Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Agenda – 2 December 2009

There’s a whole lot of important stuff on the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors’ agenda next week – the bold parts are most interesting to me.

The next Albemarle County Board of Supervisors meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 starting at 9:00 a.m. in the Lane Auditorium, County Office Building, McIntire Road.

The following items are on the agenda:

– Recognition: VML Go Green Virginia Award
– Proclamation in Support of Census 2010

Public Hearings:
– Ordinance Approving U.S. Route 29 and Hydraulic Road Official Map
– Proposal to amend the Albemarle County Service Authority Jurisdictional Area
ZTA-2009-015. Nonconforming Lots
– 09-03( ) – Agricultural and Forestal Districts

In addition…

– Establish Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Cost Recovery Billing Rates
– Work Session: Five Year Financial Plan

– Hatton Ferry – Acceptance of donation from VDOT and transfer to nonprofit entity

The Board will then recess and reconvene at 3:30 p.m. in Room 241 for a Joint Meeting with the School Board. They will discuss the following items:

– Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Oversight Committee Recommendations
– Proposed Voluntary Early Retirement Incentive Plan (VERIP) Amendments
– FY 2010-11 Budget Issues

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