Vineyards in Albemarle are Good – Right?

It seems that well enough may not be left alone; Cathy Harding reports in this week’s C-Ville:

Recent discussions between the Albemarle County Planning Department and county wineries raise questions about exactly what comprises normal activity at a winery—and even, to a degree, what constitutes a farm winery, itself. Planners want to bring the county’s current zoning ordinance in line with the State Code that regulates farm wineries. It seems that, so far at least, the language and stipulations they’ve come up with are leaving a sour taste in the mouths of some local wine professionals.

It boils down to three areas of concern: hours of operation; limits on numbers of people that can attend winery events without a zoning variance; and, as mentioned, the definition of farm wineries as well as agritourism.

My first question is, have there been any complaints about the vineyards? What is the motivation behind possibly revising these rules?

Charlottesville-area vineyards are good, arguably great for the Charlottesville-Albemarle region; why mess with a good thing? Does Albemarle really want to put itself at a competitive disadvantage with regards to neighboring localities?

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