Talkin’ about Raising the Bar

Within the real estate industry. If you’re curious or interested in the ongoing conversation about raising the standards of professionalism within the real estate industry, tune in to Blog Talk Radio tomorrow to hear the first in what promises to be a brilliant series of conversations (myself excluded).

Raise the Bar on Blog Talk Radio. Tuesday 9 February at 2pm EST.

From ethics to contract-writing to putting photos in the MLS, there are no real (enforced or enforceable) standards of professionalism in the real estate profession. (One of the many ways that Nest Real Estate Group is different )


For a primer on this conversation, spend ten minutes reading this fantastic discussion.

Update 10 February 2010: If you have an hour to kill, you can listen to the Raising the Bar show.

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1 Comment

  1. David Meek February 14, 2010 at 17:18

    Jim: Great interview on BlogTalk. Perhaps the best way to raise the bar in our industry is to do exactly what you are doing…solid consumer web resource, open dialogue and transparent communication with clients in a free market environment. Those who would underserve the consumer couldn’t compete if others adapted your philosphy. I will keep checking back for updates on your site and will definitely keep you in mind for Charlottesville referrals. All the best, David


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