Twitter Week in Review

  • WTH is the House Doing? – House Helps to Pick College Football No. 1 #
  • I've been up for too long this morning. #
  • I just became the mayor of anytime fitness crozet on @foursquare! #
  • RT @Murylizbef: I love Charlottesville, VA. No place like it…possible move one day? Maybe, just maybe… [Cville does have that effect] #
  • Charlottesville has a red balloon! More at CNET #
  • @cvillenewscom I see current gov't as self-serving, intrusive & incompetent. Due largely to the people's ignorance & complacency in reply to cvillenewscom #
  • @cvillenewscom I like the false quote better. The constitution may set the rules for govt, but govt machine may overtake constitution in reply to cvillenewscom #
  • RT @Steve_Simon: Bill Clinton said this, "You can't say you love your country and hate your government." I believe he was wrong… #TCOT #
  • @PhxREguy @larrymcgee there's a market (at least for a website) for sharing best practices/tools of indie/small brokerages. Beuller? in reply to PhxREguy #
  • @PhxREguy @TomRoyce @ProfessionalOne amazing thing is how many overbuilt brokerages have withstood this market. in reply to PhxREguy #
  • RT @revealreal: Why is it hard to get reliable real estate market comps in Central America (and what to do about it) – #
  • @Swanepoel I'm curious how those brands credibly define themselves. In 45 seconds or less in reply to Swanepoel #
  • Correction: it's snowing #
  • Off to help my wife and the rest of the elves with the Toy Lift. #cville #toylift #
  • @jessicaleap Crozet is wet. in reply to jessicaleap #
  • RT @crozette: It was rain in Crozet but now that we're in Greenwood it is definitely snow!Cars coming from the west have actual accumulation #
  • @chrisbrogan And the question is – what is the alternative? Is there one? in reply to chrisbrogan #
  • @chrisbrogan we seem to trust Google more than we do any other entity – Gov't, friends, spouses, banks. Terrifying, really. What if? in reply to chrisbrogan #
  • RT @chrisbrogan: Want a shiver? Think about what would happen if someone had ALL the data you've ever given Google.Mail. Voice. Accounts.etc #
  • Go hoos #uva #soccer #
  • Wondering if the UVA soccer fans can out-cheer the Maryland fans tonight. MD's are pretty boisterous #
  • RT @jessicachapin: Seriously jealous of all the snow tweets. Crossing my fingers that Charlottesville sees some of that action! [Ditto] #
  • Just got off the phone with a fellow from New Zealand,who owns a farm in Nellysford;called to tell me my focus on walkability is right on #
  • By far my favorite comment of the day #
  • @seantubbs @outskirts It's really quite embarrassing that the prospect of 2 inches of snow closes things in Charlottesville in reply to seantubbs #
  • RT @outskirts: 2-4 inches of snow sat. the village is panic mode. bread, milk, toilet paper vanishing from shelves. school closings on mon? #
  • Bundling up to watch UVA soccer tonight #
  • Old Trail to get night-friendly parking lot lights But still no comments allowed on the blog? #
  • Go ahead and laugh at us, Chicago, New York, Minnesota etc. #
  • @PhxREguy it'd be nice if the gov't just got the hell out of the way. The only thing they do that is non-partisan is screw up in reply to PhxREguy #
  • RT @PhxREguy: The Government: Let’s help people buy homes! No wait. Let’s make it harder. New Rules for FHA mortgages #
  • RT @ussoccer: So all the groups are set: Again, GROUP C is England, #USMNT, Algeria and Slovenia [you got your wish @seantubbs] #
  • It might look like a lot of board games #toylift #
  • @JonathanK pretty soon, no one will know what "yellow pages" are. #evolutionofbusiness #internetwins in reply to JonathanK #
  • RT @JonathanK: Just got told by a Yellow Book sales guy 'Nobody knows who the hell you are.' Not. Good. Sales. Strategy. #
  • Think it's pretty cool that kids from Walker Upper Elementary are helping at "Toy Land". Helping is cool #cville #toylift #
  • RT @daveepperly: anyone in #charlottesville #c-ville in on this? #
  • Charlottesville tweeps – where are folks watching the World Cup draw?! #
  • RT @CHOAirport: Yes VA, that little tiny but very cool looking military jet doing touch & go's is the noise you hear. #
  • Toy Lift distribution center – aka "Toy Land" #
  • Toy Lift 2009 #
  • @chadratliff Not there yet. There are pockets of stability, but it takes real analysis & time to determine/conclude that in reply to chadratliff #
  • Information Assymetry Advantages #
  • Fun with Friday charts – price changes in Charlottesville MSA #
  • Watching my wife stress about the Toy Lift tomorrow. #fb #
  • Tried & failed. Realized that I cannot rock a tie amongst people I know – it's too much of a shock – for them & me #
  • Operation Air, Land, and Speed Resumes Friday; Focus on I-64 and I-66 #
  • Now this is cool – World Cup games to be filmed in 3D #
  • Whenever I see someone portraying themselves as "experts" my first question is "what are you selling"? #
  • @sgoadhouse I wish I'd seen this before. Darn it. I'm out $16 with nothing to show for it. in reply to sgoadhouse #
  • I'm at Nest Real Estate Group (126 Garrett St, Suite E, 2nd Street, Charlottesville). #
  • RT @cvilletomorrow: Facing new state cuts, County officials hope to avoid delay for Jarmans Gap road improvements #
  • @RecycleNRV Office Depot iin Cville does. I bought the box – $16 and they took care of the rest. Not sure the karmic ROI is there. in reply to RecycleNRV #
  • Tempted to toss this old tv on the side of the road; it's remarkably difficult to recycle it! #
  • RT @twtvite_alert: @jimduncan Friendly reminder: Crozet Lunch Tweetup is in a week! #
  • Correction: Crutchfield no longer recycles electronics except for special event "recycling days" #
  • Recycling an old TV thanks, Crutchfield (@ Crutchfield) #
  • Thinking about the answer to this question "how's the Charlottesville real estate market?". There is no one answer. #
  • RT @JohnDMcClung: A contrarian on home price increases. [only to those whose optimism isn't self-serving] #
  • RT @Will_Burns: Ha! RT @sernovitz: Now that Comcast owns NBC, 9 pm shows will be on sometime between 8 & 12, & they might not show up at all #
  • RT @DailyProgress: Interesting story from the TD: Medal of Honor recipient ordered to take down flag pole #
  • @juphoff I never knew there were degrees or levels of "seriousness" re: honor until I paid a little bit of attention to UVA's honor system in reply to juphoff #
  • @1000wattmarc Until the consumer starts challenging Realtors on crap pictures, crap pictures will continue their prevalence in reply to 1000wattmarc #
  • If this were to pass UVA will have no honor system #
  • I'm at anytime fitness crozet (375 four leaf lane #106, 250 west, Charlottesville). #
  • Might try to make it to #FirstWednesdays tonight, but out tomorrow & Friday night as well. Bother. #
  • @NRVLiving what am I missing? Sounds like tons of fun in reply to NRVLiving #
  • RT @homegainnation: Pick the phrase that a potential buyer would use if they wanted to buy a home like your listing #raincamp [cheap] #
  • It pains me to hear NAR talk so positively about the homebuyer tax credit. Where's the "money" coming from again? #nar #
  • NAR lobbyist talking about Tom Perriello, "he votes what he thinks is right" – I disagree w/ Tom a lot, but he has conviction & integrity #
  • RT @SarahStelmok: @JimDuncan @NRVLiving you guys paid for this? [I did, darn it. And now I'm going to puke] #
  • RT @NRVLiving: Seriously? How many commercials are we gonna sit through today? [& to think we paid for this] #
  • RT @DRPnet: RT @NeilSWilliamson: Albemarle BOS arguing if they have been business friendly over the last 10 years. (Short argument) #
  • RT @Ribeezie: RT @BLANKSPACES: 6 Reasons to Start Coworking – From Mashable: #
  • Looking at the NAR profile of Home Buyers & Sellers 2009. I find it hard to believe that English is primary language spoken by 96% of buyers #
  • Saying "I'm sorry" is neither groundbreaking nor should it be portrayed as such.It's common sense, courtesy & the right & human thing to do #
  • Realizing how much I value not being able to be labeled via Myers-Briggs. #
  • Discovering Urbanism: Overheard in a coffeeshop #
  • @NRVLiving @bkmcae I signed up for "Select Guest" and got access in reply to NRVLiving #
  • @robhahn I'm thinking that having less than 10% of membership aware is beneficial to #RPR success in reply to robhahn #
  • @bkmcae is there a wireless code so we can get free wireless? #
  • @cvilletomorrow where is the student housing in rural areas? Is this a problem now? in reply to cvilletomorrow #
  • RT @G2Architecture: @JimDuncan indeed, common sense green saves the builder and client money! [We need more common sense] #
  • RT @SarahStelmok: Shut the front door! I get to hear a motivational speaker! WhooHoo! (Sarcasm) [cynic.] #
  • @G2Architecture I have clients building an Earthcraft house now. Builder's going that route for more than green reasons – more economic in reply to G2Architecture #
  • RT @GetOpenSpace: for @GetOpenSpace 🙂 RT @stenoknight How I justify investing in #coworking space: (via @sajego) #in #
  • @G2Architecture further – global warming is politicized & debatable; spending less $ isn't in reply to G2Architecture #
  • @G2Architecture I'd argue that fewer than 10% of my clients care beyond saving money. Green is a bonus. in reply to G2Architecture #
  • @ABrement @sajego confirmed with fardowners. Twtvite on in reply to ABrement #
  • It's funny that #RPR is being portrayed as a foregone conclusion when (afaik) contracts w/ MLSs & terms of use aren't done yet #
  • @G2Architecture green efficient design matters to consumers if it saves $. Green for the sake of green doesn't sell to avg consumer in reply to G2Architecture #
  • Fewer than 10% of Realtors here had heard of #rpr #
  • NAR national numbers are mostly meaningless regarding the Charlottesville real estate market. #
  • RT @cloudbrain: CVILLE: First Wednesdays TONIGHT at Escafe Please RT! #
  • A full day ahead of mingling with Virginia Realtors. #
  • Dinner and drinks with @bkmcae @drodio @nrvliving @rvabusiness at Blue Mountain Brewery. Good beer, good friends. in reply to bkmcae #
  • Just paid two parking tickets online to City of Charlottesville. My they make taking money easy. #
  • @zipvogreg @TomRoyce unfortunately, from a law standpoint it appears he's being treated the way the common man *should* be treated in reply to zipvogreg #
  • RT @TomRoyce: RT @zipvogreg: I'm so sick of hearing about Tiger Woods! HELLO MEDIA,Don't you get it? Celebrities are treated different! Amen #
  • @drodio @nrvliving @VARbuzz @rvabusiness Works for me. 'tho I'll be there at 6. 🙂 #
  • Confirmed. Crozet Tweetup 12/10 at noon. Fardowners. RSVP/site coming soon #
  • RT @terek55: RT @toylift: We hope to see all of Charlottesville at the Toy Lift! 7AM-8PM ,12/4 at the Fashion Square Mall. Thanks!! #
  • RT @IsaacWood: Ideas on where to get fresh curry leaves in Charlottesville? Whole Foods didn't have them… [Foods of all Nations?] #
  • I guess the whole "element of surprise" isn't a valued military strategy anymore #
  • @ABrement: @jimduncan @sajego @terek55 @suzysaidcville Crozet Tweetup – Noon – 12/10 – Location? in reply to ABrement #
  • @ABrement Crozet Tweetup – lunch or happy hour next week? in reply to ABrement #
  • @sashafarmer I'm partial to Fardowners, but Jarmans Gap is good as is Da Lucas. What are you looking for? in reply to sashafarmer #
  • @rvabusiness @nrvliving @bkmcae Leadership summit – Blue Mountain Brewery – 6pm ism in reply to rvabusiness #
  • Working at Trailside Coffee this morning, waiting on a phone call from an overseas client. #
  • Attempting to reinvigorate the Charlottesville VMI Alumni Chapter. DM or @ me if you're interested. #
  • @bkmcae @rvabusiness @nrvliving I heard there's a leadership meeting tomorrow at Blue Mtn Brewery at 6 ish in reply to bkmcae #
  • The most frightening thing about Tiger Woods' accident #
  • @mattcase Now if I could just get some darn kids to help me with my blog, I'd be in good shape. *Shaking fist at myself* in reply to mattcase #
  • Curses. #
  • @chadratliff helpful as well. One criteria recent clients have used is % of free/reduced lunch kids in reply to chadratliff #
  • @chadratliff Don't make everything a PDF; have a map to check school district w/in 1 click. Have scores w/in 2 clicks. Still looking in reply to chadratliff #
  • Working on something right now where Google Wave would be perfect; shame the other two folks don't have it #
  • @rqd @rqd As much as I hate conspiracy theories, this one seems to make sense: #
  • RT @KrisBerg: Now, that is funny. #
  • I was hoping to work at home today, but alas, I need to go to town to do one thing in anticipation of a closing. Such is life. 🙂 #
  • re: Tiger Woods – who cares? Here are 2 things that are actually consequential: #
  • @toddwaller @JimDuncan @ProfessionalOne @MarcTheRealtor. & that is root of the problem. In RE "pros" & "pretenders" are paid the same in reply to toddwaller #
  • @Emarieg on the bright side, your destination is Charlottesville! in reply to Emarieg #
  • @ProfessionalOne @MarcTheRealtor public doesn't care where the information comes from. Frankly, I prefer the info interpretation business in reply to ProfessionalOne #
  • For the first time in years I actually almost took a couple days off for Thanksgiving; thus I'm looking forward to the new week #
  • My kids' teacher won't let them use wikipedia for research as "everything's not accurate there" – where *is* "everything" accurate? #
  • @SearsDeals Thanks; the one I'm looking for isn't here; the one where they talk about saving enough $ on the washer to pay for the dryer in reply to SearsDeals #
  • RT @DavidGibbons #
  • @CBS19 Nothing on the UVA-Portland soccer game today? UVA's keeper had two world-class saves today; saved the game #
  • @johnchapin I'm right across from you. I'm thinking the line ref on your side needs a refresher on what "offsides" means in reply to johnchapin #
  • Klockner Stadium in Charlottesville #
  • Sign of the recession – UVA is charging $5 to park at the soccer game!? #
  • RT @DanielPink: NYT: If obesity fell to its 1987 level, that would free enough $ to cover all the nation’s uninsured. #
  • It is a ridiculously beautiful morning in Crozet. Sunny and warm. #
  • @SearsDeals are your commercials online anywhere? I'm trying to find one I saw the other day. #
  • Coffee, quiet and CSPAN. #

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