Friday Chart – Price Changes in Charlottesville MSA – 12-4-2009

Continuing my mostly-regularly scheduled Friday Chart series where we look at a snippet of data of the Charlottesville real estate market …

This week we’re looking at price changes in the Charlottesville MSA* – not necessarily price reductions, but price changes. There is no way to search solely by price reductions in the Charlottesville MLS.

For the properties coming on the market, anecdotally I’m noticing that more are priced to the market, rather than priced to what the seller needs or wants. We’re not “there” yet, but maybe we’re on our way.

For 2009 versus 2008, for the previous seven days – there were 62 price changes versus 23 changes.

Looking at a wider timeline, this time 1 November through 4 December 2009 and 5 December 2008:

For 2009 versus 2008, for the previous seven days – there were 262 price changes this year versus 157 during the same time period last year.

* Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Nelson

* For consistency’s sake, I included all statuses – active, contingent, pending, withdrawn, expired and sold.

* PDFs of the price changes for 2009, and a few more charts, are after the jump.

All Friday Charts here.


Price changes – Charlottesville MSA – 2009

Price changes – Charlottesville MSA – 2008

The data below is still not as accurate as it will be, as the Charlottesville and Albemarle real estate markets do not have (and didn’t in the “boom” years) sufficient transactional volume to make all of these charts as trend-able as they are in other markets. For example, one or two big listings can skew all of the data … But please let me know what you think. I welcome and frequently incorporate your feedback.

* “Condo” in this context = attached + condo

If you’re interested in receiving these reports every month, please sign up below. Honestly, I think these charts are useful and cool; while they are still a work-in-progress as the data is still being analyzed, I think the trend lines are becoming more accurate.

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