This Should be Fun – Raising the Bar

Or … #RTB as the conversation has become known on Twitter and on the Google Wave conversation. Now the conversation moves to blogtalkradio. Talking about raising the bar within the real estate world is one thing.

Mobilizing to actually effect change is another.

From the Professional One Franchising blog:

You can listen to the portion of the show that dealt with the # RTB issue here. In response to this interesting experience, I’d like to say the following:

  • First and foremost, thank you to Maya, Diane and Lesley for inviting me onto the show. And thanks to Stefan, Bill and the callers into the show who – along with our gracious hostesses – made the show interesting and dynamic.
  • Second, I was encouraged by the level of passion and energy inherent in the conversation. The prevailing theme that I took away from the experience was “for the most part, we agree that the bar DOES need to be raised in real estate…but how, my what means, and by whom?”
  • Finally, we at Professional One have decided to continue the conversation in this format and have created “Raise the Bar” radio, which you can find at We plan to kick the show off with our inaugural broadcast in early February (details to follow on Twitter), and the following guests have already graciously agreed to appear on the show:

Raising the Bar is another reason that we at Nest have such high standards for our agents.

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1 Comment

  1. Todd Waller January 25, 2010 at 15:01


    Thanks for being an active part of this conversation on raising the bar of professionalism in real estate! Without a doubt, your clients are well served by your attention to their needs and goals in their real estate transactions.

    As well, thanks for agreeing to join us on the “broadcast!” @ProfessionalOne and I look forward to the discussion.


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