Date Archives January 2010

Should I get Three Competitive Market Analyses?

The best may not be the highest, in fact, the worst may be the highest because that realtor may be trying to buy your listing and then in three months come and say: well, you know, we really kind of missed it, let’s reduce the price. You want to try and price it right from day one, as challenging as that may be and the worst may be the lowest because that realtor may be trying to just get a quick sale and not look out for your best interest. … Look at the amount of inventory in your segment of the market and look at those trends, the pricing trends, the market trends and anything that I can look at and then what I do after I come to my conclusions of a price range and look at my market plan, I give everything to my potential client so that they can see what I’m looking at and so that I can back up my advice. Ultimately the decision is my clients, but I want to make sure that they are as educated as possible on what my marketing strategies are and what my pricing strategy is because again, it’s not my money we’re talking about or my life, it’s my clients.

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Bus, Bike and Walk around Charlottesville

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The Virginia General Assembly is Upon Us

Much of, if not most, negotiating seems to be done behind closed doors and in hallways, but occasionally the citizens can impact legislation 🙂 Here’s my process: Look at the newest bills every day or three .

…These legislators really want to control whether we use our phones/communication devices while driving: – Wireless telecommunications devices; prohibits talking on such device unless in hands-free mode.

…Let’s see if our legislators try to put forth dumba*s legislation this year, like they did last year – Real Estate Brokers Can stop Learning after 15 years . – The bill thankfully failed as it was left in committee.

… absentee ballot absentee voting administration advertising aerospace alcohol assault automobile ballot bank board boat bond bpol bristol budget business calendar car charter children college commendation commerce committee concealed congress constitution constitutional amendment contract court crime criminal custody death dgif dillon rule disability disclosure divorce doctor driving drugs duffield early voting economy education elderly election elections electricity employment ems energy environment felony finance fire firearm fishing foia franklin governor gps gun handgn handgun health health care health insurance healthcare highway housing income tax insurance internet isle of wight judge judicial oversight legislature lending license license plate loan locality marriage medicaid medicine mental health military native american noise nottoway parent payday lending permission pharmacist pharmacy physician police prison privacy property property tax property tax relief public safety railroad real estate referendum registrar regulation richmond river safety sbe school school board sex small business sol southampton sports study suffolk sunlight tax tax credit tax cut teacher telephone telework transparency transportation trash unemployment university utility vci vehicle veteran voting vre waste weapon will

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Choosing Where to Live – What’s Important?

Hint: The house is secondary, and why when working with buyers, we start with areas before houses … Good story at the Wall Street Journal Juggle blog : A recent survey tackled the question of what bonds us to the places we live, and its findings suggest the quality of our juggle is a more influential factor than economists might think. Given a choice, most people don’t care as much about the local economy as they do about the social offerings, physical beauty and openness of a locale, says a recently released survey of about 14,000 people in 26 communities by Gallup and the Knight Foundation.

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Process of Buying a Home in Charlottesville

It’s really simple when you condense it this way and it’s actually much more complex , but for our purposes, here’s how it goes: first I think it’s important to choose a buyer broker , one who you choose and trust. … Then it’s a matter of finding homes and searching for homes online and off and then once we start looking at homes together, really it’s important for me to see your reaction so that you can learn what you like and dislike in homes and I can read your body language and hear your comments about what you like and dislike about the home and the location, etc., etc., Then once you find a home that you like, we put together an offer, do the negotiating process and once we get to a contract, it’s a matter of getting the home inspection done if you so choose, septic inspection, and all this stuff done within that window. … The next milestone is getting the loan commitment whereby we have the appraisal which is done by a third party where they hopefully accurately appraise the market value of the home and once we get the loan commitment out of the way, it’s a matter of proceeding to closing. At some point prior to that you will have chosen an attorney or title company to either represent you and your best interest in the case of an attorney or do the paper work for closing in the case of a title company.

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New Charlottesville MLS Market Reports

Our MLS, Solid Earth, has just released some new statistical reports. They’re pretty darn great. Unfortunately, they are for the entire MLS – not just Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Lousia and Nelson. As far as I can tell – this is the Moving Median Price for the past five years for the entire MLS … which incorporates way more than just the Charlottesville MSA. Charlottesville MLS Moving Median Prices for past 5 years And this is the the Moving Average for the past five years: Charlottesville MLS Moving Average Prices for past 5 years

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March 18 2010 – UVA Match Day

A place that is close enough to see family within a days’ drive, you know, a place with few earth quakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, kinda like the BEST OF EVERYTHING?!

…Match Day 2009 – March 19 Match Day 2008 – March 20 Usually , Medical Residents coming to the University of Virginia Medical Center are looking for homes in either the City of Charlottesville or County of Albemarle under $300k. … If you think you’re going to match at the University of Virginia and have questions about the area that you may not have found the answers to online, please feel free to contact me with any questions . If you’re putting Charlottesville at the top of your list and have questions about relocating to Charlottesville, please take a look at this work-in-progress page . (here’s a tip: “Charlottesville” frequently means “Charlottesville, Albemarle, Greene, Fluvanna, Nelson and/or Louisa” Most likely, you will be targeting Charlottesville, Albemarle, and maybe parts of Greene and Fluvanna )

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