Internet and Tech Companies in Charlottesville?

First Wednesdays wants to hear from you.

If you are part of an internet company, design / development firm or startup project in Charlottesville, we’d love to hear from you. The goal of First Wednesdays is to grow the internet / startup community in town by highlighting companies and hosting networking events. Help us find you!

The Charlottesville is consistently rated as a great place to live, and is a destination location for buyers and families and people who choose to live in Charlottesville* and work elsewhere – whether in Los Angeles, Denver, New York … and live in Charlottesville.

I’m curious to learn just how many internet and tech firms there are in the Charlottesville area. HighTech Cville, which seems to be a site by OpenSource Connections, lists 405 organizations in Charlottesville.

* Usually Charlottesville/Albemarle.

(Visited 28 times, 1 visits today)


  1. Daniel February 12, 2010 at 16:23

    Thanks Jim!

    1. Jim February 14, 2010 at 08:52

      You’re quite welcome. I think we all benefit from the collective success of our tech firms/industries/people.

  2. Julie from Toronto February 13, 2010 at 16:53

    I ran through your post and stopeed by a sentence that a Charlottesville is a great place to live in when you work in L.A. Maybe it’s because of my Canadian point of view, but I personally checked where your town is and I really don’t understand what you meant with that. Maybe it was just a kind of “in-joke” I didn’t understand.
    Anyway, take care,

    1. Jim February 14, 2010 at 16:58

      Julie –

      No “in-joke” at all. Charlottesville is regarded as a great place to live – by many, many publications – and our being a great place to live has led to people choosing to live here and telecommute to their jobs that are elsewhere.

  3. Eric Pugh March 19, 2010 at 12:02

    Glad you found HighTechCville useful! Love to hear any feedback on how it could be more useful, its mostly a research project for me in search and clustering of data. And networking here in town 😉


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