanderwell #
- Listening to Tim Geithner testifying before Congress. So little confidence all around. #
- If you're looking to buy a house in Charlottesville, today is the perfect day to look. Seeing a house in the rain is remarkably educational #
- RT @DavidGibbons: Dear angry old white men who don't get social media and can't shake your sense of entitlement: thanks for all the laughs. #
- RT @BLarsonMpls: New at MLSTesseract: The report of #RPR birth is an exaggeration http://bit.ly/nTNDZ #
- @jdemarchi I'll save you the mailing expense and walk over. 🙂 in reply to jdemarchi #
- Realtor Board meeting this morning. Lots to discuss that will affect members. #
- RT @colinthomas: Lake Monticello has a major water main break. no water this morning. ugh! #
- Calculated Risk: MBA: Purchase Applications Fall to 12 Year Low http://post.ly/CwWx #
- Back from the gym, drinking a nice red and decompressing. #
- @mattrathbun @JennRathbun y'all are killing me. We even have electricity and the internets here. in reply to mattrathbun #
- Off to the gym. It's been a week. If I procrastinate one more day, I might never go back #
- RT @kenbrand: "She who has the best network wins." – Chk this: Circles of influence http://bit.ly/3yTLiR #
- Missing @marijean's talk at @smccville tonight. "Daddy don't go" was a compelling argument. I'm connecting at home. 🙂 #
- @Ines I'm just hoping they come to Charlottesville first. 🙂 #
- The rant I listened to at lunch today about Realtor.com was epic. #
- @ReggieRPR Why no revenue sharing? Realtors are providing data, only to have it sold to Wall St. Similar to Realtor.com in this respect #
- Realtors – would you vote to send your MLS data to #RPR? #NAR09 Why? Why not? #
- @jdemarchi For some reason, the Boars Head Inn doesn't show when I refine to at least four star hotels in Charlottesville. in reply to jdemarchi #
- Off to lunch to learn about a few new construction projects around Charlottesville. Learning a little + free lunch = a good match #
- RT @gregslateragent: Just picked up four more tix for hokies from a wahoo…. [how much did they pay you to take the tickets?] #
- I can't tell you how pleased I am that my blogging/writing client is working again on my mac. Thanks, ecto http://bit.ly/Ut8Zs #
- Really wish the Norfolk Sherriff's deputy driving 85+ mph on 64 this morning had been pulled over for speeding. #
- @mizzle refurb store on apple.com w/ student/teacher discount in reply to mizzle #
- RT @nikiblack: "Legal Antics: Unlike most male lawyers, this guy is a) modest and b) likes curves" ( http://bit.ly/2rIYJc ) #
- Bring something new to Waynesboro http://post.ly/CtWY #
- Walk to School Day in Crozet – 20 November 2009 http://post.ly/CtJa #
- RT @cpcollin: I am taking some serious abuse for this mustache here. Rough times.[13 days left 'til my beard returns! http://bit.ly/2oosGj #
- RT @JasonSandquist: @mattrathbun cool, I can get licensed in a week in VA… right? 😉 [3 days, max + fog a mirror] #
- @laurelgeis Yep. Thanks Laurel. See you Friday through Sunday! in reply to laurelgeis #
- Twitter friends rock. Thanks! #
- Friends- can you test something for me? It's the Toy Lift volunteer form http://bit.ly/4bzSI4 (I'll delete responses tonite) #
- RT @jimbain1: Charlottesville local food hub supplying 17 regional public and private schools. http://bit.ly/30uvFG [awesome] #
- RT @superbalanced: What Happens To Your Email and Social Networking Accounts When You Die? http://post.ly/Cqxp #
- RT @spencerrascoff: I just posted my presentation from NAR on my blog. #nar09 http://bit.ly/n0J5Z [good stuff] #
- Well *this* bodes well for health care reform http://post.ly/CqVD #
- @jfsellsius @billlublin @robhahn How is having profit centers- in-house loans/closers beneficial to clients? #
- RT @jfsellsius: @billlublin @robhahn agent centric IS consumer centric #vrebc [& Broker Centric is not] #
- @mattdollinger My notes are in the car. But for starters, #RPR http://bit.ly/1LkNxe , @ericbryn's talk @rebcsd & solidifying of our talks in reply to mattdollinger #
- RT @mattdollinger: Really? I have 1600 followers (most in RE) and ask "what was your biggest takeaway from NAR 09" & I get 3 responses?WTF? #
- @robhahn @mitchcan @dfwagent I think agents' goals have been more aligned w/ clients' needs than brokers' goals have been #
- @robhahn @mitchcan @dfwagent whose profit? Are broker's profit and agent's profit mutually exclusive? in reply to robhahn #
- @robhahn @JimDuncan @mitchcan @dfwagent I like "profit-centric". in reply to robhahn #
- @robhahn as it stands, the value-offering has been one-way for some time. Brokers haven't upheld their end. in reply to robhahn #
- Great meeting with clients & builder re: new construction in Cville. Bonus: introduced 4 new people to @getopenspace. #
- @billlublin @dfwagent re: sales pitches. Talk with your (virtual) feet. in reply to billlublin #
- Decentralized Design Hubs and Work Centers – Kinda like @GetOpenSpace #cityideas @good http://post.ly/CpkH #
- Found an Interesting Report in our MLS today http://post.ly/Cphq #
- Accidentally unfollowed 110 people using UnTweeps. My fault, not theirs. Let's see what I miss … #
- Psyched at how easy it was to schedule a conference room @GetOpenSpace #
- @GetOpenSpace Do you have a small conference room open at 2 today? in reply to GetOpenSpace #
- Doing a Charlottesville relocation map for a potential client. My markers are drying out. Bother. #
- RT @AndreaRealtor: Honest answers RT @DealEstate: WSJ asks 10 good questions about the housing market (& answers them) http://bit.ly/1mooEZ #
- @gregslateragent Instead of raising tuition, maybe UVA should scale back their football program. Worked at VMI. 🙂 in reply to gregslateragent #
- I really thought "douchebag" would have beaten out "unfriend" – http://bit.ly/99cnW #
- I had no idea that Fardowners in Crozet could hold 100 people. http://bit.ly/PeKxl #
- RT @mattcase: MWM seeks inconspicuous lobby couch near an available outlet. Seeks to recharge batteries and nap. [Hysterical] #
- Great mac and cheese at Maya. Thanks @amywebb #
- Searching for the most kid-friendly restaurant on Charlottesville's Downtown Mall. Must have mac & cheese. #
- How do you define "investment"? http://post.ly/ClHz #
- @tvanderwell The people granting GMAC's bailout should have the integrity to resign with him in reply to tvanderwell #
- How to Prounounce "Realtor" http://post.ly/ClB0 #
- The more I think about the RPR http://post.ly/Cl3L #
- @Marijean steal something. They chase, you run. in reply to Marijean #
- RT @paulmobley: Realtor board just voted to support fair housing protection for sexual orientation by unanimous vote. #nar09 (via @DRPnet) #
- America's cool college towns – Charlottesville's on Another List http://post.ly/CkI3 #
- RT @laurelgeis: I follow a bazillion people and @stevewhitaker is the only one who consistently makes me laugh outloud. [agreed] #
- @drpnet Will Charlottesville/CAAR vote to send MLS data to RPR? Will this have to be done for *each* MLS? #RPR #NAR09 #
- @Ines @tyr It's both, IMHO #nar09 in reply to Ines #
- @andrew_tillman Were there really nearly 1k people in the Future of MLS thing on Friday? #nar09 in reply to andrew_tillman #
- Text of S.1731 as Introduced in Senate: Preserving Homes and Communities Act of 2009 http://post.ly/CjxF #
- RT @LNTB: RT @paulmobley: #RPR MUST be involved in advancing global standards ! #NAR09 read "The World Is Flat" plz http://bit.ly/15ftjl #
- @sbonert I'd say that consumers want response in less than 5 minutes. #nar09 in reply to sbonert #
- Free concert in Crozet tonight – USAF Heritage of America Band's Langley Winds http://bit.ly/3kwpM7 #
- RT @pamela_kabati: RT @PhxREguy: Dear NAR BoD members on Twitter: Please support the recommendations of MLS Committee. Pretty please. #nar09 #
- If all govt ran w/ the efficiency & vigor of City of Charlottesville's parking police, there would be no recession #
- @cvillehub what is the goal of the Cville Hub? in reply to cvillehub #
- Life is good. My blogging software works again. #
- RT @serkes: RT @housechick: "i used to like people, but i've been in real estate for a long time." (via @tboard) #nardiego [love @tboard] #
- @mattfowler And thanks for listening, sincerely. in reply to mattfowler #
- @mattfowler Thanks, Matt. Is it accurate to say that the feed hasn't been updating since 11/5? in reply to mattfowler #
- Wait, is it April Fools? Did the Redskins really win today? #
- @JonathanK At the Hyatt in the left tower on the 2nd floor. in reply to JonathanK #
- @EricStegemann @CRTweet The CRT surface was pretty sweet in reply to EricStegemann #
- MLS co, Solid Earth, has chosen to allow our IDX feed to not update since 11/5. As they don't listen to Twitter, they don't know we're angry #
- @mattdollinger I see your music & raise you Phish,Trees on Fire,George Strait&Reba, TLG Guthrie Family(!), John Mayer http://bit.ly/3vunN8 #
- RT @mayaREguru: RT @mexatua: We are only young once, but we can be immature indefinitely. [w00t, where do I sign up?] [Amen] #
- And what is this "rain" of which I heard reference while I was gone? It's a beautiful sunny morning in Central Virginia! #
- Safe and sound in Richmond. Looking forward to seeing my family. #
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