Prepping to Sell a House in Charlottesville

Here are some stories for sellers to to read to prepare for the selling and marketing process..


Hey, Jim Duncan here with and .

It’s Winter, the first week of December here in Charlottesville and I’m starting to get the e-mails and the queries from people who are thinking about putting their houses on the market in Spring. Now, in my mind, the Spring real estate market really starts now and ramps up late January, early February and March is high time in the Charlottesville area match day when the medical residents find out where they’re going to be.  It is a huge component of our market.

Now is the time to start thinking about it.  

– Start looking at what your mortgage payoff may be.

– Start looking at the projects that you’ve meant to do for the last few years that if you’re going to be selling your house in the Spring really need to be done.  

– Houses need to be in the closest state of perfection as possible in this market because it’s going to become super competitive come Spring.  

So if you’re thinking about putting your house on the market in the Spring, start looking at how realtors are marketing homes. Start getting a short list of realtors you would want to interview in January and February before you put your house on the market. Start asking questions of your friends and family because really and truly marketing a home is becoming much more work. It’s more competitive and you have to have more information out there.  

So in short, the Spring market starts in January and February. If you’re thinking about putting your house on the market, start interviewing realtors, asking them questions, reading their blogs. I have one. I happen to be a realtory. But really it’s a time when you need good, sound, professional advice to help you develop a pricing strategy and a project strategy of things that will bring you the best return on your investment if you’re getting your house ready for the market. And that’s it.

If you have any questions, Jim Duncan, (434)242-7140. Have a good day.

Also … Price Matters.

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  1. TrvlnMn December 10, 2009 at 01:02

    That hat looks like something you would find in the pacific northwest. Not trying to pass any sort of judgement or anything. It just looks the way it looks.

    Keep up the good work Jim.

  2. Jim Duncan October 28, 2010 at 15:44

    My favorite seasons are late fall and winter – beard and hat weather! I’ve added a few hats to my inventory this year, too!


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